Bonk (cheems)


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28 октября фото собаки попало на сайт Reddit, с подписью «Ржу до колик! Посмотрите на чёртову псинку!», где получило 266 голосов за, 218 очков в целом и 48 комментариев с предложением сохранить эту пикчу. В апреле пользователь с ником Leonsumbitches опубликовал на сайте Tumblr аудиофайл, который представлял из себя произнесённый компьютерным голосом отрывок текста, в котором были написаны некоторые команды для пошаговой игры, то есть что-то вроде инструкции, что делать при встрече с псинкой. Например, вы встретили эту собаку, вам доступны действия:

  1. погладить
  2. обнять
  3. покормить

Вы выбрали (например) покормить — собака признательна вам. Данная аудиозапись была прикреплена к фотографии женщины, похлопывающей по голове собаку, и набрало более 33 тыс. комментариев к июлю 2013 года.

В это время, данный мем активно форсился на Reddit, где фото с собакой и подписями в стиле внутренного монолога было запилено на «чизбургер». Далее мем стал распространяться и по другим зарубежным имиджбордам. К 2013, Додж добрался и до Форчана, а потом стал популярен во всём Интернете, в том числе и в России. Хотя у нас псинка стала знаменитой не так давно, в октябре-ноябре 2013, когда всё же попала в . Точнее, впервые этот мем попал туда раньше, но популярность приобрёл именно в октябре-ноябре 2013 — предположительно, благодаря ресурсу Pikabu, где недавно форсилось множество фотожаб с этой собакой, и где некоторые пользователи присвоили ей имя Догэ, по аналогии с Котэ, что делает собачку как-то роднее нашему юзеру.

Также Doge использовался на 1 апреля 2014 Вконтакте. Когда в тот день кто-то лайкал что-то, из правого нижнего угла вылезал пес (через год аналогичным образом был популяризован Ничоси).

What is the Bonk Effect? And How Do You Make It?

26 related questions found

What is the word bonk slang for?

We really appropriated ‘bonk’ as a sex term. Slang dictionaries give us ‘bonkability’ (sexual allure) ‘bonkhole’ (anus) ‘bonk-on’ (erection) and even ‘bonkbuster’ (for a film with sex scenes.

Why do runners bonk?

In endurance sports such as cycling and running, hitting the wall or the bonk is a condition of sudden fatigue and loss of energy which is caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. Milder instances can be remedied by brief rest and the ingestion of food or drinks containing carbohydrates.

What is bonk drug?

Sports medicine A total system shutdown that occurs in athletes whose liver glycogen reserves have been depleted and whose leg (or other endurance) muscles stop responding as desired.

Does smacking a dog on the nose hurt them?

In addition to being cruel and inhumane, smacking a dog on the nose – or any other part of their body- can be highly ineffective as a form of discipline. Dog’s don’t learn from pain as humans do; they get scared or aggressive from it.

What does it feel like to bonk?

The symptoms of a bonk can vary, but on a physical side you will generally feel extremely weak and tired and you may shake, sweat a lot and feel dizzy or light-headed. … Bonking can also affect the brain as that too burns glucose, and you may feel anxious, irritable, confused and emotional.

What is wrong with Pfts eyes?

The most common symptom of PFT is gradual, progressive blurred central vision in one or both eyes. Other symptoms such as distorted vision or “blank spots” may occur. In some cases, PFT can cause a sudden decline in central vision.

How does Dave Portnoy make money?

As of 2021, Dave Portnoy has a net worth of $120 million. His wealth primarily comes from his equity in the pop culture blog, Barstool Sports. Although he is no longer the CEO of Barstool Sports, he still serves as Chief of Content, overseeing everything from podcasts, videos, and merchandise.

Why do marathon runners hit the wall?

Why do some runners ‘hit the wall’? In general, hitting the wall refers to depleting your stored glycogen and the feelings of fatigue and negativity that typically accompany it. Glycogen is carbohydrate that is stored in our muscles and liver for energy.

What causes a bonk?

So what actually causes you to bonk? Bonking can occur when your body runs out of glucose to burn, and your muscles and liver are depleted of glycogen. Because glucose is the primary fuel source for the brain, you may also experience central nervous system fatigue.

Do runners Bonk?

When your body stalls mid-run, it’s called bonking. … In some form or another, it becomes a collapse of the entire system: body and form, brains and soul. Consider the muscle-glycogen bonk, where the brain works fine but the legs up and quit.

What is a Zonk?

: stun, stupefy also : strike, zap —often used with out. intransitive verb. : to pass out from or as if from alcohol or a drug —often used with out.

Can you get hat drops in tf2?

Yes, hats are dropped similarly to weapons. However, little is known about the drop rate for hats. For weapons, there is a rate of roughly 8-10 items per week, if you play an average amount of time.

How do you put a bonk filter on a video?

Make clips look different

  1. Step 1: To add a filter before you begin recording, tap “Filters” on the right side of the TikTok camera screen.
  2. Step 2: Tap the different filters at the bottom of the screen to preview them. …
  3. Step 3: When you’ve chosen a filter, tap the screen above the Filters menu to close the menu.

Экосистема Соланы, по прогнозам, будет стремительно расти

В этом году Солана добилась немалого успеха. Ранее в этом месяце SOL подскочил более чем на 50% всего за несколько дней, что указывает на сильный бычий уклон. Согласно отчету австралийской компании по управлению активами VanEck, перспективы SOL оптимистичны. В отчете под названием «Базовый, медвежий, бычий случай VanEck: оценка Соланы к 2030 году» компания изложила несколько перспективных бычьих сценариев для криптовалюты. Например, ВанЭк считает, что Solana станет первой платформой, на которой будет размещено приложение с более чем 100 миллионами пользователей. В отчете также прогнозируется потенциальный доход, согласно которому к 2030 году доходы держателей SOL составят 8 миллиардов долларов.

По данным MarketWatch, стоимость SOL выросла более чем на 87% за последний месяц и более чем на 178% за три месяца. В прошлом году седьмая по величине криптовалюта в мире по рыночной капитализации выросла более чем на 369%, а с начала года прирост составил колоссальные 473%.

Солана также внесла несколько обновлений, которые продолжают цель компании по продвижению блокчейна и предложению сопутствующих услуг. Например, Google Cloud недавно объявила, что интегрировала сеть Solana со своим сервисом анализа данных BigQuery. Интеграция позволит Google Cloud при необходимости быстро получать доступ к данным на базе Solana. Google Cloud заявляет, что сотрудничество направлено на предоставление BigQuery расширенной аналитики блокчейна.

В октябре в официальном объявлении Дубайского мультитоварного центра (DMCC) Фонд Солана был назван партнером экосистемы. В DMCC заявили, что Фонд Солана предоставит свободной экономической зоне техническую поддержку и помощь в развитии бизнеса.

How do you bonker a dog?

A “bonker” is a rolled-up towel that you hit or throw at the dog to get them to stop a bad behavior. If you are a loving pet owner, you may be hesitant to hit your dog with a towel. However, this is an effective way to get your dog to stop a bad behavior.

Shaving your pet’s hair can actually do more harm than good. The hair on your pet’s coat helps protect them from the sun and from getting too hot. Shaving their hair can leave them vulnerable to sunburn and heatstroke. In addition, your pet’s hair helps protect their skin from dirt and other particles. Shaving their hair can leave their skin open to infection and irritation.



  • Audio (US) (file)
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /bɒŋk/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /bɑŋk/, /bɔŋk/
  • Rhymes: -ɒŋk


bonk (third-person singular simple present , present participle , simple past and past participle )

  1. () To strike or collide with something.
  2. (, chiefly UK, transitive, intransitive) To have sexual intercourse (with).
    Synonyms: , , ; see also ,
    • 1993, Mike Leigh, Naked:
      Sophie (Katrin Cartlidge) What is a proper relationship? / Louise (Lesley Sharp): Living with someone who talks to you after they’ve bonked ya.
    • 1994, Richard Curtis, Four Weddings and a Funeral, spoken by Scarlett (Charlotte Coleman):
      Because most of the blokes I fancy think l’m stupid and pointless—and, so, they just bonk me and then leave me. And the kind of blokes that do fancy me, I think are drips. I can’t even be bothered to bonk them. Which does sort of leave me a bit nowhere.
    • 2022 October 10, Zoe Williams, “The Tory minister’s ‘bonking for Britain’ idea is a vile vision lurking behind cheeky Carry On imagery”, in The Guardian‎:
      But let’s not kid ourselves about bonking for Britain: this is just “the great replacement theory” with a tax code.
  3. (, ) To hit something with the front of the board, especially in midair.
  4. (, sports) To experience sudden and severe fatigue in an endurance sports event due to glycogen depletion.

    2004, Gary Erickson, Lois Ann Lorentzen, Raising the Bar, Jossey-Bass, →ISBN, page 29:I had eaten five of my six PowerBars. I was exhausted and famished. In cycling they describe what was happening to me as bonking: my body was out of fuel and had no more energy.

nose bonk


to strike or collide

  • Finnish:  (fi)
  • French:  (fr)
  • German:  (de),  (de)
  • Italian:  (it),  (it),  (it)
  • Russian:  (ru) impf (udarjátʹ),  (ru) pf (udáritʹ),  (ru) impf (tráxatʹ),  (ru) pf (tráxnutʹ),  (ru) impf (babáxatʹ),  (ru) pf (babáxnutʹ),  (ru) impf (stálkivatʹsja),  (ru) (stolknútʹsja) (collide)

to have sexual intercourse

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: / (zh) (gàn),  (zh) (gǎo)
  • Czech:  (cs) impf,  (cs) impf,  (cs) impf,  (cs) impf
  • Finnish:  (fi),  (fi),  (fi)
  • French:  (fr)
  • Italian:  (it),  (it),  (it)
  • Japanese:  (ja) (etchi suru),  (ja) (おかす, okasu), (fakku suru),  (ja) (yaru)
  • Russian:  (ru) impf (tráxatʹ),  (ru) pf (tráxnutʹ),  (ru) pf (poimétʹ),  (ru) pf (otymétʹ),  (ru) impf (drjúčitʹ), отдрю́чить (ru) pf (otdrjúčitʹ),  (ru) impf (tráxatʹsja),  (ru) pf (tráxnutʹsja), потра́хаться (ru) pf (potráxatʹsja), дрю́читься (ru) impf (drjúčitʹsja), отдрю́читься pf (otdrjúčitʹsja) (intransitive)


bonk ( and , plural )

  1. (, ) A bump on the head.
  2. (, ) Any minor collision or blow.
  3. (, , chiefly UK)

    2004, Alan Hollinghurst, chapter 2, in The Line of Beauty , 1st US edition, New York, N.Y.: Bloomsbury Publishing, →ISBN:“ It’s not like I’m just looking for a bonk, is it? This is something a bit different.” ¶ “Quite,” said Nick—though bonk was a troublingly casual way of referring to something which preoccupied him so much.

    An act of sexual intercourse.

  4. (, ) A condition of sudden, severe fatigue in an endurance sports event caused by glycogen depletion.
  5. () An animal call resembling «bonk», such as the call of the pobblebonk.


bump on the head

  • Catalan:  (ca)
  • French:  (fr) f
  • Italian:  (it) m,  m,  (it) m,  (it) m
  • Russian:  (ru) m (udár)

minor collision

  • Finnish:  (fi)
  • French:  (fr) m,  (fr) m
  • Italian:  (it) m

sexual intercourse

  • Finnish:  (fi)
  • French:  (fr) m
  • Italian:  (it) f,  (it) f
  • Russian:  (ru) n (sovokuplénije), тра́ханье (ru) n (tráxanʹje)


Does bonking a dog work?

Bonking is a term used to describe a situation where a dog becomes so aroused that it cannot be redirected. This can happen when a dog is growling, lunging, barking at other people or dogs. In order to stop the dog from becoming aroused, it is important to eliminate the source of the arousal. This can be done by waving food in front of the dog’s face or by removing the dog from the situation.

The English word “doge” is derived from the Venetian word “doge”, which was originally used to refer to the chief magistrate or leader of the republic of Venice. The word is thought to have come from the Latin dux, meaning “leader” or “commander”. The related English word “duke” and the Italian word “duca” (masculine) and “duchessa” (feminine) all come from the same Latin root. In Venice, the doge was the chief magistrate or leader of the republic, and was elected for life by the city’s noblemen. He was responsible for the city’s defense and foreign policy, and oversaw the administration of justice. The doge was also the ceremonial head of state, and wore a distinctive cloak and hat. After the fall of the Venetian republic in 1797, the word “doge” came to be used as a term for a silly or foolish person.

What does Doge stand for?

The doge was the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa. He was elected by the people and held office for life. He was responsible for the administration of justice and the defense of the state.

One of the first instances of the athletic term “bonk”, came from a film produced by British Transport Films in the mid-1950s in which cyclists noted that if they didn’t rest and eat, they would bonk. Bonking, or hitting the wall, is a term used to describe the sensation of fatigue and loss of energy that can occur during long endurance events. It is caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the muscles and liver, and can lead to dizziness, weakness, and confusion. Bonking can be avoided by proper nutrition and hydration before and during exercise.

What does bonking feel like

Bonking is an experience that runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes are all too familiar with. It’s that feeling of utter exhaustion, when your legs feel like lead and your body just wants to give up. Bonking is caused by a lack of energy, or more specifically, a lack of glycogen (blood sugar) in the muscles. When our glycogen stores are depleted, we bonk.

While bonking is unpleasant, it is not dangerous. The best way to avoid bonking is to eat and drink regularly during exercise, especially if you are exercising for more than an hour. Sports drinks or energy gels can help keep your glycogen stores up and help you avoid bonking.

Vulgar slang is often used to refer to sexual intercourse, and this is no exception. To have sexual intercourse with someone usually means to have sex with them, though it can also be used more broadly to refer to any sexual activity.

BONK Соланы может торговаться на основных биржах

BONK в настоящее время торгуется на уровне $0,00000427. Ранее сегодня монета достигла максимума в $0,00000539.

BONK — это монета-мем, запущенная в декабре прошлого года, когда сеть Solana переживала лучшие дни. Спад экосистемы Solana стал прямым результатом краха FTX, который имел некоторые связи с Solana. BONK был разработан как версия Соланы других монет-мемов, таких как Сиба-ину (SHIB) и Dogecoin (DOGE).

Где-то в середине января объем торгов трех мем-монет на собачью тематику составил 25,6 миллиарда долларов за 30-дневный период. Хотя этот показатель был низким по сравнению с другими основными криптовалютами, это указывало на интерес к монетам-мемам. Речь идет о монетах-мемах BONK, Shiba Inu (SHIB) и Dogecoin (DOGE).

Where does bonk come from?

The word ‘bonk’ is a very old word. Its first meanings date back to the 1930s. ‘Bonk’ is an echoic word, which means the word sounds like the action it describes.

The Shiba Inu is a Japanese breed of dog. The name “Shiba Inu” means “brushwood dog”, and refers to the dog’s hunting origins. The Shiba Inu is the smallest of the six native Japanese spitz breeds. Kabo-chan is a nickname for the Shiba Inu. The Shiba Inu is a female dog born on November 2, 2005.

What does bonk mean in slang

Hey there!

We hope this note finds you well. We just wanted to let you know that we’re down to have sexual intercourse with you anytime, anywhere. We’re pretty easy going that way. So, let us know when and where you’re free and we’ll make it happen.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

This slang term is used to describe having sexual intercourse with someone. It is considered informal and is not typically used in polite conversation.

How do you stop bonking?

There are a few things you can do to prevent bonking during a race or long ride. First, make sure to eat plenty of carbs before the race. You’ll need lots of energy for a high-intensity workout. Second, bring an energy drink with you on long rides. If you’re riding for more than 90 minutes, you’ll need more than just water to stay hydrated. And finally, if you start to feel fatigue, slow down. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to bonking.

If you want to get your body back to normal after a ride, make sure to hydrate and refuel properly. Glycogen stores need to be replenished, and alcohol should be avoided. Relaxing will also help your body recover.

How do you get over bonking

There are a few things you can do to keep ‘the knock’ away while you’re exercising. Firstly, you can start your exercise with more glycogen on board. Secondly, you can take in some carbs during exercise, to slow the rate of glycogen depletion. And thirdly, you can train your body to burn more fat to spare your glycogen stores.

There are a few things you can do to stop your dog from humping:

1. Keep them exercised – A tired dog is a good dog and is less likely to want to hump.

2. Distract them – When you see them start to hump, give them a toy or treat to distract them.

3. Ignore them – Dogs often hump for attention. If you ignore them, they will usually stop.

4. Be firm – When all else fails, be firm with them and tell them “no.”

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Изображение пса сопровождается различными комментами, которые зачастую должны выражать эмоциональное переживание от увиденного и написаны разноцветными танцующими буквами.

Для создания тематического изображения Doge, необходимо как можно эмоциональней преподнести стилизованный под мем ответ, при этом он должен быть разбит на несколько отдельных фраз с долей грамматических и орфографических ошибок, размещенных по всей картинке. Стоит учесть, что, если фраза особо длинная, ее необходимо разбить на множество отдельных реплик, распределяя их в хаотичном порядке, это должно подчеркнуть спонтанное многословие и замешательство.

После первого же появления мема Doge в сети он плотно утвердился в роли отражения определенного уровня «няшности». Помимо этого, мем Doge часто используют в роли персонажа, не понимающего происходящего на определенной фотке или картинке. Абсурдность и веселье — главные спутники мема, каждая картинка с Doge — это некое представление, перфоманс.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: