I’m watching you meme generator

Our 8 favorite rage comic characters: a case study - weird worm


The “I’m Watching You” meme has been around for many years, yet its popularity has never diminished. It’s a powerful reminder that we should all be aware of our actions, no matter how small they may be. We should always remember that someone might be watching us and we should always act responsibly.

The meme’s underlying message is also a source of inspiration to many people, encouraging them to take on difficult tasks and push themselves to greater heights. It shows that having an audience can be both motivating and inspiring, helping us achieve more than we ever thought possible.

The “I’m Watching You” meme is an interesting way of conveying a powerful message to the world in a humorous way. Despite its age, it still remains relevant today and will probably continue to be popular for many years to come.

Poker Face

Another creation of /b/, Poker Face comics feature the same awkward or irritating situations of other Rage Comics with the twist ending of no reaction at all:

At first it seems like a non-joke; debuting in 2010 and well after numerous other characters following the same comic formula, Poker Face’s blank expression could have easily been a shot at the redundant nature of the meme’s new spinoffs. Regardless, the charm of his non-face lead to the meme’s spread to numerous forums.

Favorite Examples:

Well, you can go with the obvious joke:

But we’re getting behind the Pokemon gag again:

Take your pick.


Okay Guy

The hallmark of Rage Comics is the overreaction featured in the final panel.

While that itself has been the subject of a few comics in parody:

Okay Guy is the first character whose very nature is a mundane, emphasized by the anti-climactic response of “Okay.”

The character is related to Forever Alone Guy somewhat in that their troubles seem relatively minor. But whereas Forever Alone Guy sees this as some sort of cruel fate he’s damned to endure, Okay Guy simply accepts things for what they are with a twinge of sadness. Feel free to debate amongst yourselves which of the two is more depressing.

Favorite Crossover:

Okay Guy has the usual crossover with other Rage Characters, but from time to time people will use actual photos that mimic his dour expression in place of Okay Guy himself:



Trollface was one of the earliest Rage Comic spinoffs, first started showing up around 4chan in September of 2008. As the name implies, Trollface is a simple depiction of the average Internet troll, complete with a toothy grin and a smug sense of self-satisfaction.

If seeing this face makes you want to break something, then that means they’ve already won.

Coolguy is the same character image, used in a different context. Use of Coolguy first appeared on the ebaum’s world forum (the original comic can be seen here, probably grabbed from 4chan).

Favorite Example:

Guess I’ll just stroll through Cerulean cave here and-

Son of a bitch.


Origin of the ‘I’m Watching You’ Meme

The ‘I’m Watching You’ meme is one of the most popular in recent years. It originated from a scene in the movie ‘The Truman Show’, starring Jim Carrey, which was released in 1998. The scene features a character named Christof (portrayed by Ed Harris) looking into a camera, with the words “Good morning, Truman”. He then says, “We’re watching you. I’m watching you. We’re all watching you.”

The phrase itself has become iconic as it is often used to express a sense of surveillance or control over someone else. It has been widely used in films, television shows and other media as an effective way to create suspense and tension. It has also been used to humorous effect in social media posts.

The phrase itself has come to be associated with control and surveillance, as well as being seen as quite menacing. It has been used to show that someone is being watched or monitored without their knowledge – often by an authority figure or government agency – and is usually interpreted as a warning or threat.

The ‘I’m Watching You’ meme has become so popular that it is now used in many contexts, both serious and humorous. It can be seen on t-shirts, mugs and other merchandise, as well as appearing regularly on social media posts and websites. Despite its dark origins, this meme continues to be popular with people of all ages thanks to its versatility and ability to evoke emotion.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

There’s a small suite of Rage Comic characters that are line art versions of actual people. The images are most often traced from a video or photograph. You’ve got your Yao Ming:

Your Barrack Obama:

And the beat goes on.

However, our Highlander practice of selecting favorites will only let us choose one, so we’re going with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson:

Yeah, we had to Wiki the name, too.

Tyson’s seemingly defensive stance is used in response to ridiculous claims of boasts made by other posters, usually accompanied by some variation of the phrase “Watch out guys, we’ve got a badass over here.” It doesn’t follow the four panel structure of other comics and is instead used in response to photographs and image captures.

Favorite Example:

We like it when Tyson gets involved in social media:


I Lied

Born in 2011 on Reddit, I Lied reveals the darkness that lurks inside each and every one of us:

The lie told in the punch-line is always mundane and inconsequential. Notably, I Lied is usually in color, leading to the observation that he looks kind of like a blueberry and making way for Strawberry Guy:

Favorite Examples:

First, let’s get the obligatory Pokemon reference out of the way:

Second, there’s this crossover from the Disney hipster image macros:

Written by NN – Copyrighted www.weirdworm.com

Image Sources

Image sources:

  • – Trollface/Coolguy : http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/269/310/157.png http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/269/310/157.png
  • – Forever Alone Guy: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/250/662/69c.png http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/251/066/59e.jpg
  • – Okay Guy: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/125/163/ragek.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/067/427/1282702221651.jpg http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/220/663/1324465978679.jpg
  • – Poker Face: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/251/726/31c.png http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/084/127/OgAAAOcxLzo4bOKh0QTN6OrbsM6N98INMY2-Om0qZxkFYJCdMYPsiRRf1qxOj8VhTE3cE5tAzT5jTYn_VxE30NSgYTgAm1T1UBFIWnRS3w8HIyvFpBVVlwFPx6Ie.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/109/988/17386-166713-dittogif-620x.png
  • – Me Gusta: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/120/123/lemonpartymegusta.png http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/191/809/me_gusta_mucho_by_megustamuchoplz-d416uqk.png http://ragecdn.blob.core.windows.net/pictures/e0652e46-ac64-416f-b373-7a7dccefbb4b.jpg
  • – Neil deGrasse Tyson : http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/175/630/a7ac5859dc157d941263880a98a42ea5.jpg http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/138/246/tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/200/420/BRTky.jpg http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/197/145/watch-out-guys-were-dealing-with-a-badass-over-here-mango.jpg
  • – Now Kiss: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/212/895/Principal+Creepy+I+drew+it+D+hope+you+like_37719b_303555.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/200/235/now-kiss.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/250/670/307.jpg
  • – I Lied: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/125/691/xJheX.png http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/185/598/rage-comics-okay-im-fooling-myself.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/140/738/C3HZZ.png http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/147/380/Pinocchio+OC_cfc62a_2340246.jpg

Different Variations of the ‘I’m Watching You’ Meme

The “I’m Watching You” meme is one of the most enduring and recognizable memes on the internet. It typically features a photo of someone looking at the camera with a caption that reads “I’m watching you.” The meme has been around since the early 2000s and has been used in all sorts of contexts, from lighthearted joking to serious warnings. Over the years, there have been many variations on this classic meme.

One popular variation of the “I’m Watching You” meme is to use a photo of an animal instead of a person. This can be anything from a dog, cat, or even an exotic animal such as a tiger or lion. The caption usually stays the same but can also be changed to something like “I see you!” or “Don’t do it!” for added effect.

Another popular variation is to use a photo of someone famous such as Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, or Beyoncé with the caption “I’m watching you!” This version often plays on people’s awareness that celebrities are constantly being watched and scrutinized by both fans and media alike.

A third variation is to use an inanimate object such as a security camera or telescope with the caption “I see you!” This version often implies that someone is being monitored or watched without their knowledge, which can be funny or even creepy depending on how it’s used.

Finally, there are also variations that play off other popular memes such as Doge or Grumpy Cat with captions like “Doge sees all!” or “Grumpy Cat is watching you!” These versions usually evoke feelings of humor and playfulness rather than fear or suspicion.

The “I’m Watching You” meme has come to symbolize both playful joking and serious warnings depending on how it’s used. Its various variations have given it even more versatility and helped it stay relevant over time.


Popularity of the ‘I’m Watching You’ Meme

The ‘I’m Watching You’ meme has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people using it in social media posts, memes, and other forms of online communication. The meme typically features a person looking out from behind a door or from around a corner with the caption “I’m watching you.” It is often used to express a feeling of surveillance or suspicion, as well as to express humor.

The meme has been around for several years now and has become increasingly popular due to its versatility and ability to convey different meanings. While it is often used for humorous purposes, it can also be used in more serious contexts to express feelings of paranoia or suspicion. It has even been used by law enforcement agencies to indicate that they are watching someone or something.

The ‘I’m Watching You’ meme has also become popular on various social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter. It is often posted as part of funny conversations between friends or family members or as a way to express an opinion on a particular topic. Many people have also used the meme in creative ways, such as creating their own artwork featuring the image or creating videos featuring the meme.

Overall, the ‘I’m Watching You’ meme is a fun and versatile way to express emotions and opinions online. Its popularity continues to grow as more people find new ways to use it in their own creative projects. Whether you are using it for comedic relief or expressing your feelings of paranoia, this meme is sure to keep you entertained for hours!

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Слушать песню Hall & Oates — I’m Watching You (A Mutant Romance) онлайн

Текст песни Hall & Oates — I’m Watching You (A Mutant Romance)

Well it’s ten o’clock
Jewel jewel, and it’s time to see you
Scan around the block
Oh, you jewel in the monitor screen
I can usually find you near 42nd and 8th
A whore in a doorway (yeah)
I think I’ve found you jewel, wit my TV beam
You know it’s funny, the light in the night,
Does something to your face
And the way you look, reminds me of a girl I used to want
In junior high
The smile on your lips, and the shape of your hips,
Excites me, and it makes me want to touch you
You’re a whore for sure, but that’s o.k.
Because I’m nothing, just another dirty spy with a TV eye
I can’t stand it when you find a man, I wonder what he’s sayin’
Does he tell you about his wife and kids at home?
Is he like me?
The one whose watching you in the night, in the night
Watching you in the night, in the night, in the night
Well you’re back on the street, and I can love you
As a man can love a woman
And you know I’m here, but you think of me as a steel
But, I’m watching you, all night
And, I’m watching you, all night long
I’m watching you, all night
I’m watching you, all night long
I’m watching you, all night …

Перевод песни Hall & Oates — I’m Watching You (A Mutant Romance) на русский язык

Ну, это десять часов
Драгоценный камень, и пришло время тебя видеть
Сканирование вокруг блока
О, ты драгоценный камень на экране монитора
Я обычно могу найти вас рядом с 42-м и 8-м
Шлюха в дверях (да)
Я думаю, что я нашел тебя драгоценность, с моим лучом ТВ
Вы знаете, что это смешно, свет в ночи,
Что-то делает с твоим лицом
И то, как ты выглядишь, напоминает мне девушку, которую я хотел,
В средней школе
Улыбка на твоих губах и форма твоих бедер,
Волнует меня, и это заставляет меня хотеть прикоснуться к тебе
Вы, конечно, шлюха, но это нормально.
Потому что я ничто, просто еще один грязный шпион с глазом телевизора
Я терпеть не могу, когда ты находишь мужчину, мне интересно, что он говорит
Рассказывает ли он вам о своей жене и детях дома?
Он похож на меня?
Тот, кто смотрит на тебя ночью, ночью
Наблюдая за тобой ночью, ночью, ночью
Ну, ты вернулся на улицу, и я могу любить тебя
Как мужчина может любить женщину
И вы знаете, что я здесь, но вы думаете обо мне как о стали
Но я наблюдаю за тобой всю ночь
И я наблюдаю за тобой всю ночь напролет
Я наблюдаю за тобой всю ночь
Я наблюдаю за тобой всю ночь напролет
Я наблюдаю за тобой всю ночь …

Музыкальный видео клип Hall & Oates — I’m Watching You (A Mutant Romance) смотреть онлайн

Me Gusta

With the above entries the images only come off as creepy because of the detail/quality of the characters themselves while being relatively mundane in context. Me Gusta takes a decidedly different approach:

In these comics the response of “Me Gusta” (translating, essentially, to “I like it” in English) is usually given in response to disgusting, awkward or perverse situations. His expression only helps to make you feel completely filthy.

What a charmer.

Favorite Example:

As the meme evolved Me Gusta’s context changed from unsettling potential sex offender to be a look of goofy determination completely removed from reality:


How to Use the ‘I’m Watching You’ Meme

The ‘I’m Watching You’ meme is a popular internet meme that is often used as a humorous way of conveying that someone is being monitored or watched. It typically features an image of an eye or pair of eyes, often accompanied by a caption such as “I’m watching you.” The meme can be used in a variety of contexts, from light-hearted jokes to more serious warnings. Here are some tips for using the ‘I’m Watching You’ meme effectively.

Choose Appropriate Images

When choosing an image for your ‘I’m Watching You’ meme, it’s important to pick something that conveys the message you want to send. For humorous memes, consider using cartoon eyes or eyes with crazy expressions. For serious warnings, look for images of realistic eyes that convey a sense of menace or surveillance.

Be Clever With Captions

The caption for your ‘I’m Watching You’ meme can make or break its effectiveness. While simply saying “I’m watching you” can work in some cases, it’s often more effective if you use a clever pun or write something unexpected. Think outside the box and use your own creativity to come up with captions that will make people laugh or take notice.

Know Your Audience

Before posting your ‘I’m Watching You’ meme, make sure you know who your audience is and what kind of message they will respond to best. If you’re posting it on social media, consider whether the meme will be well received by your followers and whether it fits with the overall tone of your profile. If you’re sending it directly to someone else, think about how they might react before sending it off.

Keep It Light-Hearted

While the ‘I’m Watching You’ meme can be used as a serious warning in some cases, it’s often best to keep things light-hearted when using this popular internet trend. Avoid making jokes about sensitive topics and try not to post anything too harsh or offensive—it could backfire and leave people feeling uncomfortable instead of amused!

Forever Alone Guy

Moving towards the other end of the spectrum, Forever Alone Guy takes that feeling of isolation we all feel from time to time and multiplies it by forever. “Endearing loner” becomes “potential restraining order recipient” thanks in no small part to some really creepy hyper detail on an otherwise simple image:

The comics follow a formula similar to the original Rage Guy and first surfaced in 2009.

In a rare turn of events, Forever Alone Guy has crossed over into the real world as part of a Sony Ericsson ad campaign, somehow adding an even creepier angle to it than before:

Some things were never meant to escape the two-dimensional plane.

Favorite Example:

Outside of the comics, Forever Alone Guy has also taken a role as an Advice Animal, often explaining how even the smallest details of his life only further remind him of his isolation.


Now Kiss

The Now Kiss character was first seen in a two-panel comic trying to force an apology out of two other characters by kissing. The original comic featured the title character as a principal dealing with two students:

The character was reused this context several times, but the meme took a turn on reddit when the final panel was posted in response to an image of Emma Watson standing close to Emma Stone:

Many instances of Now Kiss follow Watson/Stone example, expressing the desire to see two people kiss.

Favorite Example:

Our personal favorite manages to combine both forms with a Harry Potter reference for some sort of bizarre Internet hat trick:


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: