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Другие персонажи

Шайнинг Армор

Шайнинг Армор (Shining Armor).Шайнинг Армор (Shining Armor) — брат Сумеречной Искорки, белый единорог с синими глазами, с синей гривой украшенной голубой и тёмно-синей полосками, муж Принцессы Каденс. Управляет королевской стражей Кантерлота.

Отличительный знак — тёмно-синий щит с розовой звездой и тремя белыми звёздочками сверху.

Большой Макинтош

Большой Макинтош (Big Macintosh).Большой Макинтош (Big Macintosh) — жеребец, брат Эпплджек. Оранжевые волосы, красное тело, зелёные глаза, веснушки на лице.

Отличительный знак — половина зелёного яблока.

Бабуля Смит

Бабуля Смит (Granny Smith).Бабуля Смит (Granny Smith) — бабушка Эпплджек, Большого Макинтоша и Эппл Блум. Именно её семья основала Понивилль, когда она была ещё маленькой.

Отличительный знак — яблочный пирог.


Зекора (Zecora).Зекора (Zecora) — зебра, живущая в Вечнозелёном лесу, очень добрая и щедрая. Умеет варить из трав различные зелья и почти всегда говорит в рифму.

Отличительный знак — африканский символ солнца.


Черайли (Cheerilee), Чирили, Черили.Черайли (Cheerilee), Чирили, Черили — добрая и весёлая учительница Эппл Блум, Крошки Белль, Скуталу, и других маленьких пони. Черайли (Cheerilee).

Земная пони вишнёвого цвета с нежно розовой гривой, украшенной широкой розовой полоской. В прошлом училась вместе с Рарити.

Отличительный знак — три улыбающихся цветка.

Дерпи (Дитзи)

Дерпи, она же Дитзи Ду (англ. Derpy, Ditzy Doo, Derpy Hooves), косоглазая пони.Дерпи, она же Дитзи Ду (англ. Derpy, Ditzy Doo, Derpy Hooves) — серый с жёлтыми глазами и гривой пегас, она страдает косоглазием.

В сериале она появляется редко, но среди коллекционеров очень популярна. Наверное, именно благодаря своим запоминающимся глазам.

Отличительный знак на ножке — мыльные пузыри.

Лайтнинг Даст

Лайтнинг Даст (Lightning Dust).Лайтнинг Даст (Lightning Dust), Лайтинг Даст — пони-пегас светло-бирюзового тела, с гривой оранжевого цвета. Быстрая и способная пони, как и Радуга Дэш (они дружили и обе хотели стать Чудомолниями).

Однако Лайтнинг Даст не заботится о проблемах других, она думает только о собственных достижениях, эгоистична.

Отличительный знак — три звезды под белой молнией.

What does Herp mean in Latin?

late 14c., “any inflammatory, spreading skin condition” (used of shingles, gangrene, etc.), from Latin herpes “a spreading skin eruption,” from Greek herpes, the name for the disease shingles, literally “creeping,” from herpein “to creep, move slowly” (cognate with Latin serpere “to creep;” see serpent).

Who is a famous herpetologist?

Ensil Ross Allen (January 2, 1908 – May 17, 1981) was an American herpetologist and writer who was based in Silver Springs, Florida for 46 years, where he established the Reptile Institute….Ross Allen (herpetologist)

Ross Allen
Died May 17, 1981 (aged 73) Gainesville, Florida
Occupation Herpetologist Naturalist Zoologist

What is the salary of a herpetologist?

Herpetologist Salary Median Annual Salary: More than $102,830 ($49.44/hour) Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $63,420 ($30.49/hour) Bottom 10% Annual Salary: More than $40,290 ($19.37/hour)

What does ichthyology mean?

: a branch of zoology that deals with fishes.

How do fish protect their eyes?

To protect their eyes some species have nictitating membranes. This membrane covers the eyes while hunting and when the shark is being attacked.

Do fish see like humans?

How do fish see us? Science tells us that fish have eyes similar to humans, but they also have protective film over their eyes so that they can see more clearly underwater. Their eyes have rod and cone cells on their retinas, so we know that they can see color as well as in shades of grey, light and dark.

Do fish get bored?

But whether fish actually feel bored in a way we can relate to is harder to work out. This could be the aquatic equivalent of the pacing of a captive tiger that’s bored from a lack of stimulation. But the fish could also be stressed from an overcrowded or unfamiliar tank.

Do fish get thirsty?

The answer is still no; as they live in water they probably don’t take it in as a conscious response to seek out and drink water. Thirst is usually defined as a need or desire to drink water. It is unlikely that fish are responding to such a driving force.

What is the meaning of the expression Derp face?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

When did The DERP face become a meme?

In the world of Rage Comics, this derp face can be considered a subset of what are called rage faces or meme faces. By 2012–13, the derp face was familiar enough in mainstream internet culture that it—along with behavior judged to be clumsy, foolish, annoying, or willfully ignorant—was being described as derpy or to derp.

What does The DERP stand for in South Park?

Following South Park, derp became a common nonsense word, similar to blah blah blah, in the internet cartoons of Rage Comics, used when characters are acting stupid or absurd. In fact, the characters themselves are now called derps, including one named Herp Derp / Harp Darp, depicted as unintelligent and with a blank, open-mouthed face.


How do you type a derp face?

Here are some of the steps you can follow to get lenny face or text face.

  1. Press (Shift+9) (
  2. Press Spacebar …
  3. Press (ALT+ 865) ͡
  4. Press (ALT+ 248) °
  5. Press Spacebar …
  6. Press (ALT+ 860) ͜
  7. Press (ALT+ 662) ʖ
  8. Press Spacebar …

What is the DERP emoji?

What does derp face mean? A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

What does this mean?

The woozy face emoji means you’ve had a few too many, or many too many. It can also mean that the user is tired, overly emotional, or plain confused. Or, according to a popular meme, it represents the dumb face men make when they try to look sexy in a photo.

What does the scrunched up face emoji mean?

Emoji Meaning A yellow face with scrunched, X-shaped eyes and a crumpled mouth, as if quivering in frustration or holding back tears. May be used to represent being overcome with various emotions, including irritation, frustration, disgust, and sadness, as if to the point of defeat.

What happened to the DERP face Roblox?

Derp Face is a limited unique face that was published in the avatar shop by Roblox on November 23, 2011. On an unknown date in April 2012, Roblox deleted all copies of this face and made it off sale.

When did derpy become a word?

The origins of the word can be traced back to BASEketball, the 1998 film by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. KnowYourMeme, which catalogues this sort of thing, says this (semi-NSFW-ish) scene is the first recorded instance of derp.

Показывая ахэгао, подумайте о детях

К сожалению, невозможно говорить об ахэгао, не упомянув о знаменитой толстовке.

Согласно сайту Know Your Meme, в 2015 году на просторах интернета стал распространяться коллаж с персонажами хентая, сделанный художником Хирумэ. Годом позже кому-то пришло в голову напечатать его на шапках, чехлах для телефонов и футболках, а затем продукцию с этим коллажем стали выпускать популярные онлайн-магазины вроде Redbubble.

В прошлом году организаторы SunnyCon Anime Expo объявили, что одежда с изображениями ахэгао будет запрещена на фестивале.

«Большинство посетителей — в особенности те, кто пришли с детьми, — сообщают, что люди в одежде с изображениями ахэгао смущают их», — говорит пресс-секретарь SunnyCon. Они не имеют ничего против ахэгао, однако не стоит забывать, что SunnyCon, который проводится в Великобритании ежегодно, начиная с 2010 года, — фестиваль для людей всех возрастов.

Несмотря на отсутствие явных признаков порнографического контента, ахэгао всё-таки позаимствовано из фильмов для взрослых. Кроме того, некоторые из персонажей — несовершеннолетние. Обеспокоенные родители теоретически могут подать в суд на фестиваль за демонстрацию детям порнографических материалов. А это приведет к потере десятков тысяч посетителей. «Людям следует понимать, что фестиваль — это бизнес. Он должен соблюдать закон и зарабатывать деньги. Как бы трудно ни было это принять закоренелым фанатам, но ахэгао — это тренд, и со временем он уйдет в прошлое», — говорят организаторы.

«В Японии никому бы не пришло в голову надеть толстовку с изображением ахэгао, — соглашается Бодинетт. — Я только раз видел ее на японском фестивале, и то в нее был одет европеец. В Японии ахэгао ограничено миром манги и является частью культуры влечения к воображаемым персонажам. Но за пределами Японии всё совсем иначе. Здесь ахэгао часто фетишизируется или используется в качестве символа принадлежности к группе фанатов манги».

Herp de Derp

37 related questions found

Is Herping safe?

Herps are generally very tough and resilient, but to be safe, it’s probably best not to handle them longer than is necessary to observe and photograph them, and handling frogs and salamanders with thin sensitive skin should be avoided when possible.

What is a DERP dog?

All dogs Derp, but Corgis are super derpilicious Derp, as Quoted from Urban Dictionary: A facial expression reminiscent of one who is retarded. It often involves eyes turned in different directions and a stupid smile.

What means YEET?

Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.

Who started DERP?

It was two years ago this month that the word “derp” entered our political discourse in full force. It all started when Josh Barro—then at Business Insider, now at the New York Times—used the term to describe the conservative pundit Erick Erickson.

Is Yolo a bad word?

YOLO, or “You only live once,” is sort of a teen interjection for “Carpe Diem.” Only it’s short on the noble idea of living life to its fullest — and more focused on brash decisions and their consequences. … Often — and not to get all after-school-special on you — YOLO is used as an excuse for bad or risky behavior.

How do you use DERP in a sentence?

Derp in a Sentence ?

  1. The foolish women continue their derp, arguing over something stupid in the middle of the bar.
  2. Andrew thinks that Carl’s excuses are derp and that there is no reason he can’t attend the meeting.
  3. Continually involved in derp, the drama queen seems to enjoy being caught up in absurd situations.

What does Herpy derpy mean?

What does herp derp mean? Herp derp is an internet expression and character from rage comics. People use it, or its accompanying rage face, to point out a stupid or ignorant remark or behavior.

When did YEET become a word?

“Yeet,” the greatest word of our time, emerged in the middle of 2014 when this Vine (or this one, depending who you ask) went viral.

What does YW mean?

The abbreviation yw is an internet acronym for you’re welcome. Yw also sometimes stands for yeah, whatever and you whitey.

What does it mean when a dog puts his hand on you?

If your dog puts his paw on you, it can be his way of saying I love you. We pet our dogs to show our love and affection. … By putting his paw on you whilst you are petting him, he is expanding contact and reciprocating affection back to you.

Can a dog sense death?

Dogs being able to sense death is nothing new. In fact, dogs have been sensing death, alerting people to oncoming death, and even sniffing out those already dead for centuries. … However, due to their acute senses, dogs are able to pick up on the sounds and smells that are associated with oncoming death.

Why do dogs sleep with their bum facing you?

If a dog sleeps with its butt towards or touching you they are saying that they trust you with their safety whilst asleep as it is the end furthest away from the teeth (I.e. their defence should there be an attack).

Who is a good example of a hero?

Examples of heroes range from mythological figures, such as Gilgamesh, Achilles and Iphigenia, to historical and modern figures, such as Joan of Arc, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Sophie Scholl, Alvin York, Audie Murphy, and Chuck Yeager, and fictional «superheroes», including Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and Captain America.

What is a hero in real life?

A true hero is constantly thinking about how they can take action and help others. You may be inspired to be a hero for a certain cause or issue, or you may try to be a hero for someone in need. For example, if you are passionate about the environment, don’t just preach to people that they should recycle.

Can a woman be called a hero?

Hero is still sometimes used to refer specifically to a man: British heroes and heroines. But hero is now considered to be a gender-neutral word, and is also increasingly used to refer to a woman: a list of American heroes; Joan of Arc, a French hero.

When should I go Herping?

All amphibians need to stay moist. The best time to find them is during or immediately after a hard rain. Searching along roads at any time of the year during or after a heavy rain should locate a few species. In the spring many species of frog and salamander migrate to nearby ponds and vernal pools to breed.

What is a Herp snake?

«Herp» is a vernacular term for non-avian reptiles and amphibians. It is derived from the old term «herpetile», with roots back to Linnaeus’s classification of animals, in which he grouped reptiles and amphibians together in the same class. There are over 6700 species of amphibians and over 9000 species of reptiles.

How old is the word Janky?

Janky is a term that emerged in black slang in the 1990s. It is often used to describe something that is of poor quality or not well made. It can also be used to describe someone who is shady or untrustworthy.

We’re sorry for any offense our previous use of the name “Derpy” may have caused. The character’s name has been changed and the footage altered in order to avoid any further upset.

What is Derpy’s real name

Derpy Hooves is a fan-favorite background pony in the show. She is often called Ditzy Doo or just Derpy for short. Her cutie mark is a set of 7 bubbles in various sizes.

Derpy has a very unique condition where her two eyes don’t always line up. It’s almost as if she is constantly looking off to the side. This can make it difficult for her to focus on anything, but she is very good at getting serious when she needs to.

What is derp face mean?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

What does calling someone a DERP mean?

Derp. noun. a person or thing considered to be foolish or awkward. foolishness; stupidity.

What happened to the DERP face Roblox?

Derp Face is a limited unique face that was published in the avatar shop by Roblox on November 23, 2011. On an unknown date in April 2012, Roblox deleted all copies of this face and made it off sale.

How do you type a derp face?

Here are some of the steps you can follow to get lenny face or text face.

  1. Press (Shift+9) (
  2. Press Spacebar …
  3. Press (ALT+ 865) ͡
  4. Press (ALT+ 248) °
  5. Press Spacebar …
  6. Press (ALT+ 860) ͜
  7. Press (ALT+ 662) ʖ
  8. Press Spacebar …

Who created the word DERP?

The origins of the word can be traced back to BASEketball, the 1998 film by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. KnowYourMeme, which catalogues this sort of thing, says this (semi-NSFW-ish) scene is the first recorded instance of derp.

What is another word for DERP?

What is another word for derp?

claptrap foolishness
idiocy ludicrousness
nonsense poppycock
preposterousness ridiculousness
stupidity twaddle

What does DERP mean urban DIC?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Reply to Stupid Comment
Type: Slang Word (Jargon)
Guessability: 4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What is the oldest face on Roblox?

Red Tango
Trivia. The face Red Tango was the first face with color and was originally sold for 500 Robux, while today it is the most expensive face in the Catalog at a Recent Average Price of around 500,000 Robux.

What is the Roblox Bacon hair called?

The Pal Hair
The Pal Hair is a Roblox meme commonly referred to by the community as the Bacon Hair due to the hair looking close to strips of bacon.

When did The DERP face become a meme?

In the world of Rage Comics, this derp face can be considered a subset of what are called rage faces or meme faces. By 2012–13, the derp face was familiar enough in mainstream internet culture that it—along with behavior judged to be clumsy, foolish, annoying, or willfully ignorant—was being described as derpy or to derp.

What does The DERP stand for in rage comics?

“Herp” and “derp” are often used in rage comics as place holders for names or topics in conversation that are not crucial in whatever story or joke is being told. A rage character named Herp Derp is meant to represent stupidity or ignorance.

What is the meaning of the expression Derp face?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

Искатели знаков отличия. Cutie Mark Crusaders

Искатели отличительных знаков (Cutie Mark Crusaders).

Эппл Блум

Эппл Блум (Apple Bloom).Эппл Блум (Apple Bloom) — младшая сестра Эпплджек, ещё не получила свою метку. Имеет талант к дизайну.Эппл Блум (Apple Bloom).

Однажды она находит двух жеребят, также ещё не получивших своих меток, Скуталу и Крошку Белль. Они становятся друзьями и объединяются в команду Искатели знаков отличия.

Внешность: красная грива и жёлтый окрас, всегда носит бант на голове.


Скуталу (Scootaloo).Скуталу (Scootaloo) — пегас, она восхищается Радугой, у неё мальчишеский характер, хорошо катается на самокате и танцует. Скуталу (Scootaloo).

Любит экстремальные развлечения.

Оранжевый окрас и фиолетовая грива,серо-фиолетовые глаза.

Свити Белль

Sweetie Belle; Свити Белль.Крошка Белль (Sweetie Belle; Свити Белль) — младшая сестра Рарити, единорог. Sweetie Belle; Свити Белль.

Хорошо поёт, но не хочет выступать на сцене из-за своей застенчивости, плохо колдует.

Грива полосатая, из розовых и светло-фиолетовых полосок, тело — белое. Мечтает стать дизайнером, как Рарити.

Бэбс Сид

Бэбс Сид (Babs Seed).Бэбс Сид (Babs Seed) — кузина (двоюродная сестра) Эппл Блум, земная пони из Мэйнхеттена. Становится доброй и посвящается в Искатели знаков отличия, обещает образовать в своем городе филиал Искателей знаков отличия.

Окрас тёмно-охрый, бледно-зелёные глаза, тёмно-розовая грива с розовыми полосками и с белыми веснушками.

Exceptions To The Rules

While the proper use of derpy and derp follows some basic rules, there are certain exceptions where these rules might not apply. In this section, we will identify and explain some of these exceptions.

1. Contextual Exceptions

One of the main exceptions to the rules of using derpy and derp is the context in which they are used. Depending on the situation, the meaning of these words might change, and they might not follow the basic rules we discussed earlier. For example:

  • If someone uses the word “derpy” to describe a character in a video game, they might mean that the character is clumsy or uncoordinated. However, if someone uses the same word to describe a person with a mental disability, it might be considered offensive.
  • Similarly, if someone uses the word “derp” to describe a mistake they made while coding, it might be seen as a lighthearted way to acknowledge their error. However, if someone uses the same word to insult someone else’s intelligence, it could be considered rude.

Therefore, it is important to consider the context in which these words are used and to be mindful of their potential implications.

2. Regional Exceptions

Another exception to the rules of using derpy and derp is their regional usage. Depending on where you are from, these words might have different meanings or connotations. For example:

Region Derpy Derp
United States Clumsy or awkward Acknowledging a mistake
Australia Stupid or foolish Acknowledging a mistake
United Kingdom Stupid or foolish Acknowledging a mistake

As you can see, the meanings of these words can vary depending on the region. Therefore, it is important to be aware of these differences when communicating with people from different parts of the world.

3. Personal Exceptions

Finally, there are personal exceptions to the rules of using derpy and derp. Depending on your personal experiences and beliefs, these words might have different meanings or implications for you. For example:

  • If you have a friend or family member with a mental disability, using the word “derpy” to describe someone might be offensive to you, even if it is not meant to be derogatory.
  • Similarly, if you have been bullied or insulted in the past using the word “derp,” hearing someone else use it might trigger negative emotions or memories for you.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of your own personal biases and to respect the feelings of others when using these words.

Where did the phrase Herp Derp come from?

Derp grew out of South Park in the early 2000s, and herp derp made it derpier. Part of rage comics, or crudely drawn web comics depicting various emotions, the herp derp face and expression was born as a reaction to something considered stupid or contemptible. The herp in herp derp is rhyming reduplication.

Is Kim Myung Soo in military?

INFINITE band member L, a.k.a Kim Myung Soo, has updated his fans about his time in the Marine Corps. The revelation emerged when Kim Myung Soo’s agency disclosed to a Korean news channel that the star, who enlisted in the military at the age of 30, had some difficulties with his colleagues due to the age gap.

Does Kim Myung Soo speak English?

He can speak English and Japanese really well. The members of Infinite chose Myungsoo as the best member when it comes to mathematics.

What’s a DERP dog?

All dogs Derp, but Corgis are super derpilicious Derp, as Quoted from Urban Dictionary: A facial expression reminiscent of one who is retarded. It often involves eyes turned in different directions and a stupid smile.

What’s a derp face?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

Who invented derp face?

Its origin is credited to the raunchy 1998 comedy BASEketball, starring South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. In one scene, the duo gets caught raiding a woman’s underwear—and sex toy—drawer, leading one to exclaim “Derp!”

What does derp face?

What is the meaning of the Korean name Myung?

Myung, also spelled Myeong, Myong, or Myoung, is a Korean family name, a single-syllable Korean given name, and an element in some two-syllable Korean given names. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it.

What does the name Byung wook mean in Korean?

Byung-woo – the meaning of this name is dynasty, and universe. Byung-wook – the meaning of this cute Korean name is soldier, together, authority, dawn and a rising sun. Byenong-cheol — this name means wise and sagacious. Beom-seok — the meaning of this cute Korean name is like a rock, or a model.

What is the meaning of the Korean name Seung?

Seung-hwan – ‘Seung’ means to win or to beat or inherit, and ‘hwan’ means shining, brilliant, or lustrous. Seung-jae – ‘Seung’ means to win or to beat or inherit, and ‘jae’ talent or ability or wealth. Seung-jun – the meaning of this cute Korean name is ‘excellence, genius.’

What does the name do yun in Korea mean?

Do-yun – the meaning of this cute Korean name is path and allow. Duck-Hwan – the meaning of this name is ‘return of the virtue.’ Duck-Young – the meaning of this name is unchanging and everlasting. Do-won – this name means ‘circle or round city.’ Dae – this name means the great one or shining.

What does herp de derp mean?

What does herp derp mean? Herp derp is an internet expression and character from rage comics. People use it, or its accompanying rage face, to point out a stupid or ignorant remark or behavior.

Where did the DERP song come from?

The first known televised instance of the word “derp” comes from the 1998 film Baseketball by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. During a scene where they are caught smelling underwear taken from a woman’s private drawer, Matt runs out of the room and says “Derp.”

What is derpy face mean?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

Did South Park invent the word DERP?

The origins of the word can be traced back to BASEketball, the 1998 film by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. KnowYourMeme, which catalogues this sort of thing, says this (semi-NSFW-ish) scene is the first recorded instance of derp.

What is a DERP cat?

Finally a word for your pet’s goofiest moments… when they give that ridiculous questioning head tilt, when your cat tries to gracefully jump but ends up falling flat on its face, when your pupper put his foot right in the water bowl.

What does the DERP face mean?

A derp face is a blank, cross-eyed, slack-jawed facial expression used to characterize real people or fictional characters as stupid.

The word “dumb” is most likely derived from the British informal exclamation “dur”, which is used to express frustration or to indicate stupidity. The word may also come from the American exclamation “duh”, which is often used to indicate someone is faltering in speech or that they are assumed to be stupid. The word gained popularity in the late 1990s after the release of the film BASEketball and the South Park episode “Succubus”.

How old is the word Derp

The word “derp” is most likely derived from the 1998 film BASEketball, in which the character Joe Cooper (played by Trey Parker) makes a silly face and says “derp” in a mocking tone. Since then, the word has been used to describe someone who says or does something stupid.

Derpy, also known as Muffins and Ditzy Doo, is a female Pegasus pony who was given the name Derpy Hooves by the show’s internet following due to her cross-eyed “derpy” expression in the first episode. Derpy is clumsy and tends to make mistakes, but she is also very kind and always looks out for her friends.

Суть и история

Nobody is right

Произошёл из комикса Nobody is right, изображающего сферический вброс: к группе спокойных анонимов подкатывается дерзкий тролль, произносит единственную фразу «Nobody is right, everyone is wrong», после чего наблюдает за лютым, бешеным срачем со стороны. Фейс с оригинального комикса, кстати, до сих пор изредка используется на иноязычных бордах и носит наименование «trollbait». И он не жёлтый, а белый. И не кружок, а целая картинка. И выражает совсем другое.

В /vg/ Двача хитрая физиономия тролля со второго кадра комикса зажила собственной жизнью после противоестественного скрещивания с awesome где-то в августе 2008 года. Желтый кружок с цинично и самодовольно прищуренными глазами и растянутым в злорадной улыбке ртом был проассоциирован с персональным компьютером как игровой платформой и использовался в холиварах «ПК против консолей». Фактически, создания одного треда с желтой рожей и единственным словом: «ПеКа» было достаточно, чтобы развернуть лютый срач на сотни постов.

Поскольку примерно совпавший с появлением «ПеКа-фейса» форсед мем Y.O.B.A. использовал разные вариации awesome, название «йоба» и смысл «игра для быдла» постепенно перешло и на «ПеКа-фейс».

Свой окончательный, на данный момент, вид желтая рожа приняла во время форсинга «нового мема школоты» на территории постдвачного /vg/ пространства.

В итоге, все вышеперечисленные значения настолько сильно переплелись, что теперь стало возможно передать целый спектр эмоций и гору текста всего одной картинкой, а постояльцы не устают радовать друг друга свежим ориджинал-контентом. При этом также существует путаница в названиях, ПеКа-фейс могут называть Йоба-фейс, Баттхерт-фейс и даже Соснул-фейс. Но очевидно одно, это единственный не форсед мем и настоящее лицо доски /vg/.

ПеКа-фейс на русских бордах примерно повторил судьбу awesome, который, как известно, оформился в форчановском /v/, а затем распространился по всем бордам, породив тонны ориджинал контента. В настоящий момент, по данным большинства экспертов, вариации на тему ПеКафейса являются самыми часто появляющимися картинками на русских бордах. Позже пекафейс был занесён русским аноном на /int/, где также стал достаточно популярен.

Браузерная игра
Вариации Nobody is right


Для просмотра содержимого используйте кнопки «вперде», «назад» и переключатели.

Nobody is right 2.0

Nobody is right 2.0



Left 4 Dead








Хромая лошадь









Эмигрант в Австралию

Эмигрант в Австралию

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: