
Шокирующий сайт

External References

Goatse.cx – Goatse (no longer in service)

Wikipedia – Goatse

Urban Dictionary – Goatse

Enclyclopedia Dramatica Goatse (NSFW)

Gawker – Finding Goatse: The Mystery Man Behind the Most Disturbing Internet Meme in History

Google Books –

Scotsman – Lazy Guide to Net Culture: NSFW

YouTube – A Message from the Goatse Lawyer

/r/dogecoin – Breaking Internet News: Infamous website Goatse.cx is now am official Dogecoin Shibe

The Verge – Goatse.cx pivots again to become a Dogecoin supporter

ShutterStock – It’s ON! The road to $4000 a month starts today!

ShutterStock – Michael-John Wolfe’s Portfolio


Goatse is an iconic internet meme that has been around for decades. Its shock value and its ability to be adapted to different contexts and situations have made it a popular and timeless image. Despite its controversial nature, Goatse remains a staple in internet culture, and its influence is still seen today.

Moreover, Goatse can be seen as a reflection of our society’s desensitization to what was once considered shocking or taboo. Over time, our society has grown accustomed to Goatse’s outrageousness; it is no longer as shocking as it once was.

Ultimately, Goatse is a reminder that nothing on the internet is permanent. What may seem outrageous today could become commonplace tomorrow. In an ever-changing landscape of technology, media, and culture, Goatse will always remain relevant – if only in spirit.

This concludes the discussion about the history and impact of the infamous internet meme known as “Goatse.”

Popular books

  • Book of Revelation — The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament, and consequently is also the final book of the Christian Bible. Its title is derived from the first word of the Koine Greek text: apok…
  • Book of Genesis — account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, Israel’s ancestors and the origins…
  • Gospel of Matthew — The Gospel According to Matthew is the first book of the New Testament and one of the three synoptic gospels. It tells how Israel’s Messiah, rejected and executed in Israel, pronounces judgement on …
  • Michelin Guide — Michelin Guides are a series of guide books published by the French tyre company Michelin for more than a century. The term normally refers to the annually published Michelin Red Guide , the oldest…
  • Psalms — The Book of Psalms , commonly referred to simply as Psalms , the Psalter or «the Psalms», is the first book of the Ketuvim , the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and thus a book of th…
  • Ecclesiastes — Ecclesiastes is one of 24 books of the Tanakh , where it is classified as one of the Ketuvim . Originally written c. 450–200 BCE, it is also among the canonical Wisdom literature of the Old Tes…
  • The 48 Laws of Power — non-fiction book by American author Robert Greene. The book…

The Viral Spread of Goatse

The internet has been a platform for many things, from the revolutionary to the absurd. In 2000, one of the latter cases took off and spread like wildfire across forums and message boards: Goatse. The shock image, derived from a website featuring a man with his buttocks spread open, became an internet phenomenon that still holds shock value to this day.

The image first appeared on the now defunct goatse.cx website and quickly spread across 4chan and other image boards in various forms. It often circulated as a “shock link” that was sent out to unsuspecting netizens who clicked on it expecting something else entirely. The image was often accompanied by jokes or comments meant to shock or amuse those who saw it.

Goatse also served as an inspiration for numerous memes and other shock images, some of which still exist today. For example, there are numerous variations of the original image featuring different characters in humorous poses or situations. There are even websites dedicated to re-creating Goatse in various ways, such as with cartoons or video games.

It’s hard to deny the influence that Goatse has had on the internet over the years. Despite its shocking nature, it has become an iconic part of internet culture that still has people talking about it today. In some ways, Goatse serves as a reminder of how quickly certain things can spread around the web and how powerful images can be in conveying ideas or emotions from one person to another.


Goatse.cx had four sections, two of which had images intended to shock the viewer:

  • The «Receiver» page, titled «Eh», showing the aforementioned hello.jpg. Hello.jpg has the alt attribute «stinger». Since 2000, before the picture is the text in black, «The goatse.cx lawyer has informed us that we need a warning! So.. if you are under the age of 18 or find this photograph offensive, please don’t look at it. Thank you!» Newer versions of the site had links to http://www.dolphinsex.org/ and http://www.urinalpoop.org/, while older versions linked to http://www.biganal.com/ (all of which are now occupied by cybersquatters). The text below hello.jpg reads, «IMPORTANT NOTE: There are many merchandising attempts for goatse.cx around the web— none of them are real, none of them are official. Do not buy this gimmick merchandise. The official goatse.cx merchandise is coming soon!» The oldest versions had a counter tracking the number of visits.
  • The «Giver» page, titled «Woah», shows a picture (giver.jpg) of a man reclining in an orange convertible (later versions show him on a yacht or speedboat of some kind, with ocean or river waves in the background). He is depicted with an over-sized penis which reaches up to his chest, faked using photoshopping techniques. The website layout, bearing a man stretching his anus as «The Receiver» and a man with an oversized penis as «The Giver» contains an anal sex joke: that the receiver is stretching his anus so that the giver can insert his oversized penis into it.
  • The «Feedback» section, titled «Got mail?», exhibits emails that were sent to the site.
  • The «Contrib» section showcasing visitor contributions to the site. Contrib has additional variations of hello.jpg and giver.jpg, as well as other images and files. The title of this page is «Contributed Work».
    • bush.jpg is a picture of President of the United States George W. Bush, calling someone on a telephone in his office, with hello.jpg displayed on a laptop [[computer on his desk.
    • goatse-wwii.jpg is a picture of a large snowball, with «goatse.cx» written on the side, chasing Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo.
    • giver2.jpg is a picture of the Goatse giver holding his over-sized penis.
    • magiceye.jpg is a Magic Eye picture. The initial image, a legitimate autostereogram of a helix, changes after about 16 seconds to that of a lower resolution, 256 color version of hello.jpg. It attempts to fool viewers by exploiting the fact that, although the server sends a MIME type stating the filename is a JPEG image, the image is in fact an animated GIF.
    • warning.jpg is a warning sign picture telling people not to go to goatse.cx
    • goatsex.swf is a Flash Movie, set to the hook from «MMMBop» by Hanson. The movie shows a large dildo being inserted into the anus of the man posing in hello.jpg. The background is from another gap.zip picture, gap8.jpg. The photograph in this movie was taken at a different angle than hello.jpg, showing the man in the image from the side as opposed to the back.
    • Goatman.mp3 is an MP3 Music file. It takes up 518 KB.
    • Foxy_goatse.mp3 is another mp3 music file, a Frank Zappa-inspired parody of the Jimi Hendrix song Foxy Lady. It takes up 1061 KB.
    • goatsecx-winamp.zip is a ZIP file containing a Winamp skin, depicting hello.jpg. It takes up 313 KB.

Site suspension

On January 14, 2004, the domain goatse.cx was suspended by Christmas Island Internet Administration for AUP violations in response to a complaint, but many mirrors of the site are still available, and the image is displayed on many websites.

In January 2007, Christmas Island Internet Administration put the domain goatse.cx back into the pool of available domains. The domain was subsequently registered January 16th through domain registrar Variomedia and the current registrant tried to auction off the right to use the domain.

The goatse.cx domain name was reported sold at an auction on 30 April 2007 to an unknown bidder. According to seobidding.com, the first auction ended with fake bids so the auction was reactivated. This was again won by fake bidders, so Seobidding.com announced that the website would be sold for $500,000 and that legal action would be pursued against the fake bidders. On 2007-11-25 the site was for sale on seobidding; «goatse.cx asking: $50200 minimum.»

Control of the domain was passed to the secondary market, and has since been taken by domain squatters who are trying to sell the domain name for 10,000 euros.

Spread[edit | edit source]

Throughout the early 2000s, similar shock vandalisms and bait-and-switch pranks involving the image continued to flourish in chatrooms and message boards. On November 24th, 2000, the Goatse «Giver» and «Receiver» images were posted to the official Oprah Winfrey Message Boards in the Soul Stories board. Trystan T. Cotten and Kimberly Springer, the authors of Stories of Oprah: the Oprah-fication of American culture, later revealed that this «seemingly considerable male intrusion drove many of the women elsewhere, and the board was retired shortly afterwards.»

On September 30th, 2002, the earliest known Urban Dictionary definition for «Goatse» was submitted by user Bob Goatse, who described the term «goatse» as a colloquial verb when tricking someone into looking at the shock image: 1) To cause someone to inadvertently navigate to the website of the same name
Example: I thought it was link for Amazon, but after I clicked the link at work I realized I have been goatse’d.

The tech news forum Slashdot was also forced to alter its thread display method after its users started a recreational game out of misleading clueless readers into visiting Goatse.cx.

In April 2011, a photograph of an Audi billboard campaign made the rounds across internet humor blogs for its resemblance to the Goatse image.

Gay Nigger Association of America and Goatseedit | edit source

Main article: Goatse Security

The Goatse Security, sometimes known as GoatSec, is a hacker group that specializes in publicizing security flaws discovered by its members, including Andrew Weev Auernheimer, a member of the GNAA. The group, which derived its name from the Goatse.cx shock site, gained much notoriety in June 2010 for its involvement in a high profile AT&T data breach in which they obtained personal ID information of 114,000 iPad users.

Приостановление действия домена и продажа доменного имени

14 января 2004 г. доменное имя goatse.cx было приостановлено администрацией Интернета острова Рождества из-за нарушений Политики допустимого использования в ответ на жалобу, но многие зеркала сайта все еще доступны, оставаясь на многих других веб-сайтах. Остров Рождества житель подал жалобу , что привело к приостановке goatse.cx по имени домена .

В январе 2007 года интернет-администрация острова Рождества вернула домен goatse.cx в доступный пул доменов. Впоследствии домен был зарегистрирован 16 января через регистратора доменов Variomedia, и регистрант попытался продать с аукциона право на использование домена.

Ранняя попытка выставить домен на продажу через SEOBidding привела к тому, что резерв составил 120 долларов, что не было выполнено.

Сообщается, что доменное имя goatse.cx было продано на аукционе 30 апреля 2007 г. неизвестному участнику торгов. Согласно SEOBidding.com, первый аукцион закончился поддельными ставками, поэтому аукцион был возобновлен. Его снова выиграли поддельные участники торгов, поэтому в июле SEOBidding.com объявил, что веб-сайт будет продан за 500 000 долларов и что против поддельных участников торгов будет возбужден судебный иск . 25 ноября 2007 г. и по состоянию на июнь 2010 г. сайт все еще продавался, он был указан как «goatse.cx Запрашиваемая: минимум 50 200 долларов».

В выпуске информационного бюллетеня Рика Латоны «Daily Domains» от 21 октября 2009 г. домен goatse.cx рекламировался для продажи по запрашиваемой цене в 15 000 долларов, отмечая, что это «известный сайт с множеством обратных ссылок ».

По состоянию на 16 мая 2010 г. сайт снова стал активным, и на нем было объявлено:

На странице было представлено стилизованное изображение , на котором изображена пара серебряных роботизированных рук, «растягивающих» металлический круглый проем в стене в футуристической фабричной обстановке. Позже в мае на goatse.cx была размещена новая страница с заявленной целью предоставления услуг электронной почты на сайте, на которой был изображен набросок с руками, широко разводящими взгляд на почтовом конверте .

В июле 2011 года goatse.cx не изменился, в то время как www. goatse.cx начал перенаправлять на веб-хостинговую компанию.

Провайдер электронной почты

В ноябре 2012 года было объявлено, что домен goatse.cx был приобретен новым владельцем, который рекламировал предстоящую службу веб-почты, которая дает пользователям доступ к адресам электронной почты goatse.cx.

Козья монета

По состоянию на январь 2014 года goatse.cx готовился к запуску собственной криптовалюты Goatse Coin. По состоянию на август 2014 года на сайте YouTube показано видео, продвигающее dogecoin .

Popular books

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  • Book of Genesis — account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, Israel’s ancestors and the origins…
  • Gospel of Matthew — The Gospel According to Matthew is the first book of the New Testament and one of the three synoptic gospels. It tells how Israel’s Messiah, rejected and executed in Israel, pronounces judgement on …
  • Michelin Guide — Michelin Guides are a series of guide books published by the French tyre company Michelin for more than a century. The term normally refers to the annually published Michelin Red Guide , the oldest…
  • Psalms — The Book of Psalms , commonly referred to simply as Psalms , the Psalter or «the Psalms», is the first book of the Ketuvim , the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and thus a book of th…
  • Ecclesiastes — Ecclesiastes is one of 24 books of the Tanakh , where it is classified as one of the Ketuvim . Originally written c. 450–200 BCE, it is also among the canonical Wisdom literature of the Old Tes…
  • The 48 Laws of Power — non-fiction book by American author Robert Greene. The book…

History of Goatse

Goatse is an infamous shock website that first appeared on the internet in 1999. It is one of the earliest known examples of “shock sites”, a type of website created to elicit a strong emotional reaction from its viewers. The website was hosted on an obscure domain and featured a picture of a man with his buttocks spread wide open. The site quickly gained notoriety and was widely shared, leading to it being banned from many online services and discussion forums. Despite its notoriety, Goatse remains an important piece of internet history and has been referenced in numerous books, films, and television shows.

Goatse was created by an anonymous individual with the intention of shocking people who stumbled across it. The site featured a single page with a photograph of a man spreading his buttocks wide open. This image quickly spread throughout the internet, becoming one of the earliest examples of “viral content” on the web. While some people found it humorous or harmless, others found it highly offensive or even obscene. As the image spread across online networks, it became increasingly difficult to avoid seeing it or being exposed to its content.

In response to public outcry against Goatse, several ISPs began blocking access to the site in 2000 and 2001. As more ISPs followed suit, access became increasingly difficult until eventually the site was no longer accessible from most places on the web. Despite this setback, Goatse still managed to maintain its notoriety as one of the most iconic shock sites in internet history. It has been referenced in various books, films, television shows and other media over the years.

Ultimately Goatse serves as an important reminder that some content can be shocking or inappropriate for certain audiences and should be handled carefully when sharing such content online. While not everyone may find Goatse humorous or entertaining, it still remains an important part of internet history and will continue to be remembered for years to come.

Stepping into the Abyss of Goatse: A Prologue to Internet Legends

The internet has always been known for its rapid spread of information and trends. It’s a breeding ground for viral content, exhibited by media sensations like spring breakers. For every innocuous video of a cat playing the piano or a child biting his brother’s finger, there’s a darker underbelly, a world where memes take an unexpected turn and viral phenomena take on a life of their own. An infamous example of this is ‘goatse’.

The enigma named ‘goatse’ needs an introduction as cryptic as its own nature. To delve into its depths means to venture into an unchartered territory of Internet subcultures. Originally stemming from the era of early internet, it left web users baffled, intrigued, and often repulsed. Let’s uncover the origin of this viral sensation.

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  1. ↑ Hernandez, Patricia. «Shit, Death, and Gore: How Shock Sites Shaped the Internet.» Vice, 5 Aug. 2016, https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnw7b/shit-death-and-gore-how-shock-sites-shaped-the-internet.
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20040531080510/http://www.nic.cx/complaints/goatse.cx/aup.noticeofcomplaint.pdf
  3. Grossman, Lev. «Goatse.cx Now For Sale (Seriously).» Wired, 9 Apr. 2007, http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/04/goatsecx_now_fo.html.
  4. «Goatse.cx.» SEO Bidding, archived from the original on 13 Jul. 2007, https://web.archive.org/web/20070713140015/http://www.seobidding.com/buy/auction/goatse.cx.
  5. Caraan, Sophie. «Goatse Keeps Trying to Make Money with Cryptocurrency.» Vice, 21 Feb. 2018, https://www.vice.com/en/article/xwbwa7/goatse-keeps-trying-to-make-money-with-cryptocurrency.
  6. Goatse.cx. Archived from the original on 24 March 2007. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  7. «Goatse.cx.» Internet Archive, archived from the original on 18 Dec. 2008, https://web.archive.org/web/20081218034824/http://goatse.cx/.
  8. «Goatse.cx.» Internet Archive, archived from the original on 21 Oct. 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20121021141400/http://signup.goatse.cx/.
  9. Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Penguin Books, 2001. Google Books, https://books.google.com/books?id=lVXnmsCCd3wC&q=goatse&pg=PA274.
  10. Waters, Richard. «What’s the Story Behind the Bill O’Reilly Goatse Image?» The Washington Post, 9 Jul. 2008, https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/09/AR2008070901983.html.
  11. «Goatse.» Sam Hocevar, archived from the original on 18 Jul. 2016, http://sam.zoy.org/goatse/.
  12. Mikkelson, David. «God Hands.» Snopes.com, 26 Aug. 2015, http://www.snopes.com/photos/natural/godhands.asp.
  13. Jumping on the bandwagon: OS X on x86 OMG by Scott McNulty, published on TUAW.com on August 12, 2005.
  14. Farivar, Cyrus. «The Greatest Internet Moments of All Time.» Gizmodo, 23 Jan. 2006, https://gizmodo.com/107940/macindell-part-quatre-the-ruby-goldmine.
  15. Goatse.cx and the Birth of the Internet Meme. Wired. 4 June 2007. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  16. Anderson, Chris. The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. Hyperion, 2006. Google Books, https://books.google.com/books?id=ElswmhzTc8cC&pg=PA59.
  17. Leyden, John (4 June 2007). BBC hit by mass website attack. The Register. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  18. Goatse Security. Archived from the original on 15 June 2010. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  19. Haddon, Heather. «Atlanta Drivers Stunned by Lewd Image on Digital Billboard.» USA Today, 12 May 2015, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/05/12/lewd-image-digital-billboard-atlanta/27163101/.


  1. ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module ‘strict’ not found. Links to complaint.
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Goatse CX- what’s the hype about anyways

So we know that there’s an explicit picture at stake here. However, we’re not quite sure about where it came from and who exactly is at the center of it all. Today, the picture is famously renowned as Goatse. And it’s getting called out as the world’s most disturbing meme in history. 


Who is this man and what was he thinking? Above all, how did he make his ass go viral in the first place?

Well, it all begins like this. Goatse is a mustached and wiry man. As far as age is concerned, he’s probably in his late 40’s. And he likes to go by the name of ‘Kirk Johnson.’


But wait, the extreme details are yet to be unveiled. 

Source: Wikipedia

[править] Галерея

Растянутые жопы
Пародии и фотожабы

И даже в ASCII-арте! 

* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
g g
o / \ \ / \ o
a| | \ | | a
t| `. | | : t
s` | | \| | s
e \ | / / \\\ —__ \\ : e
x \ \/ _—~~ ~—__| \ | x
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g \_ \ _.———.______\| | g
o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o
a \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a
t /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ t
s / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ s
e | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ e
x | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | x
* | \ \____) `—- —‘ | *
g | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | g
o | / | | \ | o
a | | / \ \ | a
t | / / | | \ |t
s | / / \__/\___/ | |s
e | / / | | | |e
x | | | | | |x
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *

BTW, ASCII-версия этого изображения, также известная как Anal ASCII Art стала основным поводом выпила анонимуса с ЛОРа.


и назвал это, соответственно, «Goatse operator».

Большой Стэн раскрывает суть

Примеры шокирующих сайтов


LolShock — это веб-сайт, который содержит множество шокирующих видео, таких как 2 девушки 1 чашка (женщины, практикующие копрофагию и эметофилию), 2 парня 1 лошадь (в котором лошадь проникает в мужчину, в результате чего он умирает), Суп из угря (женщина Японцы с угрями , вставленными в ректальную полость), Молочный фонтан , Олимпиада боли и многое другое. Он считается отличным источником шокирующей информации в сети.


Goatse.cx был одним из самых известных шокирующих сайтов. Это включает в себя изображение Кирка Джонсона, раздувающего анус руками и явно показывающего прямую кишку. ]


2 Girls 1 Cup — известный шокирующий сайт и вирусное видео , изображающее копрофилию и эметофилию с двумя порноактрисами, которые испражняются в чашку, потребляют экскременты и рвут себе в рот

Сайт привлек большое внимание на интернет-форумах и видеосайтах, создавая различные видео-реакции и пародии, а также песни и анимационные каверы. Среди них видео , показывающее реакцию комика Джо Рогана , и пародийное видео с участием Джона Майера

Видео также было перенесено вэпизоды VH1 Best Week Ever , Family Guy и The Inbetweeners . Вайолет Блю , автор, описала этот сайт как трансформирующийся в «новую« tubgirl », всю козлиную бородку в неприятный момент любвик шоколадным какашкам », в статье в San Francisco Chronicle .

Проект стиля

Это сайт с порнографическими и экстремальными материалами. Wired называет его «шокирующим сайтом» в статье 2001 года.


Lemonparty.org содержит изображение трех пожилых мужчин , которые целуются на кровати и занимаются оральным сексом. На заднем плане играет песня «If You Wanna Be Happy» группы Jimmy Souls . Изображение упоминалось в нескольких телевизионных шоу, а также в диалогах о Симпсонах и 30 Rock .


Существует движение, которое пытается легализовать и поощрять половые отношения между взрослым и несовершеннолетним с «согласия» несовершеннолетнего.

Другие сайты

  • Rotten.com — это веб-сайт, на котором представлены откровенные изображения насилия, деформации, вскрытий , криминалистических фотографий и извращенных половых актов.
  • Bonsai Cat был веб-руководством, в котором давались инструкции о том, как разлить кошку в бутылку,чтобы использовать ее в качестве декоративного мотива так же, как бонсай . ]
  • Ogrish.com был веб-сайтом, на котором размещались новости без цензуры и мультимедийные материалы, в основном посвященные войне , несчастным случаям , казням и преступлениям .
  • Manbeef.com был шокирующим сайтом, который делал вид, что продает человеческое мясо , и даже предлагал советы и рецепты по приготовлению пищи. Цветные изображения и иллюстрации украсили сайт, чтобы создать видимость легитимности. ]
  • Octopusgirl.com — это флеш-сайт, на котором размещено откровенное видео о том, как японка вводит живого осьминога в свою ректальную полость.
  • Painolympics.org , также флеш-сайт, показывает несколько видеороликов, которые считаются «самыми тревожными в сети», несколько видеороликов с мужчинами с обнаженными гениталиями, уничтожающими их острыми предметами и другими предметами, такими как веревки и молотки. Вот некоторые из этих видеороликов: «Синяя вафля» (заболевание влагалища, при котором указанный орган становится синим), «Стеклянная задница» (мужчина, у которого ягодицы лопаются от стакана и начинается кровотечение), «Пользователь Mac», «Дети в Песочница», среди прочего.
  • Kkk.com , порнографический сайт, на котором, как только вы заходите, начинает играть фоновая музыка. Он показывает изображение .gif афроамериканца, занимающегося оральным сексом с другим, а ниже вы можете найти еще один .gif девушки со ссылкой в ​​подписи, которая перенаправляет на популярный веб-сайт чата для взрослых.
  • Heyya.org — очень удивительный сайт, который можно найти под изображением .gif, описанным на вышеупомянутом сайте выше; При входе вы видите несколько адресов, некоторые из обычных порносайтов, а некоторые могут и не быть. Он содержит уже упомянутые сайты, такие как Kkk.com и Lemonparty.com.
  • 1man1jar.org — это шокирующий и кровавый сайт, на котором появляется стакан, затем явно обнаженный мужчина начинает сидеть на стекле, в результате чего оно разбивается, а осколки вонзаются в его анус, вызывая кровотечение. Есть аналогичная версия под названием «Стекло». Жопа с песней на фортепиано.

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Sterling K. Brown is an Emmy, SAG, and Golden Globe Award–winning actor you know from beloved TV and film projects like This Is Us and Black Panther. He’s also got a pair of acclaimed films this year—Biosphere, out now on AMC+, and the Cord Jefferson–directed satirical drama, American Fiction, coming in December. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as the veteran thespian takes on the wings of death and discusses on-screen deaths, the G.O.A.T. football movies, and his enduring love of Shakespeare. Play button icon



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Do you remember your first goatse because many do?

It’s one of those teenage sensations that plenty may be aware of. While many don’t exactly remember the exact circumstances that surround their experience, one thing is for sure. 


It’s a weightless horror of the most savage kind. Here, you’re exposed to something that you certainly didn’t see coming. Generally, teens explain how they suddenly landed up at this weird location. Whether they were screwing around online or happen to click on the enticing link’s ad, they got there somehow. 


After linking on the Goatse. cx, viewers were horrified. There was a skinny man, completely nude. And he had his backside facing thet camera. How’s that for sheer dread on a Monday morning?

Source: Imgflip

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