Godzilla vs. kong

Transformers and Mechagodzilla

“The Transformers animated movie from the ’80s with Orson Welles was one of the best movie experiences for me as a kid growing up.”

Toei Animation

Wingard says that when it came to Mechagodzilla, he was more focused on avoiding the mistakes of previous films than on copying some other classic sci-fi robot. The director is talking about one terrible movie in particular: Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

“I remember watching the third Transformers movie in the theater,” Wingard recalls. “It was one of those things where I was with a date, and we got there late, and the only seats that were available were literally in the front row. And so I’m sitting there watching Transformers 3 in the front row, and I couldn’t tell what the hell was going on.”

He continues, “The Transformers, they just looked like metal. They looked like a plane crash. So I thought, that’s the thing I wanted to avoid. They were too complex. There are too many moving parts, and I couldn’t latch on to anything. Nothing felt iconic with that Transformers design.”

Before you break out your bionic pitchforks, don’t worry, Wingard assures me he still loves the Transformers franchise. He even took some inspiration from another, much better iteration of the classic tale of battling robots.

“The Transformers animated movie from the ’80s with Orson Welles was one of the best movie experiences for me as a kid growing up,” Wingard says. “Period.”

Godzilla vs. Kong is streaming now on HBO Max and playing in theaters.

How Strong Is Godzilla—the King of the Monsters?

With an armor-plated skin and devastating atomic breath, this lizard-like being is closest to Komodo dragons and dinosaurs in his built. There isn’t a kaiju left in the MonsterVerse that he has not defeated, pinning down even Kong at least twice in the film.

The Gojira is a lone wolf who has managed to survive on his own for thousands of years. All those years of battles and mutations have rendered him the most powerful being on earth.

Starting with his massive, serrated tail that serves as the best long-range weapon and his spiked dorsal plates that can slice through metal, to ice-blue atomic breath that is as destructive as it is aesthetic—Gojira is almost undefeatable.  


According to paleontologists, scaling up from the power of dinosaur tails, Godzilla’s tail could yield a force equivalent to 2,000 tonnes of mass. His conical teeth and chunky jaws imply a phenomenal bite, generating around 900kg per square centimeter worth of force—enough to severe body parts and fracture the strongest bones. Add to that his ability to fight on both land and water.

As for his biggest strength, it has to be the atomic breath at 900,000 degrees Fahrenheit. He used it to literally blast thousands of miles into the earth, creating a tunnel, in one of the most epic moments of Godzilla vs. Kong. In doing so, Godzilla puts up powers matching the Death Star on display, in terms of destroying the Earth itself if he wanted to!

However, Godzilla met his match in the AI-powered Mechagodzilla, who had all those powers and more. Big G was nearly destroyed by his metallic nemesis, if not for Kong.

MonsterVerse MechaGodzilla

The MonsterVerse also does away with the alien origin for the character, using a premise more based on the Heisei incarnation. This MechaGodzilla was built out of the remains of King Ghidorah, just like the Heisei version, with the intent of giving Apex Technologies a weapon with which to combat and destroy Godzilla and all the other Titans. Just like in Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla II, he’s only defeated by Godzilla teaming up with another kaiju, in this case a brutally beaten Kong.

Basing the story off of that version of MechaGodzilla instead of the original definitely makes more sense. For one, introducing aliens into the MonsterVerse would have been ridiculous and possibly continued the bloated storytelling of King of the Monsters. Likewise, the presence of goofy ape aliens even in the Showa era was a representation of how silly and cartoonish the series had become by that point, and it’s no wonder that they figure into the ending for the Showa era. Thankfully, this MechaGodzilla is as terrifying and powerful as his name would suggest.

Directed by Adam Wingard and written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, Godzilla vs. Kong stars Alexander Skarsgard, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall and Brian Tyree Henry. The film is in theaters and on HBO Max now.

Конг заслужил титул Кинг-Конга

Хотя Конг, сидящий на троне Полой Земли, был интерпретирован как способ в MonsterVerse дать Конгу его классический титул «Кинг-Конг», важно отметить, что обезьяна еще не заслужила это прозвище. Концовка фильма подразумевала, что Конг стал королем Полой Земли, но есть большая вероятность, что за его новую роль будут бороться в Годзилле х Конге

В то время как Годзилла закрепил свой статус альфы поверхностного мира, свергнув Гидору, Конг не сделал ничего, чтобы доказать, что он альфой Полой Земли. Поскольку в истории Годзиллы x Конга в качестве ключевого места действия используется Полая Земля, ситуация вскоре должна измениться.

Фильмы «Годзилла» — Про Что Кинофраншиза, Сюжет Частей

Центральным героем всех фильмов франшизы является древний гигантский монстр кайдзю, которого называют Годзиллой. Это ужасающий хищник, который раз за разом пробуждается ото сна и начинает крушить все на своем пути. Люди чаще всего не способны оказывать чудовищу хоть сколько-нибудь значимое сопротивление, так что основными врагами Годзиллы являются такие же древние монстры. 

В американских фильмах рассказывается история о случайном пробуждении Годзиллы из-за неаккуратных действий человечества. В первом фильме противостоять гигантскому монстру вынуждены простые люди. 

В дальнейших картинах раскрываются подробности противостояния Годзиллы и других древних чудовищ. Монстр сталкивается с Роданом, трехголовым кайдзю Кинг Гидорой и своим главным врагом – Кинг Конгом. За всем этим следит могущественная корпорация «Монарх», которая уже много лет занимается изучением древних чудовищ и их сдерживанием. 

«Годзилла» (фильм 2014)

В 1999 году группа ученых обнаружила скелет удивительного существа, которое вымерло около двух миллионов лет назад. Дальнейшие исследования филиппинских пещер позволили обнаружить след, ведущий к морю. 

В это время инженер по имени Джо Броуди старается выяснить причину неожиданных сейсмических толчков, возникших в зоне АЭС. Если не сделать этого в ближайшее время, радиоактивный пар из реактора может стать причиной гибели всего города. В результате команда Джо жертвует собой ради спасения других людей. 

Спустя пятнадцать лет сын Джо Броуди Форд вернулся домой и узнал, что истинной причиной аварии на АЭС стало загадочное гигантское существо, которого пробудили от многолетнего сна активные действия людей. 

«Конг: Остров Черепа» (фильм 2017)

В 70-х годах отряд ученых и военных высаживается на загадочный Остров Черепа, на котором по имеющимся мифам проживают поражающие воображение доисторические существа. 

Практически сразу люди подвергаются нападению исполинской гориллы Кинг-Конга. Однако позже выясняется, что этот монстр далеко не так страшен для исследователей, как другие обитатели острова. 

«Годзилла 2: Король Монстров» (фильм 2019)

Ужасающие монстры во главе с трехголовым драконом кайдзю снова обрушивают свой гнев на человечество. Группа фанатиков намеренно пробудила ужасающего монстра, который должен помочь исполинским чудовищам вернуть власть над планетой. 

Древний ящероподобный монстр по имени Годзилла вернется, но на этот раз уже в роли защитника человечества. Ему придется противостоять новым врагам и доказать свое право на титул короля всех монстров. Лучшее для человечества в этой схватке – отойти в сторону и постараться выжить любой ценой. 

«Годзилла Против Конга» (фильм 2021)

И снова действия людей привели к ужасающим последствиям. На этот раз исполинская горилла Конг и древний ящер Годзилла должны сойтись в ожесточенной схватке, которая решит судьбу мира. 

Исследовательская корпорация «Монарх» уже много лет занимается изучением древних монстров и их отслеживанием на планете. На этот раз компания организует очередную экспедицию на остров Черепа, на котором по слухам спрятан ключ к тайне появления исполинских чудовищ на планете. 

Однако «Монарх» не учитывает, что есть и другие, более могущественные силы, заинтересованные в уничтожении всех без исключения титанов. 

How Godzilla vs. Kong changes Mechagodzilla

A sneak peek at the new Mechagodzilla

Legendary Pictures

Adam Wingard’s movie modernizes the design to match the style of the modern Godzilla films, but he also changes the robot’s backstory. Warning! Spoilers ahead.

In Godzilla vs. Kong, Mechagodzilla is the creation of an evil corporation called Apex Cybernetics, whose CEO is determined to build a weapon powerful enough to challenge Godzilla’s dominance. To do so, he takes two of the heads from Ghidora (the three-headed villain from 2019’s King of the Monsters) and uses their telepathic connection to build a giant metal dinosaur that can be piloted from miles away. (Confused? Don’t worry, it doesn’t really make sense in the movie either.)

The new and improved Mechagodzilla also gets a bold new design. Gone is the goofy robot suit, replaced with gleaming and steaming metal accented in red neon lights. The monster also uses rocket thrusters to zoom around downtown Hong Kong. (The original Mechagodzilla had a jetpack, but not rocket-powered punches.)

For Wingard, Mechagodzilla was his one chance to design an entirely new monster, rather than refining the creations of previous Monsterverse films.

“As a director, it’s exciting because I can finally put my stamp on the monsters,” he says. “Godzilla and Kong had already been redesigned for the MonsterVerse.”

To do so, Wingard thought back to another classic giant Japanese robot, but the inspiration for Mechagodzilla’s new look actually came from one of the worst movie experiences the director ever had.

Годзилла против Конга — это не про сюжет

Сразу расставлю все точки над «i». По части сюжета это совершенно проходное кино, которое мы видели десятки сотен раз.

Структура абсолютно стандартная:

️ завязка строится на непонятно происходящих событиях
️ развитие действий с мелким пояснением происходящего + нарастающий саспенс
️ штампованная развязка, где побеждает добро

️Внимание, спойлеры️

Сюжет повествует о том, что Годзилла внезапно начал крушить штаб крупнейшей технологической корпорации, а затем исчез. Конгу становится тесно на Острове Черепа и его решают вернуть в свой мир, скрытый глубоко в недрах Земли, а заодно и исследовать мощную энергию.

Всем известно, что просто так Титаны не нападают, поэтому возникает вопрос, в чем настоящая причина. И это приводит к противостоянию монстров, но главный секрет сокрыт совсем в другом.

Попытайтесь представить, что будет дальше. Я уверен, что большинство догадается про развитие почти всего сюжета уже на этом моменте. А это лишь первые 15 минут фильма

️Конец спойлеров ️

Идя на этот фильм в кино, все ожидания оправдываются с каждой секундой просмотра. И если раньше я шёл на фильм про страшных монстров, чтобы посмотреть на них в действии, то получал их в минимальном количестве. Здесь другой случай, но об этом чуть позже.

Каст у картины собрался неплохой, только вот проблема — им некого играть. Да, есть рядовые персонажи с кое-как прописанными образами, но они здесь банально не нужны. Их сделали только для того, чтобы двигать сюжет. Чисто функциональные персонажи.

Сопереживать можно только маленькой глухонемой девочке по имени Джия (Кайли Хоттл). В её дружбу и тончайшую связь с Конгом веришь с первых минут, пронизываешься их контактированием и пониманием друг друга.

Что касается самого сюжета, то он сделан на всех типичных штампах. Есть две сюжетные линии, обе героические. Вот только если у одной героизм случается сам по себе, более менее логично, то ко второму возникает миллиард вопросов.

Сценарий так и говорит: есть ребята, которым нужно добраться до финала и решить главную проблему, поэтому мы им особо мешать не будем. Охранники на сверхзащищенной базе? Да бросьте, они исчезают по щелчку пальцев. Надо взломать компьютер? Тоже мне проблема — я просто вылью на него жидкость, и все заработает, как надо.

И подобных глупостей в почти 2-часовом хронометраже хватает с достатком. В происходящее не хочешь верить ни капельки, за исключением пары мелких моментов.

Злодей… это отдельная стезя подобных фильмов. Он максимально карикатурный, рассказывает о своих планах, говорит «по-злодейски» с легкой ухмылкой на лице и прочее.

Но все меняется, когда появляются кайдзю.

About Godzilla vs. Kong

Godzilla vs. Kong is an American kaiju-action movie. It is a sequel to Godzilla: King of Monsters and Kong: Skull Island and is the latest entry in the WB-Legendary Monsterverse. The film stars Alexander Skarsgard, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, and others.

Godzilla vs. Kong took in $285 million in just 12 days in theatres. As of now, it has grossed over $400 million, becoming the most successful movie in the pandemic era to date.

Humans have captured King Kong from Skull Island to help him find his true home. With them is Jia, a young orphaned girl with whom he has formed a unique and powerful bond. But Kong’s return comes just in time for Godzilla cutting a swath of destruction across the globe. As the fearsome monsters square off in an epic battle for the ages, humanity looks to wipe out both of them and take back the planet once and for all.

Godzilla vs Kong: how does the film end?

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Adam Wingard’s movie may have been billed as a titantic clash between the titular pair, but they aren’t the only monster in the movie. As it turns out, certain sections of humanity haven’t learned their lesson from Godzilla, Kong: Skull Island, or Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

What have they done now? Well, they’ve made a robotic version of Godzilla. You read that right. Through a combination of cybernetics, one of King Ghidorah’s skulls, Apex Cybernetics and some Hollow Earth energy, Apex Cybernetics — the film’s antagonistic corporation — have made Mechagodzilla.

If you want a primer on who, or what, Mechagodzilla is, you can read more in our Mechagodzilla explainer article. If you just want answers for the film’s ending, however, read on.

As it turns out, Apex Cybernetics have created Mechagodzilla so that humanity has a way to combat Godzilla if it ever turned on them. It’s a stupid idea on their part, given that Godzilla has left humanity alone since the end of King of the Monsters, but there’s always someone looking to take advantage of a situation.

To function properly, Mechagodzilla needs a greater energy source than Apex is able to provide. Long story short, they steal some Hollow Earth energy to power their creation and, true to form, things go terribly wrong. Mechagodzilla becomes sentient — thanks to a combination of the Hollow Earth power source and King Ghidorah’s lingering consciousness — and starts leveling Apex Cybernetics’ Hong Kong base.

Godzilla, who has just bested Kong, finally meets its match during the ensuing battle. Powered by the Hollow Earth’s energy and King Ghidorah’s rage, Mechagodzilla immediately gains the upper hand of its namesake. Godzilla doesn’t stand a chance against its arsenal of weapons, Hollow Earth energy surges and metallic shell, so it’s unsurprising to see Mechagodzilla overpower its counterpart.

Not all hope is lost, though. As we mentioned in the section above, Kong rejoins the fight after Jia, the little girl who Kong has a trusting relationship with, convinces him that Godzilla isn’t his enemy. Rescuing Godzilla from certain death, Kong and his former adversary put their differences aside and team up to take Mechagodzilla down.

After a pulsating clash that tos-and-fros, Godzilla supercharges Kong’s axe with its nuclear breath and Kong cuts off Mchagodzilla’s sting-like tail. Another axe swipe and its right arm falls to the ground; oil loosing from the wound in its shoulder.

With Mechagodzilla on the backfoot, Kong continues his assault. A chest-splitting swing is followed by Mechagodzilla’s left arm and right leg being amputated, which results in it falling to the ground. Mechagodzilla prepares to unleash a nuclear breath attack, but another axe smash from Kong stops it in its tracks. Kong jumps onto his foe’s fallen body and rips its head and upper spinal column out to finally end Mechagodzilla’s reign of terror.

Exhausted, Kong slumps to the floor. As humanity celebrates Kong’s victory, however, Godzilla rises and heads towards the giant ape. Kong grabs his axe and readies himself for another fight. To his surprise, Godzilla silently recognizes that Kong saved its life and seems to offer him its respect. In reply, Kong drops his axe to de-escalate the situation.

With the pair knowing where they stand, Godzilla swims off into the Pacific Ocean. Kong, alongside Jia, Dr. Lind and Dr. Andrews, returns to the Hollow Earth, which is now their home.



In May 2019, the first promotional one-sheet poster was revealed at the Licensing Expo. In June 2019, Warner Bros screened an early look to European exhibitors at CineEurope. In August 2019, it was announced that Disruptor Beam would develop a mobile game to tie-in for the film’s release. In December 2019, a brief clip was revealed during a Warner Bros. reel at Comic Con Experience, and later leaked online. In January 2020, images from the Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair displaying figures related to the film were leaked online. In February 2020, Toho and Legendary announced the Godzilla vs. Kong Publishing Program and licensees. Through the publishing program, Legendary planned to release two graphic novels, one following Godzilla and the other following Kong, an art book, novelizations, and a children’s book. Amongst the licensees named were Playmates Toys, Bioworld, Rubies, Funko, 60Out, and the Virtual Reality Company.

In April 2020, images of toy figures were leaked online, revealing different forms for Godzilla and Kong, Mechagodzilla, and a new monster named Nozuki. In July 2020, images of Playmate figures and packaging with concept art were released online. In December 2020, brief clips from the film were shown during Comic Con Experience. In January 2021, more brief footage was included in a preview for HBO Max. That same month, the first teaser poster was released online, along with confirmation of the trailer’s release date. The first full trailer was released on January 24, 2021. It became Warner Bros’ biggest trailer debut, earning 25.6 million views in 24 hours on YouTube; 15.8 million from Warner’s channel and an additional 9.8 million views from the studio’s secondary channels.

Theatrical and streaming

Godzilla vs. Kong was theatrically released internationally, beginning on March 24, 2021, and was then released in the United States on March 31, where it was simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max, where it will stream exclusively for a month. The film was scheduled to be released in Japan on May 14, 2021 by Toho, however, Toho announced on April 30, 2021 that the film’s Japanese release had been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. Regal Cinemas began exhibiting the film with a limited release upon its reopening on April 2, 2021, following its closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The film was delayed several times, and was previously scheduled to be released in 2020 on March 13, May 22, May 29, November 20, and later pushed to May 21, 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In February 2020, Warner Bros. hosted an unannounced test screening which received a «mostly positive» response.

In November 2020, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that the film was being considered for a streaming release. Netflix had offered $200–250 million but WarnerMedia blocked the deal in favor of their own offer to release the film on HBO Max. However, Warner Bros. iterated that their theatrical release plans will proceed as scheduled. WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar and Warner Bros. chairman Ann Sarnoff considered options that included a simultaneous theatrical and streaming release, a strategy that Warner Bros. had done for Wonder Woman 1984. In December 2020, Warner Bros. announced that the film, along with their other tentpoles scheduled for 2021, will be given same-day simultaneous releases in theaters and HBO Max, with a one-month access for its streaming release.

In December 2020, Variety and Deadline Hollywood reported that Legendary Entertainment, financiers, and talent with backend deals were not pleased with WarnerMedia’s multi-release plans and non-transparent intentions. Legendary was not given advanced notice of the multi-release decision nor given a say in how Dune and Godzilla vs. Kong would be distributed. The studio planned to have discussions with Warner Bros. regarding a more «generous deal» however legal action was considered. A few weeks later, Deadline reported that the film could keep its HBO Max release but only if Warner Bros. matches Netflix’s $250 million bid. In January 2021, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that a legal battle was averted due to Legendary and WarnerMedia nearing an agreement to keep the film’s simultaneous release.

Home media

The film is scheduled to be released on digital platforms on May 21, 2021 and on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Blu-ray on June 15, 2021.

Годзилла Икс Конг запускает современную войну титанов

Несмотря на все разговоры о Войне Титанов в прошлом MonsterVerse, растет жажда события такого же масштаба, разыгрываемого на большом экране. Интересно, что битва, достаточно большая, чтобы ее можно было классифицировать как Войну Титанов, кажется огромной возможностью для Годзиллы x Конга: Новая Империя. Дразнила появление «новой империи» на горизонте в сочетании с идеей о том, что Годзилла и Конг столкнулись с угрозой, которую ни один из них не может победить в одиночку, увеличивает шансы на объединение сил нескольких монстров. Если это произойдет, фильм может стать тем, как MonsterVerse покажет зрителям, как на самом деле выглядит Война Титанов.

Kong And Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla

Of course, Kong doesn’t die, and his second battle with Godzilla isn’t the film’s final fight. The emergence of Mechagodzilla, controlled by the spirit of Ghidorah, presents a new threat that Godzilla seems woefully unprepared to face, and the ancient monster quickly gets brutalized by his robotic clone. Fortunately, with the help of Monarch, Kong resurrects to near full strength, and, at the behest of Jia, agrees to help Godzilla defeat Mechagodzilla.

At first, it might not make sense why Godzilla seems weak against Mechagodzilla, while Kong appears much stronger against the robot. Obviously, part of the advantage is the two-on-one nature of the fight, but Kong does the majority of the heavy lifting after tagging in. So why does he have such an easier time than the beast who just defeated him? For starters, Godzilla is clearly worn down from his battle with Kong, leaving him exhausted by the time Mechagodzilla enters the fray. Kong is also worn a bit ragged, but the jumpstart Monarch gives him provides a boost of energy Godzilla doesn’t have. Second, and more importantly, Mechagodzilla wasn’t necessarily designed to beat all Titans. It was designed specifically to defeat Godzilla, and therefore all of its weapons and systems are customized for that purpose. The robot wasn’t designed to fight a Titan with Kong’s distinct skill set, and of course, Ghidorah had never fought Kong before, while he was familiar with Godzilla’s abilities — not to mention it was going up against two Titans at once, not one.

After Mechagodzilla is demolished (in truly brutal fashion by Kong), it looks momentarily like the two titular Titans may face off for a third time. However, Kong disarms the tension by dropping his weapon – acknowledging Godzilla’s dominance in a show of fealty. Because Godzilla has proven he can kill Kong if he chooses, and because Kong subsequently relinquishes his claim to the throne, there’s no further reason to fight. Again, the sense of respect amongst the two Titans is palpable, because despite their claims to being the alpha Titan, they were willing to put aside their hatred to fight a false king, just as Mothra helped Godzilla defeat Ghidorah in King of the Monsters. Not all Titans are against each other and Godzilla vs Kong, though a versus film, highlights the true history among monsters on Earth.

Interestingly, there’s a level of nuance in each fight that presents a trajectory of power for Godzilla and Kong. On one hand, Godzilla went from being the strongest Titan in the ocean battle to a weaker one by the end, while Kong went from being nearly killed to saving Godzilla in Hong Kong. Each fight, one became weaker while the other became stronger, yet in the end, they were both on equal footing — in terms of power, capability, and purpose. They’re both kings of their own worlds; Godzilla is king on the surface and Kong is king in the Hollow Earth. Overall, they’re not friends and they may one day clash again, but a temporary truce is called. It’s a satisfying end to the epic saga of Godzilla vs. Kong, and one that leaves possibilities on the table for a sequel.

How Strong Is Kong—the King of the Jungle?

Built like a giant gorilla, Kong’s primary kingdom is on the hard earth. Besides being phenomenally strong, he is a protector of all those loyal to him. In fact, Kong’s biggest strength turned out to be the fact that there is a softer side to all the beastliness. Kong’s bond with the little girl from the tribe in Skull Island, Jia, literally saved the world. He is not called the King of the Jungle for no reason.


Not that I am underestimating his brute strength. Kong is able to lift objects that are at least as heavy as he is and throw massive punches as well. The fact that each of his arms is over 70 meters long make him extremely dangerous up close. Add the ability to wield an ax and his powerful bite (9100 kg per square centimeter), and you have a formidable battle opponent you want no messing with. In addition, he is also fast, agile, and can leap and run.

In one of the many big money shots from Godzilla vs. Kong, the King of the Jungle chops off the Mechagodzilla’s limbs with his magic ax and then rips his head off, holding it up like a proud head hunter! Kong sure comes with all the drama and emotions needed to become a king.

Godzilla vs. Kong

However, it is his intellectual capacities that ultimately give him the edge over any other kaiju, even if they are built superiorly. It allows him to plan ahead, modify his behavior, and adapt to unfamiliar situations more than is typical for other kaiju. In Skull Island, we see Kong’s ability to construct clubs from trees, and even use human-made objects like chains and propellers in defeating his enemy. In GvK, it translates into the wielding of the magic ax—also thanks, opposing thumbs!

«Годзилла» — Лучшие Игры по Мотивам Фильма для ПК и Консолей

Годзилла представляет собой крайне яркого персонажа в массовой культуре, которого точно не могла обойти стороной видеоигровая индустрия. За все время выходило множество игр о Годзилле на разные платформы. 

Наиболее яркие проекты:

  • «Godzilla: Domination!». Игра в жанре файтинг 2002 года для Gameboy Advance.
  • «Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee» – файтинг 2002 года для GameCube и Xbox.
  • Godzilla: Save the Earth – боевик 2004 года для PlayStation 2 и Xbox.
  • Godzilla: Unleashed – игра 2007 года для Nintendo Wii.
  • Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash – игра в жанре двумерного бокового скроллера 2007 года для Nintendo DS.
  • Godzilla – экшн 2014 года для PS3 и PS4.
  • Godzilla: Strike Zone – кинематографичная игра на мобильную платформу Android. 

One Must Fall: The True Winner Of Godzilla vs. Kong

For all the teasing involving that “one must fall” business, a Titan actually was bested in Godzilla vs. Kong. And if you thought Godzilla wasn’t going to win the latest film with his name in the title, then you’re going to want to sit down.

Godzilla Triumphant

After some nasty Hong Kong action kicking off the huge final conflict in Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla downs Kong in the middle of the street. Grinding his claws into Kong’s chest, the two get real close and have a giant shouting match, before the king lizard leaves his supposed foe to die. With the son of Skull Island’s heart starting to slow, it looks like he might not be long for this earth.

Kong Gets The H.E.A.V.

What do you do when you have an experimental vessel that has enough power to keep Las Vegas going for a week? If you’re Dr. Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgard), you crank that puppy to discharge a mega-defibrillator charge right to Kong’s heart; which is exactly what he does. Setting the H.E.A.V. prototype to blow, Dr. Lind runs from the ensuing explosion, putting Kong back into the game in time to aid in the Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla fight.

What Happened At The End Of Godzilla vs. Kong?

After an entire movie of grudge matches, cheap shots, and very Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice style fighting, Godzilla and Kong team up to stop MechaGodzilla! Surprise, has been up to no good, creating a MechaTitan that can be piloted by a human and the AI enhanced skull of King Ghidorah. Guess who takes over the mecha, though?

With the AI running Godzilla vs. Kong’s robotic villain, it’s now giving the orders, and attacking Godzilla in the heart of Hong Kong. But with an assist from Kong, the two titans dismantle the bucket of bolts that Godzilla’s been trying to prevent from existing throughout the entire film. Yet while both Godzilla and Kong get to take part in the saving of humanity, one of them did fall, as promised.

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