These am i a joke to you memes are breaking the internet

Am i a joke to you meme – memes feel

Pros of Using the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Meme

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme has become one of the most popular memes on the internet in recent years. It is often used to express feelings of frustration and disappointment. The meme is very versatile, and can be used in a variety of situations. The meme is also quite funny, and can help lighten the mood during difficult times. Additionally, it can be used as a form of self-expression, allowing people to express their thoughts and feelings without having to say them out loud. This makes it easier for people to communicate their feelings in a way that is not too confrontational or aggressive.

Another advantage of using this meme is that it is easily recognizable and relatable. Many people can relate to the feeling of being overlooked or ignored by someone they care about, which makes this an ideal meme for conveying how they feel in those moments. Additionally, since the meme has become so popular, it has been shared widely across social media platforms, making it easy for people to spread awareness about certain issues or topics. This makes it an effective tool for creating conversations about important topics.

Cons of Using the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Meme

While there are many positives associated with using this meme, there are also some potential downsides that should be considered before using it. For one thing, since this meme has become so popular, some people may find it overused or even annoying at times. Additionally, because this meme can come across as confrontational or aggressive in certain situations, it should be used with caution and discretion when communicating with someone who might be offended by its use.

Furthermore, because this meme has become so widespread on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, some people may take its use too far by making jokes at another person’s expense or using offensive language in an attempt to be funny. As such, users should be mindful when using this meme so as not to cause offense or hurtful comments towards others. In addition to being aware of how one might use this meme inappropriately online, users should also keep in mind that many employers monitor social media accounts and could potentially view inappropriate usage as unprofessional behavior.

History and Origin of the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Meme

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme originated in 2011 when a YouTube user named ‘sarcasticgirl1404’ posted a video titled ‘am i a joke to you’. In the video, she asked her viewers if they thought she was funny, and invited them to comment on the video. The video quickly went viral, and many people began using the phrase in their own videos, as well as in other forms of social media.

The meme has since become popular among young people who use it as an expression of frustration or disappointment. It is often used when someone feels like they are not being taken seriously, or like they are being made fun of. The phrase is commonly used in response to jokes or comments that someone finds offensive or inappropriate.

The phrase has also been used as a hashtag on Twitter, where people often post pictures of themselves looking disappointed with the caption ‘am I a joke to you?’. This version of the meme often includes sarcasm or irony, with people implying that they are not actually joking or making light of something serious.

The phrase has also been used in rap and hip-hop songs by artists such as Drake and Migos. In these songs, it is often used as an expression of frustration towards an individual or situation. The phrase has also been used in popular television shows such as Stranger Things and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Overall, the ‘Am I a Joke To You’ meme has become a popular way for people to express their feelings of disappointment and frustration with something or someone they feel is not taking them seriously enough. It can be seen across many different platforms and is likely here to stay.

Am I a Joke to You?

Memes have become an integral part of our online lives, and one of the most popular types of memes is the ‘Am I a Joke to You?’ meme. This type of meme is typically used as a humorous way to express frustration or annoyance with someone or something. The meme often features an image of someone looking frustrated or angry, with the caption “Am I a joke to you?”.

The ‘Am I a Joke to You?’ meme has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it can be used in a variety of situations. For example, it can be used when someone is fed up with their friends’ lack of respect or support, when they are annoyed at their partner’s lack of effort in the relationship, or when they are frustrated at work. It can also be used to comment on situations in which someone feels like they are being taken advantage of or not taken seriously.

The ‘Am I a Joke to You?’ meme has been adapted into many different variations over the years. For example, there have been versions featuring characters from popular TV shows and movies such as The Office and The Simpsons, as well as versions featuring celebrities such as Will Smith and Beyoncé. There have even been versions featuring animals, particularly cats and dogs, which often feature captions such as “Are you kitten me right meow?”

Overall, the ‘Am I a Joke to You?’ meme has become one of the most popular types of memes due to its versatility and relatable nature. It can be used in any number of situations where someone is feeling disrespected or taken for granted, making it easy for people to relate to and share on social media.

Examples of ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Memes

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme has become a popular way for people to express feelings of being overlooked or taken for granted. It typically features an image of someone looking exasperated, accompanied by the phrase, “Am I a joke to you?” It has been used in various situations, from pointing out hypocrisy in relationships to highlighting the lack of recognition received at work or school.

One of the most popular variations of this meme is the “What Did I Do Wrong?” version. In this version, the character is looking forlorn and asking why they are being ignored. This can be used to show how it feels when people don’t take you seriously or when your efforts are not appreciated.

Another variation features a character looking disappointed and asking why they are not being taken seriously. This type of meme can be used to illustrate feelings of frustration, as if no matter what you do, it’s not enough.

There are also humorous variations on this theme, such as one featuring an image of a person in a dress with the caption “Am I A Joke To You?” This could be used to make light of a situation where someone is not being taken seriously despite their best efforts.

Finally, there is the classic “You Don’t Take Me Seriously” version which features an image of someone looking serious with the phrase “Do you take me seriously?” This can be used to emphasize how important it is for people to be taken seriously and respected for their ideas and opinions.

Overall, the ‘Am I A Joke To You’ meme has become one of the most widely used memes on social media today. It can be used in many different situations to express feelings of frustration or disappointment when one feels overlooked or taken for granted. Whether it’s pointing out hypocrisy or emphasizing the importance of respect, this meme has become increasingly popular due to its flexibility and relatable message.

Exploring other meme generators: What other meme generators are out there and how do they compare to the «Am I a Joke to You» generator?

Exploring Other Meme Generators

While the «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator has gained popularity in recent years, there are many other meme generators available that offer unique features and options for creating your own memes.

1. Imgflip

Imgflip is a popular meme generator that offers a wide range of templates and options for customizing your memes. In addition to the traditional top and bottom text, Imgflip also allows users to add text above and below the image, as well as on each side. This provides a lot of flexibility and allows for more creative meme-making.

2. Meme Generator

Meme Generator offers a user-friendly platform for creating memes, with a simple drag-and-drop interface and a large selection of templates to choose from. It also allows users to upload their own images and add custom text, making it a great option for creating personalized memes.

3. Quickmeme

Quickmeme is another popular meme generator that offers a range of templates and customization options. One unique feature of Quickmeme is the ability to search for memes by popularity, allowing users to find the most popular and trending memes for their needs.

4. Kapwing

Kapwing is a web-based tool that allows users to create memes and other types of multimedia content. While not specifically a meme generator, Kapwing offers a wide range of features and tools for creating and editing memes, as well as other types of digital content.

Overall, while the «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator may have gained popularity in recent years, there are many other options available for creating your own memes. From Imgflip to Meme Generator to Quickmeme and beyond, each platform offers unique features and options for creating and sharing funny and creative memes.

Кто такой Жак Фреско

Жак Фреско — знаменитый американский промышленный дизайнер, футурист и основоположник системы ресурсо-ориентированной экономики, в которой все ресурсы доступны без использования какого-либо товарно-денежного обмена. Идея оформилась в разработку всей его жизни — «Проект Венера».

По словам Фреско, ещё в 13 лет (это было в 1930 году) он разработал вентилятор с тканевыми и резиновыми лопастями после того, как родственник получил травму, засунув руку в металлический вентилятор. Затем он пытался стать авиаконструктором, дизайнером ракет для научно-фантастических фильмов и проектировщиком сборных домов. С 1950-х годов Фреско мечтал о создании города, где бы нашлось место всем его идеям, как инженерным, так и социальным.

Жак Фреско

Жак представлял общество, где деньги не имели бы ценности, а все ресурсы между людьми по «справедливой системе» распределял бы компьютер. Он считал, что постепенный переход принятия решений от человека к искусственному интеллекту является следующим этапом социальной эволюции. Услуги и товары же предлагалось производить роботам, которым отводилась монотонная работа. Это должно было возвести на высшую ступень творческий потенциал людей.

Фреско вспоминал, что на его идеи сильно повлиял «Проект Манхэттен»: он понял, что ресурсы, потраченные на оружие, можно было использовать во благо людей. Футуролог ездил с лекциями, писал книги и искал сторонников — это был первый этап его задумки. Также его команда сняла несколько документальных фильмов, популяризующих идеи американца.

В 1994 году он стал основателем организации «Проект Венера», но до этого идеи уже существовали как проекты «Проект Американа» и «Социокибернетика». Фреско и его партнёры построили во Флориде исследовательский центр, который должен был стать предвестником полноценного города «Венера», который бы жил по принципам ресурсо-ориентированной экономики.

Как Фреско представлял город «Венера»Исследовательский центр во Флориде, где тестировались первые наработки города

Этот экспериментальный город должен был воплотить всё то, что задумывал футуролог. Вот часть целей проекта на будущее:

  • Всемирное признание ресурсов Земли достоянием всего человечества;
  • Отмена искусственных границ, разделяющих людей;
  • Переход от денежно-ориентированных национальных экономик отдельных стран к всемирной ресурсо-ориентированной экономике;
  • Стабилизация численности населения мира через повышение уровня образования и добровольного контроля за рождаемостью;
  • Постепенный полный отказ от таких форм управления как корпорации и правительства (местные, национальные или транснациональные);
  • Изготовление продукции только высшего качества для всех людей в мире;
  • Создание нового языка общения в школах на основе сближения его с окружающим миром;
  • Обеспечение людей не только всем необходимым для жизни, но и воспитание индивидуальности с помощью задач, стимулирующих человеческий разум.

Все эти идеи кажутся недостижимой утопией, потому что для перехода к ним необходимо полностью разрушить то, как общество существует сейчас. Тем более, что для них нужен иной уровень развития технологий. На сайте проекта (в том числе на русском языке) перечислены ответы на основные вопросы критиков, например, что делать со старыми городами и сопротивлением корпораций и целых государств.

Фреско не дожил до воплощения своих планов: он умер 18 мая 2017 года в возрасте 101 года.


The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme has been around since the early 2000s, and it is still popular today. It is often used as a way to express frustration or even annoyance when someone does not take something seriously. While this meme can be used in a humorous context, it also has deeper implications about how we treat each other and how we communicate our feelings.

At the same time, the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme can be used to make light of serious situations or to take the edge off of difficult conversations. It is important to remember that while humor can be an effective way to get through tough times, it should not be used as a substitute for meaningful communication.

Overall, the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme is an interesting way of expressing emotions and communicating with others in a lighthearted manner. Whether used in jest or earnestly, this meme has become an important part of how we communicate with each other online.

Final thoughts: An analysis of the lasting cultural impact of the «Am I a Joke to You» meme.

Final thoughts: An analysis of the lasting cultural impact of the «Am I a Joke to You» meme

The «Am I a Joke to You» meme has become an enduring part of internet culture, and its impact is still being felt today. From its origins as a simple image macro to its evolution into a versatile catchphrase, the meme has become a cultural touchstone that represents a variety of emotions and experiences.

At its core, the «Am I a Joke to You» meme is about feeling undervalued or overlooked. The original image featured a cartoon face with a disapproving expression, accompanied by the words «Am I a joke to you?» This sentiment resonated with many people who felt like their efforts or contributions were not being taken seriously, and the meme quickly spread across social media platforms.

As the meme evolved, it became less about individual experiences and more about calling out systemic issues. The phrase «Am I a Joke to You» was applied to a wide range of situations, from political scandals to environmental disasters, to highlight the ways in which people in power were failing their constituents. The meme became a way to express frustration with the status quo and demand change.

The lasting cultural impact of the «Am I a Joke to You» meme is evidenced by its continued relevance. As recently as 2023, the meme was still being used to comment on a variety of issues, from marketing to politics. Its versatility and adaptability have allowed it to remain an effective tool for communication, even as other memes have come and gone.

In conclusion, the «Am I a Joke to You» meme represents a powerful statement about the importance of feeling valued and respected. It has become a cultural touchstone that embodies a variety of emotions and experiences, and its impact is still being felt today. Whether used to express personal frustrations or call attention to larger systemic issues, the meme has become a versatile tool for communication and an enduring symbol of cultural significance.

How to Make Your Own ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Meme

Creating your own ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme is an easy and fun way to express your feelings. All you need is a photo of yourself, some creativity, and a few simple steps! Here’s how to make your own ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme:

First, find or take a picture of yourself that you want to use for the meme. It can be a selfie or another photo – whatever you like! Once you have the photo, you’ll need an image-editing program such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

In the editing program, add text to the image. This can be anything from a quote or phrase that expresses how you feel about being taken for granted, or something funny that relates to being taken for granted. Try different font styles and sizes until you find one that looks good with your photo.

Once the text is ready, save the image as a .jpg file. Then upload it to an image-sharing website such as Imgur or Flickr. Share it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter so your friends can see it too!

That’s all there is to creating your own ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme! Have fun and get creative – there are endless possibilities when it comes to expressing yourself with this type of meme. And don’t forget that memes are meant to be shared – so share yours with friends and family!

Am I a Joke to You?

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme has gained popularity over the years as a way to express frustration, disappointment, or general confusion. It typically features an image of a person looking exasperated with the words “am I a joke to you?” scribbled in the corner. The meme has become popular as a way to express feelings of being taken advantage of, disrespected, or ignored.

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme can be used in various contexts. For example, it can be used when someone feels like their opinion or feelings are not being taken seriously by others. It can also be used when someone feels like they have been taken for granted or even ignored. The meme is also often used when someone feels like they have been made the butt of a joke, or when they feel like their efforts are not appreciated.

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme is an effective way to capture and convey these kinds of feelings without having to go into too much detail. It allows people to express their emotions in an easy and concise manner that others can relate to and understand. Additionally, it is versatile enough that it can be used in various contexts and situations depending on what the user is trying to convey.

In conclusion, the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme is an effective way for people to express feelings of frustration, disappointment, being taken advantage of, disrespected or ignored. It allows users to convey these emotions without having to go into too much detail while still being able to effectively communicate their message.

Explanation of meme structure: What are the key elements of the «Am I a Joke to You» meme?

The “Am I a Joke to You” Meme: An Explanation of Its Structure

If you’re an avid Internet user, then you’ve probably come across the “Am I a Joke to You” meme. This meme is often shared on social media platforms and is used to convey a sense of hurt or indignation when someone or something is overlooked or disregarded.

Structure of the “Am I a Joke to You” Meme

The “Am I a Joke to You” meme typically consists of an image or a series of images accompanied by the text “Am I a joke to you?” The text may also be written in different styles or fonts, such as bold or italicized.

The images used in the meme often feature an object or a person that has been overlooked or disregarded. For example, the meme may feature a picture of a tiny frog sitting on a large lily pad, with the text “Am I a joke to you?” written next to the frog.

Meaning of the “Am I a Joke to You” Meme

The “Am I a Joke to You” meme is often used to convey a sense of hurt or frustration when someone is overlooked or disregarded. The meme is also often used to draw attention to issues of inequality or discrimination, especially when it comes to marginalized groups.

Overall, the “Am I a Joke to You” meme is a powerful tool that can be used to draw attention to issues of inequality and to convey a sense of hurt or frustration when one is overlooked or disregarded. Whether you’re using the meme to express your own feelings or to draw attention to an important issue, the “Am I a Joke to You” meme is sure to get your message across.

The Benefits of Using the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ Meme

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme has become extremely popular in recent years and is often used as a way to express frustration, anger, and disappointment. It is a powerful tool for communicating feelings that are difficult to express in other ways. Using the meme can help people express their emotions without having to resort to words. This can be especially helpful when dealing with difficult emotions that are hard to verbalize.

The ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme also serves as a way to connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. By expressing your feelings through this meme, you can reach out and create a sense of solidarity with those who understand what you’re going through. Sharing this kind of content can help build stronger relationships and create an environment of understanding and support.

Another benefit of using the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme is that it can provide comedic relief in moments of stress or difficulty. Humor is often used as an effective coping mechanism for dealing with tough emotions, and this meme provides an easy outlet for doing so. By using humor, people can take control of the situation and make light of it instead of letting their emotions take over completely.

Finally, using the ‘Am I a Joke to You’ meme can be an effective way to spread awareness about various issues or causes that are important to you. By sharing this kind of content, you can reach out and make your voice heard in an impactful way. This may encourage others who may have similar experiences or perspectives to come forward and share their stories as well.

Overall, the ‘Am I A Joke To You’ meme is an effective tool for expressing difficult emotions, connecting with others, providing comedic relief, and spreading awareness about important issues or causes. It is no wonder why this meme has become so popular in recent years!

От утопии к мемам

Идеи Фреско довольно популярны в России. Переводы фильмов и роликов по «Проекту Венера» собирают миллионы просмотров на YouTube, а на паблик «Проект Венера | Жак Фреско | Изучение и новости» подписаны почти 200 тысяч человек. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: РАЙ ИЛИ ЗАБВЕНИЕ | Жак Фреско | Проект Венера | документальный фильм (

Фреско, выпуская книги, выступая на лекциях и давая интервью, стал автором множества цитат, которые стали расходиться по рунету в «десятых» в виде картинок. Но проблема, как и в случае с актёром Джейсоном Стейтемом или Отто фон Бисмарком — в какой-то момент им стали приписывать то, чего они не говорили. Поэтому сейчас в сети сложно понять, какая цитата Жака Фреско настоящая, а какая — нет.

Постепенно цитаты стали намеренно делать абсурдными, приписывая Жаку Фреско. По данным сайта Memepedia, происходит это с ноября 2019 года, а на свой пик шутки вышли в начале 2020 года.

В сентябре-октябре 2020 года набрал популярность другой мем про футуролога — «Загадка от Жака Фреско». Чаще всего это абстрактная шутка, где у пользователя спрашивают либо абсурдную вещь, либо вместо загадки — картинка, где содержится какой-либо вопрос.

Предположительно, первый такой пример опубликовали во «ВКонтакте» в июне — на картинке Жак Фреско спрашивает: «Было 2 козла. Сколько?». Порой добавляется условие вроде: «На размышление даётся 30 секунд». Как и в случае со многими абстрактными мемами, «загадкой» может выступать практически любая вещь, и смысл в них искать не нужно.

Фраза «загадка Жака Фреско» сама по себе стала мемом, обозначающим глупые или бессмысленные вопросы. Довольно часто её можно встретить в сообществах по игре Among Us.

#мемы #соцсети

Introduction: What is the «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator?


The «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator is an internet sensation that has taken social media by storm . It is a meme format typically used to convey a message of hurt feelings or being overlooked sarcastically.

The meme is usually presented in a humorous way and uses images or captions to convey the message. The phrase «Am I a joke to you?» is often used to express a sense of being ignored or left out.


The «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator is believed to have originated from a popular movie scene . In the 2013 movie «The Wolf of Wall Street,» actor Jonah Hill’s character asks the main character, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, «Do you not see me as a human being? Am I just a joke to you?»

The scene inspired the meme and it quickly gained popularity on social media sites like Reddit and Twitter. Since then, the meme has been adapted to various contexts and is still in use today.


The «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator can be used in various ways . It is often used to express a sense of feeling left out or overlooked. It can also be used in a sarcastic way to convey a message of hurt feelings or disappointment.

The meme is versatile and can be adapted to various situations. It is often used in social media to express a light-hearted take on a situation and provide comic relief.


The «Am I a Joke to You» meme generator has become a popular internet meme that is used to express a sense of being ignored or left out . Its origins can be traced back to a movie scene and it has since evolved into various contexts and forms.

The meme is a testament to the power of social media and its ability to create and spread trends quickly. It remains a popular meme among internet users and continues to provide comic relief in various situations.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: