Me gusta meme from rage comics

Uses of the Guy Face Meme

The Guy Face meme has been around for quite some time, and it’s become one of the most popular memes on the internet. It’s a simple image of a man with an expression that expresses surprise, confusion, or amusement. The meme is often used to make humorous comments about various topics and situations, and it’s often used as a reaction image or GIF.

One of the most common uses for the Guy Face meme is in response to something that someone says or does. The meme can be used to express surprise, confusion, or amusement in response to something that someone has said or done. It can also be used to express agreement with something that someone has said or done. Additionally, it can be used as a way to make fun of someone in a lighthearted manner.

The Guy Face meme is also commonly used in conversations between friends and family members. It’s an easy way to get a laugh out of someone and show them that you understand what they’re saying or doing. Additionally, it can be used as a way for people to show appreciation for something funny or clever that someone has said or done.

The Guy Face meme is also frequently used on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. People often use the meme when responding to posts from their friends or when commenting on posts from other people. It’s also commonly used by brands on Twitter and other social media platforms in order to create humorous content that will engage their followers.

Finally, the Guy Face meme is often used as an expression of joy and happiness when something good happens in someone’s life. Whether it’s getting a new job offer, getting accepted into college, going on vacation, having a baby, or any other positive event in one’s life – the Guy Face meme is often employed as an expression of excitement and celebration!

Overall, the Guy Face meme is an incredibly versatile tool which can be employed for many different purposes – whether it be reacting to something funny online, expressing agreement with someone else’s opinion, showing appreciation for something clever somebody says/does – there are many different uses for this popular internet meme!


The Guy Face meme is an easily recognizable, humorous meme with a long lasting impact. It has been used to express countless emotions, from joy to frustration. The meme has become so popular that it has even been featured in television shows and movies. Although the basic format of the meme remains the same, its content and context change depending on who is using it and what kind of message they are trying to convey. The Guy Face meme is likely to remain popular in years to come due to its versatility and ability to be adapted for different situations.

Overall, the Guy Face meme is an iconic piece of internet culture that will continue to be used in various forms for many years to come. It provides a unique way of expressing emotions or ideas in a humorous way, making it an invaluable asset for anyone looking for a creative way of conveying their message.

Who started meme?

Memes are a type of cultural information that is spread from one person to another. They can be thoughts, ideas, or experiences that are passed on from one individual to another. Memes are often seen as being in control of their own reproduction, in much the same way as biological genes. The term meme was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

Grumpy Cat is the most famous cat on the internet. He is known for his grumpy face and his unimpressed attitude. People love to pretend that Grumpy Cat is a grumpy old feline who doesn’t care about anything. Tardar Sauce, the cat’s real name, has become so popular that you can now buy stuffed toys, t-shirts, books, and other Grumpy Cat merchandise.

Can I say Yo Me gusta

If you say “Me gusta leer” or “Yo gusto de leer”, you’re saying the same thing: “I like to read”. But in Spanish, the verb “gustar” doesn’t use subject pronouns “Yo”, “TÚ”, it uses indirect objects “Me”, “Le”, “Nos”.

It’s a matter of emphasis. The extra “a mí” shifts the emphasis onto who likes it, implying but not stating that others might not like it.

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Визуальный внешний вид «Me Gusta» Meme

Me Gusta meme является одним из самых глупых выглядящих лиц Rage. Он характеризуется очень круглой, толстой головой без волос. У него два больших, выпуклых глаза, которые были налиты кровью и направлены наружу.

Его рот закрыт, его губы сжаты вместе, чтобы сформировать забавную улыбку. Его нос едва выглядит как нос нормального человека, и у него складки на лбу, чтобы преувеличить эмоции.

Лицо часто сопровождается высказыванием «ME GUSTA» большими красными или черными буквами, но поскольку мему так широко распространено по сети, лицу иногда даже не нужны слова, чтобы получить точку, потому что выражение лица часто самоочевидно.

Психологический аспект

Me gusta мем стал популярным феноменом в современной интернет-культуре, и его популярность можно объяснить с психологической точки зрения.

Мы живем в эпоху, где социальные сети играют огромную роль в нашей жизни. Лайки, комментарии и репосты стали важным мерилом успеха и популярности. Количество лайков под фотографией или видео может стать причиной гордости или разочарования.

Me gusta мем иллюстрирует зависимость от внешнего признания и подтверждения другими людьми. Причем эта зависимость выражается в экстремной форме. Буквально «нравиться» все, от пончиков и пиццы до серьезных проблем

Мем играет роль сатирического комментария к нашему обществу, которое все больше обращает внимание на количественные показатели популярности, не задумываясь о своих настоящих чувствах и мотивациях

Такая своеобразная ирония, сопровождаемая массовой популярностью, приводит к психологическому эффекту. Люди начинают больше задумываться о своих мотивах и ценностях. Кроме того, Me gusta мем вызывает эмоциональную реакцию, причем у каждого она может быть своя.

Положительные аспекты Отрицательные аспекты
• Самоирония • Зависимость от чужого мнения
• Психологическая освобожденность • Обесценивание настоящих чувств
• Развитие творческого мышления • Утраты индивидуальности

Me gusta мем предоставляет возможность наблюдать за собой со стороны и задуматься о важности внутреннего мира, прежде чем идти на поводу у внешних обстоятельств. Вместо того чтобы сосредотачиваться на количестве лайков и популярности, можно начать ценить свои настоящие ценности и внутреннюю удовлетворенность

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LOL Guy — история мема Лол с выпученными глазами

LOL Guy — мемный персонаж с выпученными глазами и свёрнутым в трубочку ртом. Используется для выражения смеха или общей тупорылости.


Начнём с того, что LOL — это англоязычный акроним, означающий Laughing Out Loud (Громко смеяться). Само по себе это слово уже является мемом и возникло в начал 2000-х в среде американских школьников, которые любили сокращать выражения, обмениваясь СМС. В 2011 году LOL занесли в Оксфордский словарь.

Фейс LOL Guy впервые появился 14 июня 2010 года на сайте 4chan. Его создатель сам разместил картинку, предугадывая, что она станет мемом. Всего через 4 дня изображение перекочевало на Reddit и обрело дикую популярность. Относится к категории мемов-фейсов из комиксов Rage Comics.

Первое использование фейса замечено в комиксе про парня, который пришёл в магазин, чтобы обменять фейковый картридж игры про покемонов.

В августе админ одного из дизайнерских форумов запостил свою фотографию, отфотошопленную в стиле LOL Guy.


Человек с выпученными глазами появляется в конце крайне тупого комикса. Свёрнутый в трубочку рот символизирует истеричный или даже идиотичный смех. Этим фейсом могут выражать как человека-весельчака (который любит отпускать дебильные шуточки), так и реакцию на что-то, что вызвало смех, несмотря на свою тупость.


The colloquial Spanish phrase «me gusta» was first adopted into a Rage Comic drawing by illustrator May Oswald (formerly known as Matt), who uploaded her artwork to 4chan and Reddit on March 18th, 2010. The drawing was also uploaded to her personal Tumblr blog and DeviantART account.

During our interview with Oswald on May 6th, 2021, she revealed that the original post to 4chan was a carefully constructed effort to get the meme to go viral, which she did by posting examples of the face in memes from various accounts and IP addresses.

The first meme featuring Me Gusta after Oswald’s initial post to 4chan used the character in a four-panel comic with a cat reacting to being pet, which Oswald revealed in our interview was actually a meme she made herself (shown below).

Oswald eventually revealed herself as the creator of the Me Gusta face in a Reddit thread, as well as an Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread on March 8th, 2011.

Как сделать свой собственный

Комиксы Rage создаются и делятся множеством людей со всей сети. Самый простой способ сделать свой собственный — посетить «Ярость строителя» Memebase. С помощью Rage Builder вам предоставляется макет для создания комикса, а также множество инструментов, таких как цвет краски и текстовые поля.

Конечно, есть также раскрывающееся меню, из которого вы можете выбрать любое лицо ярости, которое вы хотите, чтобы выразить свои эмоции. Мю «Мю» можно найти в разделе «Довольный» в раскрывающемся меню.

Куча лиц появится в верхней части вашего комического макета, из которого вы можете перетащить и упаковать в любое поле, которое вы хотите, а затем настройте по своему вкусу.

How to Make a Guy Face Meme

Memes are a great way to express your ideas and feelings in a humorous way. But it can be difficult to come up with the perfect meme for the right occasion. If you’ve ever wanted to make a guy face meme, then this guide is for you! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about creating the perfect guy face meme.

First, you’ll need to find an appropriate photo of a guy that expresses the emotion or idea behind your meme. It could be serious or funny, but make sure it’s relevant and conveys your message. Once you have the photo, you can use online tools such as Photoshop or GIMP to add text to it. Add whatever caption or phrase is necessary for your meme and adjust the font size and color accordingly.

Next, you can use an online image editor such as Pixlr or Fotor to add effects and filters to your photo. Feel free to experiment with different filters until you find one that looks best with your meme. You can also crop or rotate the image if necessary for better composition.

Finally, when you are satisfied with how your guy face meme looks, save it as an image file (JPG, PNG) and upload it on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram. Be sure to include hashtags related to your meme so that others can find it easily. And that’s all there is to creating a guy face meme!

Интерпретации и смысл мема

Мем «Me gusta» возник в начале 2000-х годов и был впервые использован на форумах в Хиспании. Он быстро стал популярным и распространился по всему миру. Хотя его первоначальное значение связано с положительными эмоциями и одобрением, со временем его смысл стал меняться и теперь может варьироваться в зависимости от контекста и способа использования.

Одна из популярных интерпретаций мема «Me gusta» — это выражение нездорового или увлеченного интереса к чему-либо, что может быть неприемлемым или странным. Например, мем может быть использован для выражения пристрастия к фильмам ужасов или мрачному юмору.

Еще одна интерпретация мема «Me gusta» связана с ироничным или саркастическим выражением отношения к чему-либо. Например, мем может быть использован для выражения неудовольствия или разочарования в определенной ситуации или событии.

Независимо от интерпретации, мем «Me gusta» стал неотъемлемой частью интернет-культуры и часто используется для создания юмористических картинок или комиксов. Он стал настолько популярным, что его изображение и использование уже узнаваемы и широко распространены в онлайн-сообществе.

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Me Gusta is a Rage Comic face that is typically used to express one’s approval of an awkward or perverse situation. The caption «me gusta» translates to «I like it» in Spanish. In its beginning, the phrase conveyed an odd sense of pleasure in sexually perverse contexts, but the meaning has since broadened to describe a more general state of being disturbed and/or pleased at the same time. The original illustration was created by May Oswald in early 2010.


The colloquial Spanish phrase «me gusta» was first adopted into a Rage Comic drawing by illustrator May Oswald (formerly known as Matt), who uploaded her artwork to 4chan and Reddit on March 18th, 2010. The drawing was also uploaded to her personal Tumblr blog and DeviantART account.

During our interview with Oswald on May 6th, 2021, she revealed that the original post to 4chan was a carefully constructed effort to get the meme to go viral, which she did by posting examples of the face in memes from various accounts and IP addresses.

Here was the plan. Oftentimes, when a new Rage Face was coming out in 4chan at that time, how the thread would happen is that there would just be the face, and then with the colorful language of 4chan, there would be the equivalent of, «Hey, new Rage Face just dropped. See what you guys can make of it.» So my intention was to do the exact same thing, «Hey, new Rage Face just dropped.» Post the image. But what I came in with was that I had made about two or three example comics to kind of get it out there with sort of what I was intending this face to be used for.

The first meme featuring Me Gusta after Oswald’s initial post to 4chan used the character in a four-panel comic with a cat reacting to being pet, which Oswald revealed in our interview was actually a meme she made herself (shown below).

Oswald eventually revealed herself as the creator of the Me Gusta face in a Reddit thread, as well as an Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread on March 8th, 2011.


In December 2010, the single topic blog Me Gusta Face was launched to curate the comics. As of May 2012, the series ranked in the «Fuck Yeah» tier on Memegenerator and thousands of «Me Gusta» rage comics can be found on Tumblr , Memebase and on Reddit’s popular F7U12 subreddit.

Interview with Know Your Meme

On May 6th, 2021, Know Your Meme interviewed May Oswald about the origins of Me Gusta, history with the meme and how it actually went viral online early on.


No Me Gusta is a variation of Me Gusta. It is used as a symbol of awkward dislike.

Bubbles No Me Gusta is a scene in which the Powerpuff Girls character bubbles states the words «no me gusta» then proceeds to have a face resembling the NO face.

Me Gusta Mucho

«Me Gusta Mucho» is a variation of Me Gusta with the mouth changed to a smile. It is used to show extreme pleasure as opposed to simple pleasure.

External References

Reddit — Insert’s user page

Reddit — My ‘Me Gusta’ Visa Card Arrived! Cashiers get a kick out of it. Even met a Redditor with it. / 3/8/2011

Reddit – As requested: I made Me Gusta. Ask me anything. / 3/8/2011

Tumblr — Apparently I started the Me Gusta meme. / Posted on April 21st, 2010

Deviant Art — ME GUSTA. / 3/18/2010

Reddit — Me Gusta / 3/18/2010

Reddit — I don’t get the Me Gusta face. / 3/22/2010

Memegenerator — Me Gusta

Tumblr — tagged «me gusta»

Memebase — Me Gusta category

Reddit — F7U12

Tumblr – Me Gusta Comics

KYM – May Oswald Interview


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Most Popular Variations of the Guy Face Meme

The Guy Face Meme has become one of the most popular and recognizable memes on the internet. It’s a simple image of a man with a blank expression, usually accompanied by some witty caption. It’s a funny way to make people laugh, and it’s easy to see why it has become so popular. But what are some of the most popular variations of this meme?

One of the most popular variations is the “Stoned Guy Face” meme. This version of the meme features an image of a man with an expressionless face, but with slightly glazed eyes and an open mouth. The caption typically includes something about being stoned or high, such as “When you’re so stoned you don’t even remember your own name.” This variation is especially popular among marijuana enthusiasts.

Another popular variation is the “Angry Guy Face” meme. This one features an image of a man with an angry expression, usually accompanied by a caption that expresses frustration or annoyance, such as “When your boss says you have to stay late again.” This variation is often used to express anger or irritation at someone or something.

The “Lonely Guy Face” meme is also quite popular. This version features an image of a man with a sad expression, usually accompanied by captions that express feelings of loneliness or isolation, such as “When you realize no one understands you.” It can be used to express loneliness or sadness in any situation.

Finally, there is the “Confused Guy Face” meme. This version features an image of a man with a confused expression, usually accompanied by captions that express confusion or bewilderment at something occurring in the world around them, such as “When your friend tries to explain cryptocurrency to you.” This can be used to express confusion in any situation.

These are just some of the most popular variations on the Guy Face Meme that have appeared over time. There are many other variations out there, including ones that focus on different emotions like fear and excitement. No matter which variation you choose, it is sure to make people smile!

The Benefits of Using a Guy Face Meme

Using a guy face meme can be a great way to have fun and make someone laugh. A guy face meme is an image that has been altered to express an emotion or attitude. They are usually funny, creative, and highly shareable on social media. The benefits of using a guy face meme go beyond just adding humor to your conversations. Here are some of the benefits of using a guy face meme:

1. Creativity – Guy face memes are highly creative and can be used to express any emotion or attitude in a unique way. This makes them great for expressing yourself and getting noticed in online conversations.

2. Engagement – Guy face memes are highly shareable, which means they can help you increase engagement with your audience on social media or in online conversations. They can also help you get more likes, comments, and shares from your followers.

3. Memorable – Guy face memes are very memorable because they stand out from the crowd and make an impression on people who see them. This makes them great for making an impactful statement or leaving a lasting impression on someone you meet online or in person.

4. Fun – Using a guy face meme can be lots of fun! You can create funny images that will make people laugh and give them something to talk about with their friends and family members.

Using a guy face meme is an easy way to add some humor and creativity to your conversations online or in person. With all the benefits mentioned above, it’s no wonder why so many people use them regularly!

Is Mememe copyrighted?

As stated in section 14 (c) of the Copyright Law, the copyright holder has the sole authority to authorize someone to make a replica of their copyrighted work. Thus, distributing images or photographs without permission from the copyright holder constitutes an infringement.

Derpina is a slang term for a female placeholder name. It is the female equivalent of Derp and may indicate derpiness.

How do you pronounce me gusta

I really enjoy spending time with you and find you very likable. I also like the Moussa, he is a great guy. Nagisa is another person that I enjoy being around, she is so sweet and kind. I really like ayah too, she is so funny and full of energy. The gusta is another great person that I enjoy spending time with, she is so wise and intelligent.

Mimeme is a blend of the ancient Greek word meaning “something imitated” and the English word gene. It is the basis for LOLcats, Success Kid, Rickrolling, and much more.

LOL Guy | NetLore 4chan,, LOL, meme faces, rage comic, комиксы, смех

LOL Guy — физиономия из тех, которые принято на западе именовать лицами 4chan’а (4chan faces), rage comic или meme faces. Последнее — в честь первого из появившихся комиксов. Несмотря на то, что картинка привычно ассоциируется с 4chan’om, пишет, что впервые она появилась на не менее известном веб-ресурсе в июне 2010. Возможно, картинка, символизирующая знаменитую аббревиатуру, которая сейчас уже почти полностью вытеснила отечественные «ржунимагу» и «пацталом» появилась благодаря вот этому изображению.

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В аэропорте

Убедись, что никто не смотрит… Дрифт!

Нет повести печальнее на свете…

Мой замок и чужой велосипед

Что случится, если я не буду отрывать туалетную бумагу?

Отлично, я готова к экзаменам, и могу целую неделю напропалую заниматься сексом.

— Я не понимаю. Как тебе удается пускать дым кольцами?

— Нужно сделать такое лицо, как будто ты сосешь член.

— Пожалуйста, еще один френд и у меня будет их целых два

— Отфрендить

— Невозможно чихнуть с открытыми глазами.

— Вызов принят!

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Guy Face Memes

Making Statements

Guy face memes can also be used to make statements or share opinions in an entertaining way. This can be especially useful if you’re trying to make a point that may not be easy for others to understand. Using a meme that expresses your opinion in an amusing way can help get your point across without having any direct confrontation with other people.

Sharing Feelings

Guy face memes can also be used as a way of sharing feelings and emotions without having to explain them in words. For example, if you’re feeling down but don’t want anyone else knowing, sending someone a funny meme expressing your feelings can provide some comfort and understanding without having any uncomfortable conversations.

What does the Me Gusta meme mean?

This image is often used to show a perverse pleasure at an awkward, uncomfortable, or otherwise normally unpleasurable situation.

In Spanish, the verb gustar is usually translated as “to like.” For example: Me gusta el libro (I like the book).

Who created me gusta meme

The Me Gusta face is a rage face that is typically used to express approval or pleasure. The face is often used as a reaction image to various situations.

The origin of the Me Gusta face can be traced back to 2008 when it was first posted on the internet forum site 4chan. The face gained popularity after being shared on various social media platforms.

The Me Gusta face has become one of the most popular rage faces and is recognized by people all over the world.

Rage comics are a popular way to express emotions or activities online, using a set of pre-made cartoon faces. They are usually crudely drawn in MS Paint or other simple drawing programs, and were most popular in the early 2010s.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: