Собака с прической мем

Fight of animals/egg dog - mizuumi wiki


23 февраля 2010 воспитательница японского детского сада Ацуко Сато опубликовала в своём блоге несколько фотографий Кабосу – собаки породы сиба-ину, которую женщина спасла и приютила. Среди этих снимков была и фотография с поднятой бровью, которая и стала основой мема Doge.

28 октября 2010 фото собаки было опубликовано на сайте Reddit с подписью LMBO LOOK THIS FUKKIN DOGE («Ржу до колик! Посмотрите на чёртову псинку!»). В августе 2013 года изображения с мемом часто публиковались на сабреддите r/MURICA пользователями имиджборды /b/ в 4chan.

Впервые слово “doge” как намеренно неправильная форма слова dog (собака) появилось в июне 2005 года в эпизоде кукольного шоу «Homestar runner» под названием «Biz cas fri 1». Персонаж Homestar называет так Strongbad, когда пытается отвлечь его от работы.

Согласно данным Google Trends, популярность слова “doge” резко возросла в октябре 2013 года, а в ноябре мем получил широкое распространение.

В 2013 году мем занял двенадцатое место в списке MTV «50 явлений поп-культуры, за которые мы должны быть благодарны» и был назван лучшим мемом года по версии сайта Know Your Meme.

В декабре 2013 года была анонсирована криптовалюта Dogecoin, которая стала первой, основанной на интернет-меме.

В апреле 2017 года в сети появилась новость о том, что Кабосу умер в возрасте 16 лет. Это оказалось неправдой – фейк опровергла лично хозяйка собаки, а заодно рассказала, что Доге – девочка, а не мальчик как многие думают.

Публикация от かぼすママ (@kabosumama) Апр 1, 2017 at 5:07 PDT

9 января 2018 году Кабосу исполнилось 12 лет.

Is it OK to give eggs to dogs?

Eggs are a great source of nutrition for your canine companion. They are high in protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and fatty acids that help support your dog inside and out. Remember that eggs are only as good as the chicken they come from.

Hi there!

Thanks for considering our virtual dog game, Furry Paws. In this game, you’ll be raising wuffy bunnies in exchange for fun and excitement! We’re available during business hours to help you get started, so come join the fun today!

How was the Eggdog made

Eggdog is a weird meme that stemmed from a video of a fluffy white dog being groomed. The dog looks like an egg with a face when the video is taken at a specific angle. And thus, Eggdog was born.

Gizmo is an amazing therapy dog who has been recognized by the AKC for his outstanding work. He has helped countless people in need and has brought joy and comfort to many. Gizmo is a true hero and we are so proud of him!

Is Eggdog real?

Eggdog is a popular character on the internet, appearing in both real life and fiction. In real life, Eggdog is a white Pomeranian dog that has its hair cut into the shape of an egg. Meanwhile, the fictional Eggdog can be seen in computer animated YouTube videos posted by YouTuber zamsire.

Pom Pom the dog shot to fame after inspiring plenty of creative people online who started creating egg-ceptional fanart of the pup. He has since been dubbed as “Eggdog” and even though his iconic haircut has grown out, he has already made his mark on the internet.

Who invented Eggdog

Eggdog is a simple easter egg put into each episode by one of the editors, James Bailey. He is the same editor that put in the Hideo Kojima cameos in The Anime Arc. The purpose of Eggdog is to add a little bit of fun and levity to the show. It’s a small, but appreciated, touch that fans of the show have come to love.

This game is perfect for a group of friends or family! Gather 2-4 people together and have a blast!

What breed is from a egg dog meme?

The egg dog meme features a charming and funny little dog that appears to be made entirely out of a fried egg. While the dog in the meme may look like it belongs to a specific breed, there is actually no specific breed that matches the appearance of the egg dog.

It is important to note that memes and other internet trends are often created by people with a great sense of humor and creativity, and they may not always be based on reality. In the case of the egg dog meme, the idea behind it is a simple, yet hilarious, concept that combines the visual of a cute and fluffy dog with that of a deliciously fried egg.

Some internet users may speculate that the dog in the meme belongs to a certain breed, such as perhaps a Bichon Frise, Poodle, or Pekingese, based on the dog’s fluffy and round appearance, but the reality is that the egg dog has no real-world counterpart.

While the egg dog may not belong to any real-world breed, it is nonetheless a beloved meme that has brought joy and laughter to countless people around the world. It is a testament to the power of humor and creativity in connecting people, and it serves as a reminder that sometimes the most bizarre and silly things can be the most delightful.

Can I feed dog eggs?

Dogs can certainly be fed eggs as an occasional treat or as a supplement to their regular dog food diet. Eggs are a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that are beneficial for your furry friend’s overall health and well-being.

Feeding your dog eggs can provide them with the necessary protein for building and repairing muscles, bones, hair, and skin. Eggs also contain vitamin A, which helps to maintain healthy eyesight, and vitamin D, which supports bone health, and the absorption of calcium in the body. Additionally, eggs are a good source of iron, which is essential for boosting your dog’s energy and preventing anemia.

When feeding your dog eggs, it’s essential to cook them thoroughly and never feed them raw, as raw eggs may contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning and other health complications. Cooked eggs also have a higher digestibility level than raw eggs, allowing your dog’s body to absorb all the essential nutrients for proper growth and development.

While eggs are safe and beneficial for most dogs, some dogs may have allergies, digestive issues, or sensitivities to eggs. Therefore, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before adding any new food items to your dog’s diet. Your vet can help you determine the right amount of eggs to feed your dog, depending on their size, weight, and overall health condition.

Feeding your dog eggs can be a healthy and tasty addition to their diet, but it should always be done in moderation and cooked thoroughly. Remember, a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for your dog’s overall health and wellbeing.

What is Eggdogs real name?

Eggdog is a viral internet meme that originated from a picture of a dog with eggs as eyes, which has been circulating on social media as early as 2013. The image has garnered a massive following on various platforms, including social media, forums, and website. However, the real name of the dog in the picture, or its owner, remains a mystery.

The proliferation of the Eggdog meme has transcended the bounds of social media, with people creating different variations of the image, including artwork, merchandise, and even costumes. The image has also inspired a lot of internet humor and discussions, and many people have come up with different theories about the dog’s identity.

However, from all indications, there is no known source of information regarding Eggdog’s real name.

It’S safe to say that Eggdog’s real name is a mystery, and the adorable image of the dog with eggs as eyes continues to charm and entertain people across the globe. So, if you happen to come across a picture of Eggdog, sit back, relax and enjoy the cuteness, because finding out his real name might remain a mystery for a while.

What does egg dog mean?

” However, in some contexts, an egg dog could be a culinary creation where a hotdog is wrapped in an omelet or scrambled eggs instead of a typical bun. The egg is cooked around the sausage to create a cylindrical shape resembling a hotdog bun. In other contexts, egg dog could be a term used to describe a person who is timid or weak-willed, potentially comparing them to a small, fragile puppy.

It could also be used as a term of endearment for someone who is playful or energetically animated, much like a bouncy, frolicking dog. the meaning of the term egg dog varies depending on the context, and requires additional information to fully understand its intended use and meaning.

What breed is meme?

The Shiba Inu is a popular meme subject and has been for years. The meme typically consists of a picture of Kabosu, a Shiba Inu dog accompanied by multicolored text in Comic Sans font in the foreground. The meme often contains humorous or clever messages and is popular with people of all ages.

The Shiba Inu is a popular dog breed that origins from Japan. The breed became popular in the west after the doge meme exploded in popularity, which in turn led to the development of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, two cryptocurrencies that are now worth over $70 billion. The Shiba Inu is a loyal and affectionate dog that makes a great companion. If you’re thinking of getting a Shiba Inu, be sure to do your research to ensure you’re providing a good home for this special breed of dog.

Who is Cody the dog

K-9 Cody is a German Shepherd who has been trained in explosive detection. She has worked in Iraq, protecting US Embassy personnel, before being transferred to the Mall of America. K-9 Cody has a storied career of keeping people safe.

Inventor Kenneth A Warth has created a Dog Umbrella, which is a practical and unique invention. The Dog Umbrella is a regular umbrella, but with a special attachment that allows it to be securely fastened to a dog’s collar. This way, your dog can enjoy a rain-free walk while you stay dry!

Собаку постригли, и теперь это не пёс, а мем. Фрэнк Галлагер на четырёх лапах выглядел бы именно так

Фото постриженной собаки развирусилось в соцсетях и разошлось на мемы — спасибо потрёпанному виду питомца. Животное на снимке — это все мы после вечеринки и девушки после снятия макияжа, шутят комментаторы. А ещё в нём легко узнать героев сериалов и мультиков.

Парень с ником ICE в твиттере 26 февраля опубликовал две фотографии с собакой, и пост развирусился на больше чем 547 тысяч лайков. На первом снимке — пушистый причёсанный питомец, в то время как на втором… Это лучше один раз увидеть.

Твои дни сочтены, Petsmart.

Что, чёрт возьми, они с ней сделали?!

Я визжу, это так чертовски смешно.

Многие пользователи соцсетей также засомневались в том, что на двух фото одно и то же животное, и устроили споры (главные доводы сторон — якобы одинаковый нос и разные глаза у собак). Ну а другие любители животных отнеслись к посту проще и обшутили его. С кем только не сравнили хвостатую беднягу.

Омг, они сделали собаку похожей на наркоманку.

Бедная малышка выглядит как Фрэнк Галлагер .

Фото постриженного животного разошлось на мемы.

“Надеюсь, этот имейл нашёл вас в добром здравии!” В каком состоянии меня нашёл этот имейл:

“Ты будешь настоящей дурой, если вернёшься к нему”. Я:

Это собака вспоминает свой прошлый поход к грумеру.

Оказалось, две фотографии с собакой (или собаками) идеально подходят для описания нашей повседневной жизни.

Хозяевам собаки же остаётся утешаться тем фактом, что они — далеко не единственные любители животных, чей питомец пережил неудачную трансформацию. Ведь пользователи твиттера накидали в комментарии других забавных снимков четвероногих после стрижки.

Иногда груминг так меняет собак, что питомцы становятся похожими на совершенно других зверей. Так было с пуделем тиктокерши, который после стрижки стал вылитым альпакой (и обиделся). А грумер из Японии намеренно сделал из четвероногого шар на ножках. Кажется, овечкособы выглядели бы именно так.

Источник статьи: http://medialeaks.ru/2802amv-trnd-petsmart-doggo/

Do water dogs exist?

Yes, water dogs do exist. In fact, there are several dog breeds that are well-suited for aquatic activities like swimming, diving, and retrieving. Some of the most popular water dog breeds include the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Portuguese Water Dog, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and Irish Water Spaniel.

These dogs have physical characteristics that make them excel in the water, such as webbed feet, waterproof coats, and a love for water.

Labrador Retrievers, for example, are often used as working dogs in search and rescue missions on both land and water. Their powerful tails and webbed feet help them swim strong and retrieve objects from the water. Similarly, Portuguese Water Dogs were originally bred for fishing and were trained to dive into the water and retrieve fish from the nets.

They have a thick, curly coat that is water-resistant and helps protect them from the cold while they swim.

Water dogs are not limited to just these breeds as there are several other breeds that are natural swimmers as well. However, it should be noted that even though a breed is naturally a good swimmer, individual dogs within that breed may have different preferences when it comes to water. It’s important to always supervise your dog when around water and to ensure that they are comfortable and safe in the water.

Water dogs do exist, and there are several breeds that are well-suited for aquatic activities. Physical characteristics such as webbed feet and waterproof coats, along with a love for water make these breeds excellent swimmers and retrievers. However, each dog is an individual and may have different preferences when it comes to water, so it’s important to always supervise your dog and ensure their safety around water.

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Is Eggdog a Pomeranian?

It is difficult to accurately answer whether Eggdog is a Pomeranian without additional context or information. However, based on the name alone, it is unlikely that Eggdog is a Pomeranian as Pomeranians are a specific breed of dog that are known for their fluffy and compact appearance.

Eggdog could be a nickname or a name given to a dog of any breed or even a mixed breed. It is possible that Eggdog could have some physical characteristics or traits that are commonly associated with Pomeranians, such as a compact size or a fluffy coat. However, without seeing a photo or knowing any other information about Eggdog, it is impossible to say for certain that Eggdog is a Pomeranian.

Regardless of Eggdog’s breed, it is important to remember that all dogs have unique personalities, needs, and preferences. It is important to properly care for and train any dog, regardless of their breed or appearance.

What is the H in Eggdog?

In some contexts, ‘H’ can be used as an abbreviation or an acronym representing a word or a phrase. For example, ‘H’ can stand for ‘hydrogen’ in the periodic table of elements, ‘hour’ in time measurement, ‘high’ in temperature scales, and ‘health’ in medical terminologies.

In other contexts, ‘H’ can be used as a variable, indicating a numerical or mathematical value in equations or formulas. For example, ‘H’ can represent enthalpy in thermodynamics, magnetic field strength in physics, and height or distance in geometry.

Since Eggdog is not a well-known term or entity, it is difficult to determine the meaning of ‘H’ in Eggdog without additional context or information. It is possible that ‘H’ in Eggdog is a part of a name, a symbol, an abbreviation, or an acronym related to Eggdog, and its meaning is likely specific to the context of Eggdog itself.

What is the dog from secret pets?

The dog from The Secret Life of Pets is named Max. Max is a cute little terrier who is the main character of the movie. He is a loyal and lovable pet, who leads an adventurous life when his owner, Katie, leaves him home alone. Max is shown as being very fond of his owner, and is extremely protective of her.

However, when a new dog named Duke comes along, Max is forced to share his owner’s love and attention with him.

Max and Duke initially have a rocky relationship, but they are forced to team up when they end up lost in the city together. During their adventure, Max learns to open his heart to Duke and accept him as a friend. Max also displays his bravery and intelligence while trying to navigate their way back to their beloved homes.

Throughout the movie, Max also reveals his secret life as a pet, which includes having conversations with other pets in the building and attending wild parties when their owners are not home. Max is a fun-loving and mischievous dog who shows us the secret life that our pets might be leading when we’re not around.

Max is an endearing character in The Secret Life of Pets, who teaches us the importance of friendship and acceptance. He has captured the hearts of viewers around the world with his charming personality and adorable appearance.

What kind of dog looks like an egg?

There isn’t a specific breed of dog that resembles an egg in shape, but there are some breeds that have a more rounded appearance that could be compared to an egg. For example, the Basset Hound has a thick, round body with short legs and large ears that flop down, giving it a somewhat egg-like appearance.

Similarly, the Chinese Shar-Pei has a stocky, wrinkled body that may seem somewhat egg-shaped. The French Bulldog also has a round and compact body, as well as a distinctive head shape that is somewhat flattened, giving it a unique appearance that might be considered somewhat egg-like. However, it’s important to note that comparing a dog to an egg might not be the most flattering description, as dogs come in all shapes and sizes and should be celebrated for their unique and beautiful qualities!

Where did Eggdog come from?

Eggdog is a virtual character that emerged in the world of social media and 3D animation. Although its origins are unclear, it is widely believed that Eggdog first appeared in a 3D animation video made by a user of the popular video-sharing platform, TikTok. The video featured a small, egg-shaped dog slowly rotating on its axis, with its eyes, nose, and mouth moving in synch with the music.

The character was an instant hit among the platform’s users, and its popularity quickly spread to other social media platforms.

The exact reason for Eggdog’s popularity is not entirely clear, but it is thought to be due in part to its unique and quirky design. The egg-shaped body, large eyes, and small, floppy ears give Eggdog a cute and endearing appearance that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers. Additionally, Eggdog’s animations and movements are smooth and fluid, making it seem almost lifelike.

As Eggdog’s popularity continued to grow, it inspired many creators to make their own versions of the character. Fans began to make fan art, write fan fiction, and even create their own 3D models of Eggdog. The character has since become a popular meme and has been featured in countless videos, GIFs, and social media posts.

Eggdog’S exact origins may be mysterious, but what is certain is that it has become a beloved internet sensation. Its cute and quirky design, lovable personality, and unique animations have captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of people around the world.

Is an Eggdog real?

While some people may claim that an Eggdog is a real thing, the reality is, there is no such animal or creature called an Eggdog. In fact, the term “Eggdog” is most likely a made-up term, coined by someone who was trying to create a hybrid or imaginary creature that combines the qualities of an egg and a dog.

Both eggs and dogs are real, of course, but the two have nothing in common with one another, except for the fact that they are both popular as food and pets respectively. Dogs are mammals, while eggs are a type of reproductive structure laid by birds, reptiles, and some other animals. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that dogs and eggs can somehow be combined to create a new type of creature.

That being said, there are some foods that have been named Eggdog, though they are not actual animals. For example, an Eggdog is a popular street food in South Korea, and is essentially a hot dog wrapped in a thin layer of egg batter and fried. Similarly, there is a type of corn dog in the United States that is also sometimes referred to as an Eggdog.

However, it is important to note that these food items are not related to any type of animal, and are simply given that name for marketing or branding purposes.

An Eggdog is not a real creature, but rather a term that has been used to refer to certain types of food items. While it is possible that people may continue to use the term in a playful or creative manner, it is important to distinguish between fantasy and reality, when it comes to the existence of such creatures.

What happened to the egg dog?

The egg dog is a food item that is made by wrapping a hot dog in a thin layer of scrambled eggs and then frying it. It’s a popular street food in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. However, the fate of the egg dog can vary depending on the region you’re in.

In some places, the egg dog is still going strong and is a beloved snack among locals and tourists alike. Vendors can be seen cooking up these delicious treats on street corners or in food markets, serving them hot and fresh to hungry customers. They may be served with a variety of toppings such as cheese, ketchup, or chili sauce, making them a versatile and satisfying meal.

However, in other areas, the egg dog has fallen out of favor for various reasons. Some people argue that it’s unhealthy food due to its high calorie count and high levels of saturated fat. Others claim that the taste is too bland or that the quality of the ingredients used is not up to par. In these places, you may find that the egg dog has been replaced by other street foods that are considered healthier or tastier.

Despite these criticisms, the egg dog remains an enduring symbol of street food culture in many parts of the world. Its unique flavor and texture is beloved by many, and the egg dog’s popularity shows no signs of waning anytime soon. So if you’re ever in a part of the world where egg dogs are still being sold, be sure to try one – you won’t regret it!

What kind of dog is Bradley Cooper’s dog?

Bradley Cooper’s dog is a rescue Beagle mix named Charlie. Bradley has been seen walking his furry friend on numerous occasions and has even brought him on set while filming movies. Charlie made his debut on the silver screen in the movie A Star is Born, where he played the beloved pet dog of Bradley’s character, Jackson Maine.

Bradley is known for his love for animals, and his decision to rescue a dog instead of buying one from a breeder or pet store reinforces his dedication to animal welfare. Bradley Cooper’s choice of a rescue dog has shed light on the importance of adoption, and his love for Charlie has inspired others to choose rescue animals for their own forever homes.

Charlie has become a beloved pet of the Cooper household and has brought joy and companionship to Bradley as well as his family. It is remarkable how the celebrity status of Bradley Cooper has helped highlight animal welfare and the importance of rescuing pets, thereby creating a positive impact on society.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: