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Halloween 2023 Complete Guide

First, we have the killer from the front page or the game logo, but I don’t know all their names. In the lobby, you’ll also be able to see the winners of the Killer Bundle Contest. But that’s not all. Let’s break it down step by step.

Direwick Ticket Quests & Spin Wheel

Up next, we have this quest, and now, what are these tickets for? These tickets are used for the spin wheel, where you can win coins, double your experience, and even get a mystery knife or a mystery killer.

Moving on, we have one of the crates. This is one of the Direwick chests, and the Halloween chest is here too. The best part is that these bundles are reasonably priced at 200 gems each.

The Direwick chest offers a variety of weapons, a total of ten. Meanwhile, the Halloween chest is packed with a bunch of cool weapons as well.

Franklin The Fishy Merchant

Now, let’s explore something intriguing. There’s a hidden message right behind the pro servers. It says, “No Police or Hungry Sharks – Super Secret.” Go inside the steel door and there’s a surprise waiting for you.

And now, the big reveal. We got Franklin the Fishy Merchant. Now, what about those briefcases? These cases cost a whopping 999,000 coins each. You can win the following slick-looking knives:

  • The Slycer Cyan
  • The Template
  • The Gold Bar
  • Touch of Death

New Cabin & Stab-O’-Lantern

Moreover, there’s a new limited-time cabin, which, like the Snow Castle, will disappear after Halloween. It features spooky elements like spiders, and of course, we appreciate the curtain-style doors. There’s a place for one killer and four knives.

Also, don’t forget to redeem the new code “TRICKORTREAT” from Cody to get the Stab-O’-Lantern.

Pumpkin & Special Chest Events

Lastly, there are two rare event occurrences. Keep an eye out for the Pumpkin that can appear during a round. Find it before it disappears, and you’ll be rewarded with a new weapon.

Additionally, there’s a special chest available for a limited time, but it costs gems. All the weapons in this chest are Spectrum.

There’s also a 1% chance of acquiring the Blade of the Searing.

And that’s everything you’ll need to know about this year’s Halloween Update in Survive The Killer. This update is available until November 3rd, so you have about two weeks to grab everything before it’s gone. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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Halo Reach cheats


before I tell you any of these cheats you should know that for each cheat you complete you should hear a release of air kind of like a cryotube opening and. you need to be really really really fast at these cheats or they wont work. now its really hard to do these cheats… why? because Microsoft really doesn’t want anyone to figure out these hidden cheats. the first cheat isUnlock all Armor (Spartan)
On he main menu push A,B,Y,A,Y,B,B,X, spin the right joystick clockwise once, now on the d-pad push DOWN, UP, A.Unlock all Campaign Levels
On the first playable level in the campaign when the video stars hold LEFT on the left joystick. Then when you are walking against a wall or whatever is blocking you (just make sure you hold left and are not moving) push Y,X,A,X,B, LEFT (D-pad) DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT TRIGGER, RIGHT TRIGGER A,B,B.Unlock 999,999,999 Credits
You will have to be on the last level of the campaign.
Once there, hold LEFT TRIGGER and RIGHT BUMPER. Then continue to type in this code………….
On the D-pad,UP, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, UP, DOWN, A,A,Y,X, X,X,Y,X.Unlock all Elite Armor
On the main menu press these buttons……
In game (not matchmaking) type in the following code…….

Who survived in Halo Reach?

Prior to the Fall of Reach, Noble Team had managed to survive countless battles, always coming back from suicide assignments, but not without a cost: only two members of the original team, Carter and Kat, remained alive by 2552.

Did Jun survive reach?

He was gone by the time Spartan-II Red Team arrived the next day. At some point just before the fall of the planet, he first encountered Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck of the 11th Shock Troops Battalion. Through unknown means, Jun eventually escaped Reach, the sole survivor of NOBLE Team.

Does Kat die in Halo Reach?

Kat was the smart, computer expert – the brains of the group. She died from a lack of awareness and a shot to the head. Jun was a sniper/scout/stealth member.

Is SPARTAN Jun dead?

Jun is standing in the pelican as you will see. This is where he dies, and may be the least dramatic death in Halo: Reach. Jun moves on to bigger and better things, like the Spartan IV program. This is where he dies, and may be the least dramatic death in Halo: Reach.

What are the new enemies in Halo Reach?

Skirmisher- Skirmishers are the new drone like enemy, because they are very quick and and travel in packs. (They can’t fly). They are similar to the Jackel only are way more of a treat, even know Jackals are still in the game.

Mission 5 – Tip Of The Spear

To War

Halo: Reach: Complete Tip of the Spear.

Generous Tipper

Halo: Reach: Beat the par time on Tip of the Spear.

Bake That Cake

Halo: Reach: Beat the par score on Tip of the Spear.

Rampant Speculation

Halo: Reach: Find Data Pad 4 on Tip Of The Spear

Meddling and Madness

Halo: Reach: Find Data Pad 13 on Tip Of The Spear on Legendary difficulty

Your Heresy Will Stay Your Feet

Halo: Reach: Kill the Elite Zealot before he can escape during Tip of the Spear.

Mind the Skill Gap

Halo: Reach: Observe the logo of a buttoned-up mining company.

Swift and Shallow

Halo: Reach: Hijack a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.


Коды на открытие дверей и сейфов

Как получить коды

Чтобы получить коды на открытие дверей и сейфов в игре «Выжить убийцу» в Роблоксе, вам придется выполнить определенные условия. В основном это задания, которые вы должны выполнить в игре. На выполнение каждого задания вы можете получить один или несколько кодов.

Также некоторые коды могут быть найдены в игровом мире. Обычно они находятся в секретных местах, которые не так просто обнаружить. Иногда при открытии определенных сейфов или дверей можно получить коды на открытие других сейфов или дверей.

Как использовать коды

Чтобы использовать код на открытие двери или сейфа, вам нужно найти соответствующий объект и ввести код. Код можно ввести, нажав на клавишу «E» (в зависимости от настроек клавиш). Если код правильный, дверь или сейф откроется.

Прежде чем использовать код, убедитесь, что вы находитесь в безопасном месте и не угрожает вам никакая опасность. В противном случае, открыв дверь или сейф, вы можете столкнуться с убийцей или оказаться в ловушке.

  • Используйте коды только тогда, когда это необходимо.
  • Не распространяйте коды посторонним игрокам.
  • Не используйте коды для прокачки персонажа или получения преимуществ.

Помните, что использование кодов может сильно повлиять на вашу игровую сессию. Поэтому используйте их с умом и только в случае, если вы абсолютно уверены в том, что делаете.

Mission 12 – Lone Wolf

Yes No You Decide

Halo: Reach: Find Data Pad 19 on Lone Wolf on Legendary difficulty

Left Behind

Halo: Reach: Achieve a score of 30,000 points on Lone Wolf.

One Final Firefight

Halo: Reach: Achieve a score of 150,000 points on Lone Wolf.

Any difficulty. PC is currently broken as XBOX give about 10x more experience. If you still want to try: Group with a full party, turn the skulls on that you want (I recommends everything) and grind with a comfortable difficulty for 45 Minutes – 1 Hour. Elite assassinations are the fastest way to kill them but be aware of the golden elites with swords. They are able to take you out quick.The Wraith that is out of bounds can be hi-jacked if you’re able to shoot the gunner, get in the gunner seat (which makes the driver get out), and then drive the vehicle back into the playable zone). Be aware of the map boundary if you have the Skull “Blind” on, the count down will catch you by surprise.

What About Bob?

Halo: Reach: Find and eliminate one of the hidden Ranger Commander Elites.

Any difficulty. Thunderstorm skull on.

7/9 «The Cake Is A Lie!&quot ;

В 2007 году безумно популярный Портал, эта крылатая фраза стала известной благодаря встрече в игре, когда Дуг Раттман оставляет после себя граффити с надписью: «Торт — это ложь!» Раттман делает это, чтобы предупредить Челл о том, что ГЛаДОС – антагонист игры – не может. обманывает их.

Это должно было быть второстепенной отсылкой и внутренней шуткой, реализованной Valve, разработчиками, подразумевающей, что игрок никогда не получит обещанную награду — их «торт». Это в некоторой степени связано с идиомой «есть торт и есть его». Портал’Эта известная фраза мгновенно стала мемом, который недавно пережил возрождение после того, как создатели контента начали делать гиперреалистичные торты, чтобы одурачить зрителей.

Панель данных 2: Зимняя непредвиденная ситуация (легендарная сложность)

Безусловно, самая сложная панель данных для сбора в Halo: Reach. Как только миссия начинается, невидимый Элита Соглашения — с блокнотом данных, привязанным к его спине — начнет бежать от круглой основы ниже Вас. Вы должны догнать и пристрелить его, прежде чем он полностью исчезнет. Выпрыгните из Сокола и немедленно мчитесь вниз по многоуровневым полям фермы. Используйте способность Sprint один или два раза, чтобы закрыть разрыв перед стрельбой.

Как только вы почувствуете себя комфортно в пределах досягаемости, переключитесь на пистолет и сделайте … каждую … пулю … СЧЕТ. Стремитесь к голове и переключитесь на штурмовую винтовку вместо перезарядки пистолета. Если у вас есть партнер по кооперативу, стреляйте и перезаряжайтесь по очереди, чтобы Элита ВСЕГДА теряла здоровье.

Если он делает это за углом с страусоподобными существами, он почти ушел. Используйте последний спринт и надейтесь на лучшее. В противном случае перезапустите миссию — вы можете пропустить кат-сцену, но да, вам придется каждый раз наблюдать, как этот Сокол снова приземляется. Сохраняйте спокойствие и удачи!

2/10 Кто победит

Это одна из проблем, с которой сталкивается большинство писателей-фантастов, когда они представляют инопланетный вид, с которым человечество должно бороться. Даже если человечество находится в будущем на несколько столетий, как человечество в Гало, похоже, что люди по-прежнему придерживаются оружия и технологий, которые не так уж далеки от того, что есть сейчас в 2020 году, даже если у них есть космические обтекатели. Если он не сломан, не ремонтируйте, должно быть, это то, с чем они собираются, поскольку каким-то образом одного стандартного танка ККОН достаточно, чтобы вывести из строя некоторые из самых передовых инопланетных технологий, которые Ковенант создавал годами.

Панель данных 6: Ночь (легендарная сложность)

Загрузите Rally Point Alpha и сражайтесь — или бегите — через миссию, пока не достигнете изображенного участка. Это происходит сразу же после того, как вы столкнетесь с местными тролльскими существами, и непосредственно перед свиданием с дружественными войсками. Пропустите битву здесь и войдите в пустое русло реки с горящими зелеными огнями с обеих сторон. Ищите маленький камень с правой стороны и прыгайте на вершину. Остальная часть пути довольно очевидна, но также очень длинна и ветренна. Вам нужно будет подниматься и опускаться еще на несколько камней, а также прыгать через пару пробелов..

11 ONI vs Santa?

Not veering too far from Halo 3: ODST, this meme’s creator decided to evoke the «Epic Handshake» meme popularized by the Predator film of 1987 in this screenshot of characters Mickey and Dutch greeting each other. The actual text of the meme is quite creative as well. This meme may only really appeal to fans who pay close enough attention to the story, so for those that are not aware, ONI (The Office of Naval Intelligence) is the branch of the military responsible for creating the Master Chief. Unfortunately, the way they did this was by kidnapping children around the galaxy and replacing them with clones designed to die only a short time later. So yes, just like when Santa visits.


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 151
  4. ^ Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual, page 94
  5. ^ Halo: Warfleet, page 23
  6. Halo: Reach ViDoc: A Spartan Will Rise
  7. Halo Channel, Halo Channel, Encyclopedia
  8. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 42-43
  9. ^ Halo: Contact Harvest, chapter 1
  10. Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), Human Colonization of Space, p. 42-43 (2009 & 2011 edition)
  11. Halo: Reach, campaign level Long Night of Solace
  12. Halo: Reach, Limited Edition bonus content, map of Reach
  13. ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level Winter Contingency
  14. Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 181
  15. ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level Exodus
  16. Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 63
  17. Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 65
  18. Halo: Reach, multiplayer map Reflection
  19. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 8
  20. Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 48
  21. Halo: Evolutions — Pariah
  22. ^ Halo Waypoint, 2011 website background
  23. Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 43
  24. Halo Wars: Genesis
  25. Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 103
  27. Halo: Fireteam Raven
  28. Halo: Reach, campaign level ONI: Sword Base
  29. Halo: Mortal Dictata, page 147
  30. Remember Reach, Spaceport
  31. ^ Halo: Evolutions — Essential Tales of the Halo Universe — Dirt
  32. Halo: Shadows of Reach, ??
  33. Halo Mythos: A Guide to the Story of Halo — Rise of Humanity, page 54
  34. Halo: The Fall of Reach, chapter 8
  35. Defiant to the End
  36. ^
  37. Halo: Contact Harvest, page 127
  38. Halo: First Strike
  39. Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 36-37
  40. Halo: First Strike, chapter 12
  41. Halo 2: Anniversary, campaign level The Heretic
  42. Halo 3: ODST, «Dutch» Firefight Character Profile
  43. Halo: First Strike, page 22
  44. Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 308
  45. Halo: Reach, campaign level The Pillar of Autumn
  46. Halo: First Strike, page 145-146
  47. Halo: First Strike, page 171-186
  48. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 18
  49. Halo Wars 2, campaign level Hold the Line
  50. Halo Wars 2, campaign level Last Stand
  51. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 3
  52. ^ Halo: Reach, campaign level Lone Wolf
  53. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 1
  54. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 13
  55. Halo: Reach Legendary Edition: Journal Package Letter
  56. Halo: Evolutions — Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, p. 52
  57. Halo: Reach: Spade model
  58. HFB
  59. Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 61
  60. Halo: Evolutions — Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, «The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole», p. 475-476, 484
  61. Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 302
  62. Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 176
  63. Halo: Reach, campaign level New Alexandria
  64. Halo: Fall of Reach
  65. Halo: Reach, Firefight map Unearthed
  66. Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 8
  67. Remember Reach, Day Before
  68. Halo: Reach, Legendary Edition Developer Commentary
  69. Halo: Reach, multiplayer map Powerhouse
  70. ^

What happens at the end of Halo Reach?

There were around 700 million civilians and a massive military presence at Reach, so protecting it was extremely important. However, Reach ends up quickly on the losing end of the war at the beginning of the game as Noble Team are deployed.

Who are all the people that died in Halo?

Forward onto Dawn 1 Junjie Chan – Stabbed by an Energy Sword 2 Walter Vickers – Stabbed by a Energy Sword 3 Dimah Tchakova – Died when the Space Elevator was destroyed 4 Chyler Sylva – Died by a Needler

Who was killed by Gravemind foehammer in Halo 2?

Captain Jacob Keyes – Tortured and brutally killed by Gravemind Foehammer – Blown up with pelican Echo-419 Halo 2 Heretic Leader – Killed by Thel’Vadam

Who are the main enemies in Halo CE?

Elites- Elites were the main enemy in Halo CE, and the first half of Halo 2. But were your allies throughout Halo 3.

There were around 700 million civilians and a massive military presence at Reach, so protecting it was extremely important. However, Reach ends up quickly on the losing end of the war at the beginning of the game as Noble Team are deployed.

How did Master Chief die in Halo Infinite?

A new character arc is going to emerge with Halo Infinite, one where he actually does die at the end, concluding the story of Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 as the loyal soldier and savior of humanity, sacrificing himself in order to stop the threat of Cortana and the Created.

Is there a way to survive forever in reach?

Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. On the last level of Halo: Reach, you normally can’t survive forever and will eventually get defeated by the Covenant. Well with this little trick, you can effectively survive forever.

Are there any Spartans that survived Halo Reach?

The Gray Team also “survived” REACH as they were never deployed to it (the only active SPARTAN-IIs that weren’t deployed to REACH) since they were too far away. If you read the book Halo: Ghosts of Onyx I do believe it is then you’ll see that Halsey and several Spartans are indeed inside the Forunner shield planet Onyx.

Do you think noble 6 survived Halo Reach?

Halo: Reach is about sacrifice, so I think he did actually die – to be honest it would be annoying if he did survive, as Halo: Reach was a great example of a story where the bad guys win (sort of, depends how you see it).

Can you survive the Lone Wolf Mission in Halo Reach?

Look. The point is that you cannot survive the Lone Wolf mission. You just fight until you die. You can last as long as you want. I would certainly like to see someone survive for a whole half hour on this mission. But there is no overcoming Noble Team’s inevitable fate, and you get nothing for trying. That’s that.

What happens at the end of Halo Reach?

The last wave of enemies you will face is the Elites with Energy swords, however even if you manage to kill all of these, the game will end and the same movie will play Yeah, no, I was thinking the same thing until about eight elites came after me at once.

The Gray Team also “survived” REACH as they were never deployed to it (the only active SPARTAN-IIs that weren’t deployed to REACH) since they were too far away. If you read the book Halo: Ghosts of Onyx I do believe it is then you’ll see that Halsey and several Spartans are indeed inside the Forunner shield planet Onyx.

How long did Noble Six survive for?

It is with great sadness that we must report the death of Noble Six. He was finally pinned to the ground and killed by a group of high-ranking Sangheili. His helmet, which had been dropped shortly before his death, was left in the glassed wasteland and remained alone there for 37 years, by which time the surrounding area had been re-terraformed. Noble Six was a great warrior and will be missed by all who knew him.

The ONI initially projected that Spartan lifespan would be 150 Earth years, but it was later extended to 200. This is because neural degeneration is considerably slowed in Spartans, estimated to be nearly three times slower than that of an unaugmented human in peak health. This means that Spartans can continue to serve for much longer than other humans, and that their skills and experience can be relied upon for a much longer period of time.

6/9 «Опасно идти одному! Возьми это»

Возможно, один из самых заезженные крылатые фразы всех времен, The Legend of Zelda 1986 года был ответственен за легендарную цитату, которая встречается в самом начале игры. Когда игровой персонаж Линк входит в пещеру, он встречает безымянного старика, который дарует ему меч, чтобы помочь в его стремлении спасти принцессу Зельду.

Естественно, этот момент стал хорошо зарекомендовавшим себя интернет-мемом в поп-культуре и стал синонимом игр за 35 лет, прошедших с момента взаимодействия. В конце концов, шаблон изображения из The Legend of Zeldaпородили сотни мемов, которые заменили меч Линка вариациями котят, сов, кроликов и т. д.

Are there assassinations in Halo Reach and Halo 5?

Assassinations have been featured in Halo: Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5: Guardians. Assassinations performed in Halo: Reach multiplayer matchmaking also count towards the Rear Admiral commendation; those performed in Halo 4 matchmaking and Spartan Ops advance the Assassin and Backstab commendations respectively.

Does anyone survive Reach?

As the Covenant began glassing Reach, the surviving Spartans continued their fight. Team Gamma; a Red team splinter composed of Anton-044; Grace-093 and Li-008, had managed to survive and complete their mission to rescue Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb from HIGHCOM.

Did Noble 6 survive Reach?

Six was among the last surviving UNSC soldiers left fighting the Covenant forces on the ground. Six’s helmet remained on Reach, even after the planet was glassed by the Covenant and after the planet was terraformed.

How long did Noble Six survive on Lone Wolf?

37 years
Noble Six was finally pinned to the ground and killed by a group of high-ranking Sangheili. His helmet, which had been dropped shortly before his death, was left in the glassed wasteland and remained alone there for 37 years, by which time the surrounding area had been re-terraformed.

1/9 «Возражение!»

Не обязательно иметь степень бакалавра права, чтобы понять термин «Возражение!» В суде, всякий раз, когда адвокат, будь то защита или обвинение, не согласен или ‘возражает’ на заявление они встают и кричат: «Возражение!» В серии видеоигр Ace Attorney «Возражение!» часто использовался речевой пузырь, обычно сопровождаемый жестом, указывающим пальцем.

Поклонники сериала и создатели мемов начали прикреплять изображение Феникса Райта к различным темам или аргументам в Интернете, где они считали недействительным или неприятные заявления, которые были сделаны. В последующие месяцы и годы популярность Ace Attorney резко возросла только благодаря изображению Феникса, указывающего пальцем, и распространенному фразе «Возражение!» фраза.

Is it possible to beat Lone Wolf on Halo Reach?

It is impossible to beat this level no matter how skilled the player is. Attempting to escape will result in death from the kill boundaries. Lone Wolf is the first and only playable post-credits sequence ever in a Halo game. This is the only playable level in Halo: Reach that contains just one data pad.

I’m not the best at Halo, but my longest survival time on lone wolf is about 2 minutes. On the other hand, my best record with hiding is 1 hour 7 minutes. I accidentally fired my DMR at around 50 minutes, so I had to go out and fight until I was overwhelmed 17 minutes later.

What is the ending of Halo Reach

In the post-credits scene, we see Six fighting a last stand against overwhelming Covenant forces. This is set in 2589, and we see Six’s helmet lying on the grassy plains of Reach, which has now been restored. Halsey’s narration pays tribute to Noble Team, who played a pivotal role in humanity’s victory over the Covenant.

It’s interesting to note that, while Noble Six technically outranks Master Chief, Master Chief has the authority to lead teams of Lieutenants and Captains. This is because, despite their higher rank, Master Chief has the actual authority to lead. So, although Noble Six may have a higher rank, Master Chief is the victor in terms of actual authority.

7 Halo

Despite its redundancy, this is still one of the most quintessential missions, providing much of the game’s iconic artistry in one fell swoop. Every other mission is rooted here, even when they branch out with a novel atmosphere or setting. It’s full of lush, distinctive landscapes and classic vehicles.

Enemy dropships spill groups of aliens onto the ground, and the architecture above and below has come to define the series. While the repetition of the level can be frustrating, rescuing various marines does feel like a sprawling epic akin to exciting sandbox gameplay. And the goal feels central to the Chief’s heart, valuing every human life.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: