Barry wood sitting on bed meme

Барри Вуд Голый негр на кровати, Wood Sitting On a Bed - мем с голым темнокожим мужчиной, который сидит на кровати Как правило, между его ногами висит

Who’s responsible for overseeing the assessment process in Indiana?

Dear Barry,

Thank you for your dedication to ensuring accurate real property assessments in Indiana! Your work is critical in ensuring that all property owners pay their fair share of taxes, and I appreciate all that you do to ensure this process is fair and transparent. Keep up the great work!


Barry Wood is a British actor who is best known for his roles in the films Kill Slade (1989), Captive Rage (1988) and Skeleton Coast (1988). He has also appeared in a number of television series and stage productions.

What was the first Internet meme

The dancing baby is one of the first examples of a viral meme or video. The 3D-rendered, diaper-clad baby doing some version of the Cha Cha became widely known in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Even though the dancing baby is more than 25 years old, it remains one of the most iconic and well-known examples of a viral video or meme.

The term “meme” has been used in a variety of different ways, but its original meaning was as a unit of cultural information that is transmitted from one individual to another. In this sense, a meme functions like a gene, in that it is a heritable unit that can be passed down from one generation to the next.

However, unlike genes, memes are not necessarily tied to our DNA; they can be passed down through other means, such as through cultural transmission. In this way, memes can be thought of as “infectious” ideas that spread from one person to another, much like a virus.

While the concept of memes is often associated with online culture, the term itself predates the Internet by several decades. The term was first coined by British biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. In Dawkins’

My Experience for Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme

This amazing product looks just like an ordinary pillow, but it has a special surprise inside. When you open it up, you’ll find the most hilarious meme ever created – Barry Wood sitting on a bed! Now, instead of just watching TV, you can spend your lazy afternoons giggling at this meme.

It’s soft and comfortable, too. The fabric is super cozy and made from 100% cotton. Plus, it’s big enough for two people to sit on or to use as a pillow when it’s time for bed.

So if you’re looking for a new way to liven up your lazy days, why not try Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme? It’s sure to bring plenty of smiles and lots of laughs!

Пайпер Перри: кто это девушка из мема? Как называется это видео?

Американская порноактриса Пайпер Перри (Piper Perri) родилась 5 июня 1995 года, сейчас ей 24 года.

Родилась в Гаррисберге, штат Пенсильвания. Имеет ирландские, итальянские, украинские и индейские корни. После развода родителей жила с мамой в Мэриленде, Флориде и других штатах.

По собственным словам, потеряла девственность в 13 лет. В порнофильме впервые снялась в 19 лет, с тех пор принимала участие более чем в 240 роликах. Неоднократно номинировалась на премию AVN Awards, но ни разу не удостоилась этого «порно-Оскара».

Псевдоним «Пайпер Перри» актриса взяла в честь Пайпер Чапман – героини сериала «Оранжевый – хит сезона» (Orange Is the New Black). Название этого же сериала обыгрывается в ролике, где Пайпер снялась с пятью чернокожими мужчинами – он называется Orgy Is the New Black и был выпущен 9 октября 2015 года.

Хобби Пайпер Перри – кулинария и садоводство, сообщает IMDB. Любимая порноактриса – Саша Грей.

Пайпер Перри ведет блог в инстаграме.

Саша Грей и все-все-все. Как выглядят инстаграмы актеров “18+”

Concluding Remarks

Wood’s identity has been shrouded in mystery throughout the meme’s history, from its inception to its most recent surge in popularity. The complete history of the photo was only made available to the public last year, when a short documentary about it was published by VICE.

Through his work as a professional football coach and devoted evangelist, Wood aided countless individuals. It seems that he frequently gave away his last few dollars to those who were even poorer than he was.

However that picture is the one that will stick out in people’s minds when they think of him. To ignore these additional accomplishments and contributions he made throughout his life would be a mistake.

Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme Review

Key Features:

  1. High-quality print on thick paper stock

Printed with archival inks for vibrant colors that last

Funny and memorable gift for everyone

A great conversation starter for any occasion

The Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme is printed on thick paper stock and finished with archival inks so it won’t fade over time. This ensures that the colors stay true and vibrant no matter how often it’s displayed. It’s also a great conversation starter, as people will be sure to get a few laughs when they see it. Plus, it’s the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday celebration, holiday gathering, or just because. So get ready to share some laughs with the Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme!

Приколы в тегах

COUB – ЛучшееАнекдотыДемотиваторыПрикольные и смешные гифкиСпортаварииавтоледи – женщины за рулемавтоприколыаткрыткивелосипедвидеоприколыгорода и страныженщиныжестьживотный мирзнаменитостиинтересные фактыкатастрофыкинокомиксы и карикатурыкорабликреативная рекламамедведимотоциклымужчинымультыприкольные историиприкольные картинкиприкольные надписи и объявленияприкольные рисункиприкольные штучкиприкольный креативприродапроисшествияретроспективарозыгрышисамолетысмешные комментариисмешные котысобакитрюкитуризмуголки мирафишкифото приколы

1 Самый большой член: мировой рекорд

Начнем, пожалуй, с самого волнующего всех нас вопроса: «Кто же тот самый обладатель самого большого детородного органа в мире?». Как оказалось, им является американский актер и писатель Джона Фалкон, член которого в эрегированном состоянии достигает 34,3 сантиметра. 

В настоящий момент Джона работает редактором игрового блога и исполняет второстепенных персонажей в разных фильмах

Впервые он привлек внимание общественности в 1999 году, когда появился в документальном фильме от HBO, в журнале Rolling Stone и еще одной документалке от Channel 4 под названием «Самый большой пенис в мире»

На тот момент ему даже предложили податься в порноиндустрию, однако Джона отказался, сказав, что это будет слишком легкий способ прославиться, а также никак не поможет его основной актерской карьере в художественном кино.

В связи с размером своего полового органа Джона время от времени попадает в забавные ситуации. Например, в 2012 году его остановили в аэропорту из-за того, что после прохождения сканера у актера обнаружили какой-то посторонний предмет в штанах. Впоследствии Джону осмотрели более детально и, наконец, отпустили.

Introduction to Barry Woods Iconic Original Photo: Background and Story

Barry Woods is a renowned photographer best known for his iconic photo of the Brooklyn Bridge in the early twentieth century. His photo has become an inspiration to generations, with its representation of modern architecture and beauty of city life. The original photograph was taken on April 28, 1912 during a family outing with his wife, daughter and two sons. Barry Woods found himself captivated by the majestic view of the newly built Brooklyn suspension bridge spanning across the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn.

At this time New York City was becoming a global powerhouse brimming with technological innovation and industry transformation. Barry envisioned capturing this momentous shift in history before it could be forgotten among future generations, so he set up his box camera atop a wooden tripod near City Hall Park’s Grand Army Plaza District to immortalize the structure’s grandeur. The resulting picture conveys an indelible portrait of strength and resilience that epitomized new New York City; an epicenter for progress.

From this brave leap of faith arose one of the earliest examples of street photography ever recorded – an art form which relies on capturing candid moments in daily life often overlooked or unnoticed. With its upfront focus on real-world issues it continues to gracefully morph from generation to generation requiring complex forms like cell phone cameras juxtaposed next to analog instruments like film cameras used by Woods himself in order to showcase compelling perspectives on current events impacting our communities both locally and globally today.

The success that has followed since Barry Wood’s groundbreaking photograph is unwavering; it has been featured in publications around world including TIME magazine as well as printed onto postcards, bulletin boards and framed prints! Its message is resounding: human conceived technology can come together with natural visual beauty to create mesmerizing spectacles throughout society so much so that we still admire them more than 100 years later despite vast changes in culture and demographics as evidenced by Barry Wood’s beloved photograph showing forevermore, just how beautiful our species is capable of creating when working harmoniously together & committed towards progress over time no matter where we live within our interconnected planet!

Глубина анального отверстияi

Длина хирургического анального канала от аноректального кольца до анальной границы в среднем составляет 4.2 см. У мужчин он более короткий, чем у женщин (4.4 и 4.9 соответственно). Длина анатомического анального канала равна в среднем 2.1 см.

В тоже время длина прямой кишки в целомсоставляет примерно 12 см, что примерно сопоставимо с длиной полового члена. Нодальше начинается сигмовидная кишка, и нет никаких резких изгибов, чтопозволяет практиковать анальный секс с любыми размерами вопрос лишь вподготовке. Некоторые блоги содержат руководстве о фистинге на очень серьезныедистанции до 50 см.

3 Самое большое количество половых партнеров за день

Рекордсменкой по количеству половых партнеров за один день является известная американская порноактриса Lisa Sparxxx. Ей удалось заняться сексом с 919 парнями за 24 часа, установив тем самым мировой рекорд.

Это событие произошло в 2004 году во время польской конвенции под названием Eroticon-2004. Тогда там проходил третий ежегодный чемпионат по групповому сексу (Third Annual World Gangbang Championship). 

Предыдущий рекорд принадлежал порноактрисе Марианне Роките, у которой за день было 759 партнеров, а до нее рекордсменкой стала Клаудиа Фигура, занявшаяся сексом с 646 мужчинами. 


Изначально сама картинка появилась на имиджборде Нульчан около 2013 года (раздел «бред»), негр всем очень быстро понравился и быстро прижился на сайте, а затем начал свое победоносное шествие по покорению Рунета. Он стал как минимум вторым «успешным» негром после Черного властелина, который в свое время вошел в число легенд Двача. Негр обрел и свое имя — вместо здоровяка он стал называться Баке. Со временем появились другие варианты названия — например, негр Баке с большим энтузиазмом.

В отличие от других мемов негр Баке имел оригинал исключительно в виде картинки, которую все потом и стали подписывать на свой вкус. Примеры фантазии пользователей:

— Ты не приехал! А я ведь ждал.
— Хочу лимон.
— Я тебя искал, номер твой наберу осторожно.

Также обыгрываются разные гомосексуальные фантазии авторов.

  • Я тебя искал…

  • Одна из фотожаб

  • С подписью

Много, кстати, кто ищет полное фото негра. С этим сюда. Сразу становится энтузиазм этих пользователей, так как нижняя часть фотки еще более интересная, чем верхняя.

Кто такой Барри Вуд

Подобные твиты стали вирусными, и в конце мая издание Vice решило разыскать героя мемов. Оказалось, что он давно умер. Тем не менее, журналисты рассказали историю его жизни.

Настоящее имя порноактера – Варди Джобер-третий. Он родился 30 августа 1971 года и жил в Сан-Франциско. В школе был звездой футбола, много качался. А до того, как стать порнозвездой, успел обзавестись детьми.

Как рассказывает Vice, мемный снимок был сделан в 2010 году. Автор фотосессии – Уолтер Смит, основатель того самого сайта с гей-порно.

Я сделал фото десять лет назад, предложив ему эту позу, она одна из моих любимых. А теперь этот снимок захватил весь интернет. Теперь это мем Уолтер Смит

Варди Джобер-третий умер 11 декабря 2016 года от сердечного приступа.

How long was Flash in a coma?


I just wanted to write a quick note about the show 9 Months Later. I really enjoyed it and thought it was a great show. I love the characters and the story. I think it’s a great show for people who enjoy superhero shows and I think it has a lot of potential. I’m really looking forward to seeing where the show goes in the future. Thanks for making a great show!

Andrew Beal has an estimated net worth of $971 billion as of 2022, making him by far the richest poker player in the world. While it is possible to win large sums of money playing poker, it would take winning a lot of high rollers to get close to Beal’s net worth.

Who is the number 1 poker player in the world

Carlos Mortensen is a professional poker player who has achieved a lot of success in his career. He is currently ranked 1st on the Leaderboard and has a final table finish of 6. Daniel Negreanu is another professional poker player who is ranked 2nd on the Leaderboard with a final table finish of 9. Michael Mizrachi is ranked 3rd on the Leaderboard with a final table finish of 7. Fedor Holz is a German professional poker player who is currently ranked 4th on the Leaderboard with a final table finish of 171. These are some of the top poker players in the world and they have all had a lot of success in their careers.

These players have earned their reputations as some of the best poker players in the world through years of hard work and dedication to the game. They have each won numerous championships and tournaments, and their skills are highly respected by their peers. If you’re looking to improve your own poker games, studying the strategies of these top players is a great place to start.

A Closer Look at How Technology Has Played a Role in Preserving Barry Woods Artwork Within Society

Technological advancements have had a significant impact on the preservation of Barry Woods’ artwork within society. The development of digital technologies has enabled the collection, storage, and retrieval of his artwork in an efficient manner, allowing more people to experience his work than ever before.

The introduction of digital photo editing software has made it easier for art historians to create accurate representations of his artworks in order to preserve them in their original form. By stabilizing colours, adjusting contrast levels and removing blemishes or scratches, digital imaging allows us to examine pieces in greater detail than was possible with traditional photographic techniques. Furthermore, high resolution cameras capture images with greater clarity thereby conserving more information over time. The resulting images are highly accurate digital archives that can be shared widely online or displayed in virtual collections at physical galleries where they can reach a much wider audience.

Additionally, 3D technology has been used to enhance our understanding of Wood’s artwork by creating detailed visualisations which provide more depth than conventional photographs. Using this technology users can ‘zoom in’ and explore features from every angle – providing access to previously hidden aspects such as colour schemes, brush strokes and details that often would be hard to spot using traditional media alone. This level of insight is hugely beneficial for those wishing to gain a better understanding into Woods’ works as well as experts who use it for preservation purposes by restoring elements that have decayed over time without compromising the original composition or quality.

In addition, audio recordings created using big data analytics enable us to hear recorded conversations between artists about the intent behind specific works and stories associated with creations that may otherwise remain unknown or lost forever; giving us an immersive experience like no other and bringing what were once still imaged artefacts alive once again! As such this not only helps preserve raw materials associated with each painting but also generates interest others wise unimaginable making Woods artwork even more accessible then imagined when it first began many years ago!

It is clear then that technology plays a major role in preserving Barry Woods’ artwork within society today – offering invaluable tools enabling us not only getcloserlook at his pieces but gain access insights otherwise forgotten or lost through the ages

Step by Step Guide to Uncovering the History Behind the Photo

Photography is a powerful way for people to express their memories, feelings and moments in time. It is often just as powerful for historians to use photos to uncover the hidden stories that are locked away in the history books. The art of discovering the backstories and details of a photo can be done by anyone, with practice and patience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how you can uncover the history behind an old photo:

1. Start off by examining the photo closely: Look for any details related to who, what, when and where it was taken. Who appears in the photo? What are they wearing? Where did it take place? When was it likely snapped? All these elements can provide clues that may help you further your research into its backstory.

2. Ask yourself some questions about what kind of photograph it is – Is this an informal representation or a posed portrait? Do they appear as if they’re living during a particular era? Are there any objects within pictured that could give you clues about it being taken during another period in time? Does it look like something taken during wartime or peacetime?

3. Once you’ve fully inspected the picture, try searching for related terms on search engines such as Google or Bing, using key words that may relate to certain dates or other specifics from within the image itself —don’t forget plenty of images will also come up from similar queries!

4. Also make sure you check out local libraries or archives which might contain additional information about trends during particular eras or specific locations which were featured in shots –you never know what gems this kind of research can turn up!

5. Finally—and one of our favourites—ask friends, family members or members of society groups who might have known those pictured;did they ever recall hearing stories passed down through generations about these people within their life experience? Everything helps when puting together several pieces of the puzzle which makes up revealing the bigger picture!

Uncovering histories lost deep below surface ones can be incredibly exciting and rewarding experience but it also requires quite an bit effort and research too – however exploring these rich depths pays off when trying looking back over time at times gone past through pictures– so good luck digging out your own buried treasure!

How to Create an Unforgettable Meme with Barry Wood Sitting on Bed

Memes are a great way to add some fun and humor to your social media pages. If you’re looking for something unique and memorable, why not try out the Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme available on Amazon? This meme is sure to make your followers laugh and give you plenty of likes and shares.

The process of creating this funny meme is quite straightforward. First, you’ll need to purchase the Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme, which comes in two sizes: standard (6 x 9 inches) and large (10 x 13 inches). The product also includes a high-quality image that you can use as the centerpiece of your meme.

Once you have the image ready, it’s time to create your own humorous caption. You can take inspiration from popular memes, or come up with something entirely original. Once you have your caption written down, you can use one of many online meme generators to put together the perfect meme.

When your meme is ready, you can upload it to any social media platform that allows images. Make sure to include relevant hashtags so more people can find your post!

Creating a unique and funny meme using the Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme is easy and fun – plus it makes for an unforgettable post that will give you lots of likes and shares!

6 Самая большая натуральная грудь

Обладательницей самой большой груди является американка Энни Хокинс-Тернер, более известная под псевдонимом Норма Ститц. Она носит только специальные бюстгальтеры, разработанные под ее формы, и очень гордится своей грудью.

По словам Энни, ее бюст начал развиваться еще в возрасте девяти лет.

Стоит отметить, что врачи советовали сделать Энни операцию по уменьшению груди, но она отказалась, заявив, что не хочет «бороться с природой». Сейчас у Энни два ребенка, и она попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса еще в 2000 году. 

«Это заставило меня почувствовать себя на миллион баксов. Это важная честь для меня. Это войдет в историю. Это то, что я всегда буду ценить», — заявила девушка.

Questions about Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme

What is the Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme?

The Barry Wood Sitting On Bed Meme is a hilarious meme featuring the image of an animated Barry Wood sitting on a bed. The meme gained popularity after its appearance in a viral video, and has since become a popular way to express amusement, surprise, or confusion.

What are the features of this product?

This product features a high-quality image of Barry Wood Sitting On Bed that can be used for memes, jokes, and other creative projects. The image is printed on durable cardstock with vibrant colors that will last for years. It also comes with an accompanying caption to add extra hilarity to your project.

How do I use this product?

Using this product is easy! Simply print out the cardstock sheet, cut out the image of Barry Wood Sitting On Bed, and then attach it to any surface you would like to add some humor to. You can also use the accompanying caption for added fun!

Is this product suitable for everyone?

Yes! This product is suitable for all ages and genders. It’s perfect for adding some funny, creative, and whimsical flair to any project or occasion.

Robbie Murphy

Hi everyone, I’m Robbie. I’m a passionate home chef and food enthusiast. I love to experiment with new recipes and flavors and am always looking for ways to make cooking more fun and enjoyable! I’m excited to share my experiences and tips here with all of you.

How This Meme Went Viral?

Some of the most (in)famous internet memes featured the character often known as “Huge Penis Guy,” including the following:

  1. They photoshop an image of themselves resting their heads on his shoulders.
  2. Flowers covering Wood’s penis as he poses for photos beside a woman in a beautiful meadow.
  3. Wood holding a sign, next to a group of healthcare workers also holding signs that read, “We stay here for you. Please stay home for us.”
  4. Quarantine Day 49: Finally Got Dressed is the strapline for a picture of wood with clothing superimposed on his body and the number
  5. Jeopardy! Contestant Wood without any clothes on.
  6. His image was featured as Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” on the cover.
  7. Wood is in the Oval Office, seated at the President’s desk.
  8. Having a photo shoot for a rap album’s cover and ending up sitting next to Tupac and other famous rappers.
  9. Pictures showing people’s expressions “before,” “during,” and “after” they gaze down and view Barry’s Wood.
  10. Photograph shows Wood wearing a mask; the caption urges readers to follow his lead.
  11. The American flag draped over a piece of wood on the moon.
  12. Riding one of Disney World’s roller coasters.

Who Exactly is Barry Wood?

Wood, as he was known to his friends, was a preacher and a football coach who catapulted to prominence in 2012 after a naked photo of himself went viral on the internet. Wood was born in San Francisco on the 30th of August 1971 under the name Wardy Joubert III. His real name was Wardy Joubert III. He passed away from a heart attack in December of 2016.

People who Wood met at sex parties in his hometown of San Francisco pushed him to make pornographic videos because of his outstanding body and big manhood. Wood was born and raised in San Francisco.

Because he was having financial difficulties at the time, he sought their guidance in order to find a way to make ends meet. It was around this period when the infamous photograph of him was shot.

Also Read: What is Shirt Cut Meme and How to Minimize the Meme In Real Life?

What is Barry Wood famous for?

Barry Wood is considered one of the best English cricket players of all time. He had a successful career playing for Yorkshire and on the international stage. Wood was born on December 26, 1942, in England. He made his first-class debut for Yorkshire in 1962 and quickly became one of the club’s best players. Wood played for England in Test matches and One Day Internationals. He retired from cricket in 1982. Wood was inducted into the Yorkshire Hall of Fame in 2001.

It’s truly amazing how one photo can capture the attention of so many people and change someone’s life forever. Wardy G Joubert III was just an ordinary man living in Louisiana until one day, a photo of him went viral and he became known as “Barry Woods”.

Even though he was thrust into the spotlight, Joubert tried to keep his identity relatively hidden. However, thanks to a new short-form documentary from VICE, we now know his full story.

Joubert sadly passed away on December 11, 2016, but his legacy will live on through that iconic photo.

What does Barry Wood do for a living

Barry is a highly skilled and experienced designer who has worked for some of the top firms in the US. He has now launched his own firm and is licensed to practice independently. His firm offers a wide range of design services and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to its clients.

Barry Wood was a determined and gutsy opening batsman who never shirked from a challenge. Despite his lack of inches (he was 5′ 6″), he was a good hooker and puller, but was cast in the role of understudy to a succession of openers and in his 12 Tests spread over seven seasons, he never played more than three in a row.

Умерь свои мемы

Значительная часть комедии в «Умерь свой энтузиазм» построена на абсурдных и неловких ситуациях. И зачастую такие нелепые концовки как раз сменялись на титры с характерной весёлой мелодией. Так и появилась ассоциация «неловкая ситуация — переход на заставку с мелодией». can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 7 Episode 9 ending scene (

По данным Know Your Meme, впервые с помощью мелодии из «Умерь свой энтузиазм» обыграли самую неловкую ситуацию 2015 года. 21 декабря в Лас-Вегасе проходил финал конкурса красоты «Мисс Вселенная». В конце остались две девушки — колумбийка Ариадна Гутьеррес (Ariadna Gutierrez) и филиппинка Пиа Алонсо Вуртцбах (Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach).

Ведущий конкурса, комик Стив Харви, объявлял имя победительницы, пока девушки держались за руки. Сначала он назвал «Мисс Вселенной» Гутьеррес — ей вручили букет и надели на голову корону. Но спустя несколько минут Харви извинился и сообщил, что всё перепутал. С колумбийки сняли корону и передали её другой девушке. На YouTube решили, что эта ситуация просто обязана заканчиваться характерной музыкой и заставкой. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Curb Your Miss Universe (

Это породило тренд на ролики с подобными концовками. На YouTube их можно найти по наванию «Curb Your x», где «x» — описание подходящей ситуации. По сути, под мем попадали любые видео, которые оканчивались провалом или каким-либо неловким моментом. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: oh boy.. your enthusiasm ( can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Sad Affleck — Curb Your Enthusiasm for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ( can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: curb your terrorism ( can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Curb Your Cat Treat ( can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: CurbYourRioting (

Не обошлось без ремиксов самой мелодии во множестве стилей. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Trumpet boy plays curb your enthusiasm ( can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme (Frolic) (

Мем спустя три с половиной года до сих пор популярен: роликов с провалами в интернете много, и пользователи, видимо, не успокоятся, пока не дополнят все заставкой из «Умерь свой энтузиазм».

В какой-то момент в соцсетях поняли, что чёрный экран с надписью «Directed by Robert B. Weide» — уже стойкая ассоциация со всей заставкой, потому что это первое, что появляется на экране после начала музыки. Тогда пользователи просто стали ставить скриншот в конце неловких и провальных историй. «У этой картинки есть звук», — отмечают комментаторы.


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6 комментариев к “Фото-приколы (83 фото)”

Lali (2015-12-25, 11:45:44) Всего комментариев пользователя:

Спасибо,здорово!!! Только про Форда как-то не смешно…У него,видимо,парализована часть лица после инсульта…

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о/ (2015-12-25, 19:59:30) Всего комментариев пользователя:

Да, ладно… Он артист, талантливый артист. Всегда готов сыграть любую роль. Хоть звездолета-авантюриста, хоть археолога-попрыгунчика, хоть алкаша-подводника. Главное, чтобы платили

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о/ (2015-12-25, 20:05:14) Всего комментариев пользователя:

Впрочем, последнее относится ко всем артистам, даже тем кто обделен талантом. А так же, к большей части журналистов.

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Prolog (2015-12-27, 08:31:54) Всего комментариев пользователя:

Не скажите… Сыграть алкаша достаточно трудно. Можно конечно перед выступлением «хряпнуть» хорошенько, но тогда не факт что не забудешь текст .

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forvor (2015-12-25, 16:24:29) Всего комментариев пользователя:

39-Стена плача.

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Sergej (2015-12-26, 16:56:35) Всего комментариев пользователя:

35 классная маскировка

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: