Okay guy rage face 2 meme generator

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Gawr Gura’s Age

Gura often struggles to remember her own age, and she has been given different ages in various streams. During her debut stream, she initially stated her age as “somewhere in the 9,000s” and settled on 9,361, but then immediately forgot and chose 9,927 instead. In another stream, she entered her age as “99” because the system only accepted two digits.

She has also given ages such as 4,295, 9,485, 9,492, 9,655, and 9,600 in different streams and birthday celebrations. Gura often references the meme “It’s over 9,000!” from Dragonball Z when talking about her age, indicating that she likes to playfully joke about her age being in the thousands.
Gura forgets her age..again!!!

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Энциклоедия (сборник всех персонажей и сурсов)
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Олдскульные сурсы и персонажи Глум | Заткнись-мэн | Вот это прикол | Чувак из казино | Ломай меня полностью | Язь — рыба моей мечты! | В стекло не попади! | Алмаз Индиго | Дед Бом-Бом | Синего с прогиба | Бибикало | Вова Зло (Сурсы) | Админ МДК | Славик Незаменимый | Грецкий орех | Карина | Малиновый звон | Озорной | Я тебя щас сломаю | Наталья Морская Пехота | Баба Настя с остановки | Пацаны вообще ребята | Ай, больно в ноге! | Дед-привет | Шоколад | Лох! Пидор! | Кировский мент | Ай, блять | Широкую на широкую | Неспокойный пешеход | Духаст Вячеславыч | Китаец | Суровый геймер | Это разборка питерская | ВИD | Коршун | Сволочи поганые | Рыжая падла | Озабоченная бабка | Ты в пиве | Чего блять | Бабка-хакер | Хер с горы | Антон Уральский |Реальный пацан | Москва говно, а Уфа заебись | Это печально | Дед ИВЦ | Отдай сало! | Ашот Ашотыч | Мы в щи | Алёна Пискун | Коробка передач на кразе | Лев рычить | Пизда рулю | Толик регистратор | Пиздабол | Ламповая голова | Жириновский | Михаил Добкин | Бешеный студент | Филипп Киркоров | Естественно | Эскобар | Стас Барецкий | Джигурда | Испанец-хохотун | Александр Невский | Никита Михалков | Охуительная тачка | Нервный рыбак | Люба | Батя ебанулся
Блогеры Володя Медведь | Альберт Акчурин | Геннадий Горин | VJLink | Диана Шурыгина | Мэддисон | Сергей Аксёнов | Глад Валакас | Стримерша Карина | SNAILKICK | Кама пуля | RED21 | Хованский | Ларин | Петька (Сурсы) | Джоник Македонский | Серонхелия | Андрей Нифёдов | Кшиштовский | Тесак | Сыендук (Лежебокер) | | WRZ100 |
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Наиболее известные персонажи

  • FFFFUUUU — самый первый персонаж комиксов. Используется для описания гнева. Чаще всего использовался в классических пупах, однако мог иногда и в музпупах. В сюжетках не использовался.
  • Trollface — нарисованное лицо, используемая для описания тролля и второй персонаж комиксов наряду с FFFFUUUU. Во времена рассвета RYTP довольно часто использовался в пупах, а также имел небольшое камео и в сюжетке Не шутите с Поваром и Месть Поцыка. Роль в пупах такая-же, как и у Заткнись-мэна и Нет. По слухам, его нарисовал маньяк Джон Уэйн Гейси, однако впоследствии выяснилось, что его нарисовал совершенно другой человек и этому даже есть ряд подтверждений. Также распространена женская версия троллфейса (с чёрными волосами).
  • Okay Gay — немного грустное (или пофигистическое) лицо, говорящее Окей. Появился в 2009 году, но мемом стал в 2011. Не так популярен в пупах как остальные, но сумел засветиться в сюжетке Буйный мент.
  • Forever Alone — грустное лицо со слезами на глазах, выражающее одиночество.
  • Y U N O Gay — гневное лицо, трясущее руками и явно чем-то возмущаясь.
  • LOL Gay — лицо с открытым от удивления ртом. Используется для описания смеха.
  • Fuck Yeah
  • Me Gusta


Впервые Rage Comics появились в 2008 году на сайте 4chan. Первым комиксом и мемом в этой категории стал FFFUUU, символизирующий такую эмоцию, как гнев и раздражение. Персонаж из этого комикса также известен как Rage Guy (Яростный парень), отсюда и название всей серии.

Развитию серии способствовал другой мемотворный сайт – Reddit. В 2009 году на нем появился тред под названием FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU (другое обозначение – f7u12). Именно там и стали появляться многочисленные копии и пародии, которые создавались самими пользователями. Их действительно сначала рисовали в пейнте, но со временем в интернете начали создавать Генераторы Мемов – сайты с базовыми шаблонами, куда достаточно было лишь вставить свои подписи.

Существует подкатегория мемов с похожим смыслом – Computer Reaction Faces.

Стоит отметить, что такой комикс имеет чёткую структуру: он состоит из четырех кадров и рассказывает об обстоятельствах, приводящих к злобе ярости и другим эмоциям.

What are the meme faces called?

Rage faces are a popular way to express emotions online, usually through a short cartoon strip. They are most often used to express rage or other negative emotions, but can also be used to express positive emotions or activities. Rage faces are usually crudely drawn in Microsoft Paint or other simple drawing programs, and were most popular in the early 2010s.

Rage faces are a popular type of meme that originated on the online forum 4chan in the mid-2000s. They typically feature a facial expression that conveys rage, frustration, or amusement, and are often accompanied by text expressing some sort of emotion or sentiment. Rage faces became popular because they were easy to create and could be used to communicate a wide range of emotions, making them versatile and relatable. Over the years, the number of rage faces has grown exponentially, and they continue to be one of the most popular types of memes today.

What are the rage comic faces called

The Trollface image is often used as a reaction image online to indicate that someone is trolling, or deliberately provoking others for their own amusement. The image has been used in a variety of contexts, including to express online disagreement, to indicate laughter or derision in response to something, or simply to indicate that someone is being a troll.

Larry Hama is a comics writer, artist, and actor. He is best known for his work on the Marvel Comics title G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, based on the Hasbro toyline. He has also written for the series Wolverine, Nth Man: The Ultimate Ninja, and Elektra. His work on G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero has been credited with turning the toyline into a media franchise.

Hama was born in Brooklyn, New York. He first became interested in comics as a child, when he was given a copy of Superman #1. He began reading and collecting comics regularly, and began to write and draw his own stories. He cites Jack Kirby and Stan Lee as his biggest influences.

Hama served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. After returning from the war, he began working in comics. His first published work was in the anthology series Creepy, which he wrote and drew for several issues. He went on to write for a number of other titles, including The Avengers, Daredevil, and Iron Fist.

In 1980, Hama was hired by Marvel Comics to write the series The Fury of Firestorm. He later wrote the series G.

Gura Face Reveal

After a lot of digging through the internet, we finally found the character the person behind Gura used to play before becoming our favorite VTuber, Gawr Gura. She’s potentially the same person behind the famous VTube celebrity, Senzawa. (More on that later in this article.)

And luckily, we were able to find her face-revealing photos. Here’s what Gura looks like in real life:

Gura in real life

Even though she’s wearing a mask in this particular photo, her stunning beauty still shines through. Here’s a photo where her entire face is revealed:

Gura’s face reveal

She looks incredibly cute and charming with those adorable bunny ears! Let’s make sure to protect this precious bunny! Although she’s a shark now and might not need our protection. On the other hand, if she’s furious, we might need to get to some kind of shelter!

Gura IRL
Gawr Gura real face
Gura looks smoking hot

Gura has got it all: a gorgeous face, a stunning body, and the lifespan of a sea goddess! Her impressive physique indicates that she takes good care of herself and works out.

What is the most common meme?

Grumpy Cat is one of the most popular cats on the internet. He is known for his grumpy expressions and has become a sensation. You can now buy stuffed toys, t-shirts, books, and other Grumpy Cat-related paraphernalia.

The Trollge is a popular fan-created character that has appeared in many fan creations and fan games. It has its own subreddit with over 7,000 members and an official Discord channel. The Trollge was created by u/Unfunnyman_man123 on the subreddit r/196.

Is Trollface copyrighted

There’s no need to worry about copyrighting your work – copyright protection is automatic in the United States and most other countries. As soon as you create a work, it’s protected by copyright law.

Our Troll Face cookie cutters are just under 4 inches tall, 2-1/2 inches wide, and are made of lime green plastic. Cleaning instructions: hand wash, towel dry. Buy your troll face cookie cutter today!

Her Likes & Dislikes

The following is what our favorite shark VTuber likes and dislikes. Try to remember her dislikes the next time you are in her chat to avoid her wrath.

  • Gura likes food and enjoys a hobby called “PWWIE” (people watching without intent to eat) in Atlantis, but claims humans don’t taste good.
  • Her favorite food is salmon, and she also likes pizza, McDonald’s hamburgers, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and baby food. She has misspelled salmon as “salman.”
  • Gura’s favorite games are Muse Dash, Taiko no Tatsujin, Rhythm Heaven, Borderlands, and Resident Evil. She also enjoyed playing Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue during her childhood.
  • She likes Konosuba and has read the first volume on stream in partnership with Bookwalker, serving as an audiobook for her audience since the series has yet to have an English release.
  • Gura has an affinity for cowboy and wild west culture, including ranch animals, instruments like banjos, and a preference for revolvers and six-shooters.
  • She dislikes hot sand and is afraid of people hearing her stomach noises, which she initially described as “loud stomak” in her debut stream.
  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • Gura’s favorite type of shark, other than herself, is the salmon shark.
  • She is close friends with Watson Amelia and often collaborates with her.
  • Gura stated she would prefer to take Amelia’s last name if they were married, as “Watson” sounds more like a family name than “Gawr.”
  • Gura streamed from Amelia’s house and had an unarchived off-collab karaoke with her on June 20, 2022.
  • She dislikes wearing pants and has joked about “BAN PANTS!” on stream, but has also mentioned that skirts don’t bother her as much due to her shark tail.

Do people still make rage comics?

It’s hard to believe that people are still making rage comics in 2019. I guess some things never go out of style. Despite everything that’s happened in the world, it seems like there’s still an audience for this kind of humor. I guess it just goes to show that no matter what, people will always find a way to laugh.

Ben-Day dots are a printing process that uses dots of different colors to create an image. The dots are typically arranged in a checkerboard pattern, with each color of dot being slightly offset from the others. When viewed from a distance, the different colors of dots blend together to create the illusion of a solid color.

This printing method was commonly used in color comic books in the 1950s and ’60s, as it was a relatively inexpensive way to create effects of shading and secondary colors. However, the dot patterns could sometimes be visible to the naked eye, which could be distracting to readers.

Is Rage only Australia

Rage is the perfect place to discover new music and artists. With a wide range of music genres featured on the show, there is something for everyone. Over the years, Rage has introduced viewers to some of the biggest names in the music industry, making it the perfect place to stay up-to-date on the latest music trends.

Rage has superhuman strength that can vary at times. Under normal circumstances, he can lift somewhere between 75 and 100 tons. However, for undefined reasons, his strength increases if he focuses it for violent purposes.

Her Lore

Gura hails from Atlantis, a legendary lost underwater city. During her first solo stream on September 13, 2020, where she played the shark simulator game Maneater, Gura mentioned that Atlantis did not have French fries, so she’s not interested in returning.

During a discussion in the Fish Tank, Gura disclosed that Atlantis has been absent for thousands of years, leaving behind only ruins. However, visiting them is challenging due to the high ocean pressure at that depth. Ame hopes to visit Atlantis one day when the flat earth “tips over” and all the water spills out, referencing a joke from one of her streams.
Gawr Gura’s lore

Gura is a shark girl with gills on the sides of her torso, as depicted in the original animation “Shark’d.” She names her own species “Gura shark” and has joked that “Gura” stands for “Giant Underwater Rubber Animal” during one of her Fall Guys streams.

While she’s not sure of her exact shark species, Gura speculates that she may be a descendant of one of the big sharks, such as Megalodon, great white, or salmon shark (her favorite type of shark).

Her chat often witnesses a clapping sound, which they think is the sound of her tail thrashing around excitedly.

Gura explains that her tail has stitches from an event long ago. A boulder trapped it underneath itself in an underwater ravine. But she cannot recall how she got the bite marks on her tail.

Interestingly, Gura’s skin remains unwrinkled, regardless of how long she stays in the bath.

The Life In Atlantis

Laws are not as prevalent as in modern nations in Atlantis, but punishments are harsh, including public executions at a colosseum. Gura once described witnessing a megalodon eating a person alive. There was a significant conflict that occurred about 3,000 to 4,000 years ago involving seashells, though details are unclear.

Various underwater species inhabit Atlantis, including giant hermit crabs that engage in racing and move surprisingly quickly and lobster people.

The food in Atlantis is healthy but mundane, mainly consisting of fish and seaweed.

Also, it is not common for people to wear clothes. Gura caused a stir when she first arrived on the surface, as she bought her outfit at a beachside store and paid in seashells and sand.

Why are they called Rage comics?

The name of these rage comics is derived from the fact that the very first rage comic depicted only one character, now known as either “FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU” or “Rage Guy”. This character is an angry fellow who is often used to express frustration or rage in the comics.

Trolls have been a part of Nordic folklore for centuries. These creatures are usually described as being small and human-like, but in some cases they can be tall as well. In Norwegian tradition, there are tales of both large and small trolls, as well as the Huldrefolk (hidden-folk). However, there is a distinction between the two.

Her Personality

Gura is famous for her friendly and approachable personality, which makes her instantly likable to her viewers. She often entertains them with her silly antics, though she struggles with basic tasks. She has a poor sense of direction, frequently misspells and mispronounces words, and sometimes forgets her own age. Despite these quirks, her viewers affectionately call her a “dum shark” and appreciate her genuine and endearing nature.

One of her viewers described her as having a “heart of gold and a head of the bone.” Although she can be forgetful and occasionally lazy, sometimes letting perishable items go bad, she has a quick wit and cleverness that shine through. She possesses a wealth of knowledge about Shark Facts, which she enthusiastically shares with her audience.

One of Gura’s notable skills is her exceptional talent in fast-paced rhythm games, showcasing her ambition and determination. She is also familiar with modern meme culture and often references it in her content. Despite occasionally making lewd jokes, Gura’s overall content is lighthearted and enjoyable, as she charms her viewers with her unique personality and entertaining antics.

Her Antics

Gura is famous for her mathematical miscalculations and poor sense of direction. She has made several errors in her streams, such as stating that 9+10 equals 11, miscalculating dates, and getting basic multiplication wrong. She also struggles with left and right directions, once leading her fellow hololive EN members in the wrong direction in a Minecraft collab due to misreading a map.

Gura struggling with math

Gura has had issues with misspelling and mispronouncing words in the past, including misspelling “salmon” as “salman” and mispronouncing “almond milk” as “Ame milk.” However, her spelling has improved in recent streams, though she can still stumble over her words at times.

She has a habit of jinxing herself, often making statements that backfire immediately after. For example, in Among Us, she says, “Somebody kills someone! Not me, right?” before killing herself. However, she is becoming aware of her jinxing and sometimes uses it to her advantage in games like Mario Kart.

Gura has had some memorable incidents, such as the “Naked Gura Incident,” where she accidentally appeared without clothes during a stream, and a “Bathtub Pizza” stream where she showed up naked, thinking people on land don’t wear clothes all the time due to her belief that people from Atlantis don’t wear clothes underwater.

Despite her quirks, Gura is affectionately referred to as “Same-chan” by Japanese audiences and has won over her fellow hololive members with her cuteness and kindness. She has received special messages and support from her peers, and her fans find her endearing despite her occasional mishaps.

How old is Trollface?

The “Trollface” is a popular meme that originated on the website 4chan in 2008. The image is often accompanied by phrases such as “Problem?” or “You mad, bro?”, and is used to mock the constant trolling that takes place on 4chan. The meme has become extremely popular, with many variations of the image being created by users.

The term “meme” was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. He conceived of memes as the cultural parallel to biological genes and considered them as being in control of their own reproduction. Memes are ideas, behaviours, or styles that spread from person to person within a culture. A meme typically propagates itself via word of mouth or the copying of symbols.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: